Finished The Challenge: Season 7 - And the Winner is...

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Poorly formatted deadline reminder due to phone posting woooo~ We're now about 30 hours away from the deadline. Like before, no late entries will be accepted. This seems to be a problem for some teams *cough* so you may not wish to wait until the last minute to submit.

I also have a few small clarifications I wish to make with this our final reminder. The first is that the time given in PST is for the previous day since PST is significantly earlier than CET, so the deadline in Pacific time is 11pm on Tuesday, which fits the se as the 30 hour warning given in this post. The second thing should be obvious, but I'll say it out loud anyway, namely that I do reserve the right to make small changes to the winning challenge before I actually run it myself, but the winning team is welcome to look over these changes if they would like, especially since they won't be competing themselves.

I wish you all the best of luck!

  1. The deadline for Create-A-Challenge Submission is Wednesday, January 27th at 8:00am Central European Time. That is the same as 7:00am GMT, 2:00am Eastern US time, 1:00am Central US time (the time zone I'll be in!), 11:00pm Pacific US time the previous day, or approximately 6 hours before the time of this post in your own time zone. If your team has not submitted your submission by the deadline, you will automatically lose and suffer elimination.
If you bribe me with Taco Bell and sombreros I'll do your homework for you
Don't do it!

I did this and I'm super broke as a result.

When you go to a bank to make a deposit, they don't take Taco Bell. I found that out the hard way.

They also asked me to remove my sombrero because they thought I was going to rob the place.
So I went and bribed Athena with a taco costume to let me judge again. I must say she looked quite good in it.

And she actually let me judge!

So please liberally reapply Taco Bell, penguins and the world's supply of Canadian stereotypes to your challenge. I will be doing the grading from my lovely igloo while snuggling next to my pet Polar Bear so I expect greatness.
Don't you know? P is always/never/sometimes/perhaps/occasionally serious. Pick one depending on how serious he's being at the moment.

Anyway, I still haven't seen anything particularly suffering-y from you lot. If I don't see anything...

someone who knows what's what said:
And Light, I will make damned sure to never cross you. Ever.

That's an actual quote, by the way.

So... chop chop!
Hello everyone, it's your favourite host again. I hope you all are having fun running around in circles. Final submissions are due in about 4 hours, for all teams who have not yet submitted. Since the deadline will fall while I am blissfully asleep, I will not be around to call the deadline as soon as it happens, but regardless no late submissions will be accepted; you all have had plenty of time and warnings.

Some time tomorrow I will forward your submissions on to the judges and I am to have results posted by... whatever date I said I'd post them by. However, do bear in mind that I am on vacation so please forgive me if I'm delayed. Regardless of when results are posted, the next challenge will not go live until a week from Friday or so, so you'll all have a bit of a break.

You can, however, attempt to bribe the judges as much as you like up until the time of results posting!
Deadline was over about 6.5 hours ago! Thank you very much to the 3 teams who submitted; you will have your results in a few days. One team, once again, did not submit. As this is now 2 creative challenges in a row where a particular team did not get their work in on time, they will have an extra special elimination to look forward to.
I just woke up!! Don't count it late!! DX

EDIT: I've failed my teammates...

EDIT2: To defend my team, @Luispipe8 did tell us sometime yesterday that he'd be gone today. I just didn't see the message until now, because I just woke up. I messed up and thought he'd be sending it.
@Cypher333 hasn't been online since Sunday, so he can't have known anything was wrong. It's not his fault, either.

Athena said:
As this is now 2 creative challenges in a row where a particular team did not get their work in on time, they will have an extra special elimination to look forward to.
Yippee. The whole team dies. T_T
Mathas would accept his elimination graciously.
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GG, I guess, we're done. Worst part is that we actually made the Challenge and was just missing flavor. :v
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