Finished The Challenge: Season 7 - And the Winner is...

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Whelp, looks like you guys just didn't pick up the hidden message in Prof. P's suggestion - most posts = +pnts but most spam = -pnts. :U
I've decided on more grading criteria that may be beneficial to you all.

In order to receive a passing grade from me, your challenge must involve sombreros.
Hey guys, just a reminder that all submissions are due next Wednesday! I hope you all are making nice progress. :3
Mathas: "My...this is...more difficult than I expected." ^^'
"Her Highness is quite skilled when it comes to testing our limits."
testing our limits."
If there's anything Final Fantasy taught me, it's that limits are meant to be broken.

Also the one submission I've seen from someone was actually really good. It was an art challenge about drawing me at a Kangaroo farm on a horse eating taco bell with a sombrero on my head. I had to judge how well it resembled me.
Pish posh, that's too easy to beat; they just draw lucina with a sombrero at a kangaroo farm on a horse eating taco bell, and you won't care about "resemblance".

And I haven't seen any Crimes Against Humanity from any of you yet.

Well, I have, but not actually in the sense I asked.
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