Finished The Challenge: Season 7 - And the Winner is...

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Calling your bluff. No one send in their submissions yet. :U

Dang, you guys are good.

If I had pulled this stunt in my season, they all would've fallen for it.

Daily reminder that I'm a tease and nothing more. You may resume with your deadline of Wednesday.

I might not even be a judge for all you know. O:
Wow, you gave that up quickly.
I would've been asleep when my deadline happened and I didn't want to deal with anyone actually getting angry about submitting two days early.

Maybe I'm growing soft...

Also I'm not actually a judge and Athena just gave me permission to screw around with you guys during this challenge.

You may now take out your sombreros and Taco Bells.

When she did that survey forever ago, one of the questions was if we wanted to help out at all.

So I said I wanted to help out.

And after talking about it, we realized that the best way for me to help out was to come in and screw around with you at random points in the game.
I'm only a judge because I missed out on last week's child support payment and I don't want to lose my visitation rights.
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