Finished The Challenge: Season 7 - And the Winner is...

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One of my biggest disappointments is that I won't get to show you the awesome card that's on its way here to me until after I get back, since I don't think it will arrive here before I leave. :p

Is it a Pokemon Card or ... CIPHER!?! :eek: Which one is it? Which one is it? Which one is it? Which one is it? (*says with impatient childish voice) :D Camilla? Jacob? Or....?:rolleyes:
Niles/Zero, Jakob/Joker, Xander/Marx, and Lazward are my Fates Husbando harem. Too many hot guys in this game and they're all in Nohr :U. This is definitely my favourite card of Niles, though. I'm trying so hard to get used to the localized names...
PS: For the record, I've received all elimination and prize votes already, so I'll probably start the challenge early, too, though the ending date won't be moved up at all so you guys will just have more time to complete it.

After a nice, filling meal the Amphisbaenae went off to a private room to deliberate while the Queen and the other challengers amused themselves in the parlor. It wasn't long before the losing team came back with their decision.

Uncia stepped forward towards Athena, his head slumped and his face hidden in the deep hood of his heavy robe. "It appears my teammates would rather work together than use my experience, so the time has come for me to depart. I thank you for the opportunity to compete." He bowed his head once, deeply, and then turned and strolled out the door before Athena could summon an escort.

"Well, that was quick. I suppose it's for the best, so I can share the next challenge with you all before I leave to make my preparations. Please, gather around."

The other challenges all put down their cards and games and stood at attention before the Queen with the remaining Amphisbaenae.

"Unfortunately, I am being called away to settle a diplomatic matter in the west." Athena smiled wryly. "Such is the joy of the life of a ruler; my schedule is not mine own. Due to this last minute journey, I will be away for a number of weeks, so therefore I am leaving you with a long-term challenge project to work on while I am gone.

"The next challenge will be... for each of your teams to design a challenge of your own. You will create everything from the details, to the rules, to the prizes or penalties for victors or failures. Within reason, of course," the Queen grinned. "I'm not going to give away the whole treasury just for winning a single challenge.

"Your proposals will be sent to me by dragon mail when they are completed so I may judge them at my leisure during the return trip... but beware that I am not the only judge for this contest. I have a number of advisers that will also be judging your proposals, and final scores will be decided by all of us. When I return home, the winning and losing teams will be announced with prizes and elimination dealt with accordingly. I bid you all the best of luck!"


@King Xerneas has been eliminated from the Aureolin Amphisbaenae!​

Thank you very much for participating! I hope you enjoyed your time in the game. Please contact me privately if you would like a link to the Dead/Spectator QT to discuss the game behind the scenes.

Challenge 4

In this challenge, all teams will be creating a challenge of their own! Read below for all the details. :3


  1. Read this post in its entirety to make sure you understand everything, and feel free to ask questions if there's something you don't understand. This is mostly aimed at the newbies, but old folks should make sure to brush up on their reading comprehension too. Failure to abide by the instructions and rules of the challenge may end up penalizing you.
  2. Work together with your team to create a challenge according to the guideline below. How you choose to collaborate is up to you.
  3. When you are ready to submit, one member of your team should send me a new PM with all necessary information. There is no required format, just make sure you include everything! Once the PM has been sent, all answers are considered final and may not be changed.
  4. The deadline for Create-A-Challenge Submission is Wednesday, January 27th at 8:00am Central European Time. That is the same as 7:00am GMT, 2:00am Eastern US time, 1:00am Central US time (the time zone I'll be in!), 11:00pm Pacific US time, or approximately 6 hours before the time of this post in your own time zone. If your team has not submitted your submission by the deadline, you will automatically lose and suffer elimination penalties.
  5. Once all answers have been submitted, I will send the information off to the Mystery Judges and also begin judging myself. To make sure that I have enough time to judge despite my vacation, and to make sure my Mystery Judges also have time to judge, I'm giving us all a full 3 days to judge entries, so don't expect a results post until sometime on Sunday (though it may be sooner if we work fast).
  6. Each judge will look over the challenges and rank them in order from Best to Worst, with points awarded based on placement. The team with the most total points across all judging wins a prize, and the team with the least total points will be forced to eliminate a member.
  7. The winning prize for this challenge is twofold: 1) the winning team will get to see their challenge actually used later on in the game, and B) any members of the winning team that are still in the game by the time the challenge comes will be able to skip that challenge if they wish with no penalties.
  8. In the event that there is a tie between one or more teams for either the winning spot or the losing spot, there will be a tie-breaker round before results are posted.
  9. Challenge 5 will not be posted until after I am back home. I will arrive back in Amsterdam early morning on February 4th, so depending on how badly jet lagged I am, I may post the challenge that day or on the 5th.

Challenge Creation Guidelines:

Although there is no set format for what kind of challenge you should create or how it is sent to me, there are a few things you will want to keep in mind when creating your challenge.

First of all, the challenge you create should be for single players only
. You will not be creating a team challenge, but instead your challenge must be made in mind with everyone acting their own.

In addition, Each submitted challenge MUST include the following things in order to be a valid submission:

  • Challenge Details: This is the main bulk of what the challenge actually is, and where most of your attention and work should be focused. Tell me what the competitors will do, using examples if necessary. This section should be written exactly as it would be presented to the players. Include all information necessary, list any and all specific rulers that challengers must follow when competing, etc and so forth.
  • Timing: How long should the challenge last for from start to finish? If there are any separate time frames necessary for certain aspects of the challenge, make them known.
  • Winners/Losers: Does your challenge have a winner, a loser, or both?
    • If there's a winner: How is the winner decided and what sort of prize are they awarded? Keep in mind that rewards must be feasible.
    • If there's a loser: How is the loser decided and what is their punishment? Are they simply eliminated or is there anything else?
  • Flavour: How is this challenge presented in the actual world of Challesia? You can either write-out a formal opening, or just give me the gist of how you imagine it would be interpreted in the flavour.

There are also a few optional things that you may wish to include, if applicable:

  • Hidden GM Information: Since your Details section must be written as if it would be directly shown to the players, if there is any hidden or secret information that only the host would know, you should tell me.
  • SoSMA Use: If you wish, you can create a use for Scrolls of Summon Magical Assistant that players can use to gain a hint or advantage in this challenge.
  • Tie-Breaker: If your challenge has the possibility of ending in a tie, you should provide me with a method to break the tie, or tell me if winning/losing prizes/consequences simply apply to all parties.

Words of Advice from the Host:

Obviously I'm not the only judge in the contest, so you'll have to work on pleasing those Mystery Judges as well, but these are some of the things I will be considering in my own judging:

  • Feasibility for the Players: A good challenge should be something that everyone has a shot at least participating in. This doesn't mean that you need to pick something that everyone would be good at, but at least one they can give a good honest try to compete.
  • Feasibility for the Host: The more difficult, time-consuming, or otherwise not fun a game is to host, the less I'm likely to like it.
  • Originality/Creativity: While I would suggest looking at previous runs of The Challenge for inspiration, if you simply carbon copy a previous challenge with different flavour and a few minor changes, that's not going to be as favourable as a challenge that is more unique. Don't copy, but get ideas and think of something new.
  • Fun!: Obviously, this is kind of subjective, but challenges that the players (and the host too!) can actually enjoy and have fun with would be preferred over challenges that end up being a slog.
  • Good Writing: Editing, spell-checking, and attention spent on formatting will do wonders to make your submission look good and stand out above the rest.

And that's everything! Good luck, have fun, and please ask if you have any questions. :)
Oh, the "I don't want to think of a challenge" challenge. A classic. :p

I wasn't even really planning on doing this one, but it was the only think I could think of on short notice that I could have open for a long time while I'm gone with minimal input from me. :U
Hi guys I'm a scrub. I mean a judge. Here's what I'm looking for that may be of use to you.

Bonus points to anyone who shamelessly steals a challenge from my season. Extra bonus points if I'm part of your challenge and am referred to as the Grand Master of Disaster.

Your challenge should involve liberal use of Taco Bell, kazoos and horseback riding, preferably all three at the same time.

Please avoid any and all use of MLG memes, including, but not limited to, 420blazeit, airhorns and noscope

Any challenging involving the use of Pokemon will automatically receive a score of 0.

Also @Celever, a little bird told me that @professorlight was judging too. Dis gon be good.

Also if any of you can incorporate .gifs of laughing women eating salad I will be forever grateful.

Guess who?
I'll say first of all, that I agree with everything P said, particularly the Grand Master Of Disaster (that should be your official title) and the pokemon parts.

Now... What should I ask of you?

Well, first and foremost, I want to see something that will strike fear and suffering into your hearts forevermore, that will set you on your knees, begging athena to end your plight, once and for all, and make you want to seclude yourself into a closed room, forever surrounded only by a million cats, a mountain of newspapers and the haunting memories of The Challenge, in a never ending spiral of eternal torment, always sinking deeper and deeper into despair, only to be rescued when the Great Reaper decides it is time for the Harvest.

I want something that donald trump would look at and say "no, man, I wouldn't make mexicans play this thing; too far, man, too far."

I want something that could be used as evidence in The Hague for Crimes Against Humanity, and get a conviction.

I want something that, the moment you finish it, makes a bloody hand come out from beneath you, ripping out your black, shrivelled heart, for you won't need it where you're going.

Also, unicorns! unicorns are a must.

Okay, seriously now, I do want something that tests the boundaries; you're all YPPY this, sunshine and rainbows that; You've grown complacent, you've grown fat and safe and peaceful, and that cannot be.
I want to see blood, I want to see a group of people pitted against a superior intelligence completely dedicated to shattering all your hopes and dreams in the most hilarious ways possible, I want to see bitter betrayal, blooming friendship, drama, insane twists, all the good things.

And also unicorns.
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