Finished The Challenge: Season 6 - The Winner Crowned!

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SM is referring to the dark clue in the whittle. I have no idea how else to convey it, I got SM's eagle reference though.
Your light clue is my real, I think. But it's definitely real, not clue. Seal? Feel? Peel?
Mellow and cello are easy enough, at least. Let's go with mellow though.

Let's decide on one more and an order.

1 - The clue one in the whittle
2 - The real/seal one below the clue one.
3 - The mellow one.
4 - Let's pick the bread one. Tread, thread... You should get it. Think blood. It seems the easiest to convey.
Okay, I think I know what seas we're talking about, but there's one sea that we have to pick that only I know. So here they are in order:
  • my sea
  • the real sea (Yeah, I know which one this is.)
  • the tiniest sea (There's a mellow sea chain with two seas. I don't know which one you're referring to. In any case, this one we can all be sure we know which one it is... Right?)
  • the Dead Sea (Funny because it's actually a sea!)
My sea is under the frown leather sea chain. It's the third sea out of four from left to right.
Is the Dead Sea the one with the dirty tag or the one with the three holes in its base?

Neither. It's the dead one. No sea chain. One hole. It looks like it has MINIT printed on it, but I can't zoom in far enough to tell, so I could be mistaken.
I probably won't be around to update tonight, so I'll update tomorrow morning, and you'll have an extra 12 hours for the next minichallenge. Deadline will still be 7PM AEST (aka in 7 hours) for this mini-challenge, however.
Okay, I think I know what seas we're talking about, but there's one sea that we have to pick that only I know. So here they are in order:
  • my sea
  • the real sea (Yeah, I know which one this is.)
  • the tiniest sea (There's a mellow sea chain with two seas. I don't know which one you're referring to. In any case, this one we can all be sure we know which one it is... Right?)
  • the Dead Sea (Funny because it's actually a sea!)
My sea is under the frown leather sea chain. It's the third sea out of four from left to right.
Wait, my sea? ...I must be reading this wrong, because the way you're describing it would seem like this is the same as the tiniest sea.
The real sea, yay goodie.
The tiniest sea? I see it, near the clue chain. But what does that have to do with the mellow chain? I thought the mellow chain was what we needed to pick? Or one of the seas attached to it, anyway.
Dead Sea... I have to assume that's the blood one. I think I see the word you mentioned before.
Wait, my sea? ...I must be reading this wrong, because the way you're describing it would seem like this is the same as the tiniest sea.

The tiniest sea is all alone. My sea is one of four. The first one on the left is sticking off to the side; the rest are oriented the same way. My sea is the third from the left.

The tiniest sea? I see it, near the clue chain. But what does that have to do with the mellow chain? I thought the mellow chain was what we needed to pick? Or one of the seas attached to it, anyway.

The tiniest sea doesn't really have anything to do with the mellow sea. I was just saying that I didn't know which sea you were talking about because that one had two, so I was going to do another one that we all seemed to know exactly which one we were talking about.
The tiniest sea is all alone. My sea is one of four. The first one on the left is sticking off to the side; the rest are oriented the same way. My sea is the third from the left.
Oh! With the bean and crack (seriously can't think of better) chain? The biggest one attached? I see it.

The tiniest sea doesn't really have anything to do with the mellow sea. I was just saying that I didn't know which sea you were talking about because that one had two, so I was going to do another one that we all seemed to know exactly which one we were talking about.
I understand now. If we did the mellow, it'd just be the top one, but the small one is fine too.
Oh! With the bean and crack (seriously can't think of better) chain? The biggest one attached? I see it.

Not sure what you mean by that. The sea chain covers up the crack in the wood. It's in the Northeast corner. That one. With 4 seas. And it's the third from the left.

Hopefully everyone should all be on the same page now, and scattered mind should see all of this when he gets up before the deadline. So we're good?
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