Finished The Challenge: Season 7 - And the Winner is...

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Why is everyone taking consoles...?
You can't go on PokéBeach on those ;)
... nah ill be an NPC. "i fear our city is in danger, but i'll just stay here with all my guards who can easily kill the beast... send out 4 children with no military training! call them heroes! let them die over and over again! now sell them bad stuff untill the end where they finally get good stuff!"

The following day, the challengers were ushered into a large room in the basement of the castle. Far from being a dank, dreary dungeon room, the area was well-lit with many torches and tapers and colourful tapestries hung on the walls. However, there were no windows and only a single door flanked by palance guards. In each corner of the room was a large table with quills and scrolls for writing.

"Welcome, everyone," the Queen greeted them warmly, "please take a seat with the rest of your teammates. You are probably wondering why I called you all down here this morning. This is where you will be completing your second challenge."

Everyone took their seats and looked up at her expectantly.

"The second challenge will be testing your knowledge of Challesia. After all, this entire tournament is a celebration for our country, is it not? I know that some of you are natives, some of you have moved here, and some have only recently arrived in our fair lands, but I hope that, working together with your teammates, you will be able to come up with adequate answers to the questions asked of you.

"The reason you are all in this room is to prevent you from cheating by researching or asking for information from any outside sources. You will not be allowed to leave this room until your scrolls are completed. Food and drink will be provided to you as necessary."

Queen Athena smiled at the group in the southeastern corner. "As the Amber Phoenixes won the previous challenge, their reward is to have me answer a single question of their choice for them. Afterwards, I will depart and leave you to your business.

"I caution you, though, to be careful with your answers, for the team that performs the worst will be forced to eliminate someone from their team at the end of the competition.

"Best of luck to you all."

Challenge 2
Challesian "Trivia" Questions

As you may have noticed, the world of Challesia is currently very sparse. Very little is shared or known yet, so the time has come to spruce up the realm and give it some background and flavour.

For this challenge, your team will be answering a series of trivia questions about Challesia. The catch is that none of these answers are actually known; instead, you all will be making up a suitable answer for each question!

Please read the following instructions and then work with your team to complete the challenge. For each question, answers from each team will be read and analyzed based on criteria that are outlined below, and the best answer for each question will award a point to the team who submitted it. The team with the least number of points at the end will be forced to eliminate a member of their party.

  1. Read this post in its entirety to make sure you understand everything, and feel free to ask questions if there's something you don't understand. This is mostly aimed at the newbies, but old folks should make sure to brush up on their reading comprehension too. Failure to abide by the instructions and rules of the challenge may end up penalizing you.
  2. Work together with your team to answer all questions provided in the list below. Creating a shared Google Doc may be the best way to collaborate, but feel free to use a different method if it suits you.
  3. Make sure to familiarize yourself with the judging guidelines and the established canon for answers, and reference as necessary, to ensure that none of your answers are disqualified.
  4. You may wish to wait until the Amber Phoenixes have claimed their reward before waiting to write your answers to avoid putting extra effort into a question that you can't win, and also so you don't accidentally go against that canon.
  5. When you are ready to submit, one member of your team should send me a new PM with all questions and answers. The PM should be formatted such that each question is written in bold with the corresponding answer written in plaintext below, and they should all be submitted in the same order as they are shown in this post. Once the PM has been sent, all answers are considered final and may not be changed.
  6. The deadline for Trivia Submission is Tuesday, January 5th Thursday, January 7th at 1:30pm Central European Time. That is the same as 12:30pm GMT, 7:30am Eastern US time, 4:30am Pacific US time, or approximately the same time as this post in your own time zone. If your team has not submitted your questions by the deadline, you will automatically lose and suffer elimination penalties.
  7. Once all answers have been submitted, I will begin the judging process and I will post results once they are complete, though since there will be a lot of reading and comparing, this may take a couple days.
  8. In the event that there is a tie between one or more teams with the least number of points, there will be a tie-breaker round before results are posted.
  9. As this is an elimination challenge, there will be a longer break between C2 results and C3. Full details about elimination will be provided in the C2 results post.

Judging Guidelines:

All submitted answers will be judged according to the following measures, listed roughly in order of importance:
  1. Established Canon. Any answers that specifically go against the known information about Challesia will be automatically disqualified. See the "Challesian Canon" section before for full information about what is currently considered to be known about the realm.
  2. Word Limit. Each answer has a designated word count limit and this is a hard cap. If your answer is even a single word over the limit, it will be automatically disqualified. I will be using for all answer word counts, so you may wish to check your answers there.
  3. Follow Individual Question Guidelines. Some questions may have their own specific rules or guidelines that only apply to that particular question.
  4. Plausibility. Basically, how well your answer actually fits into the spirit of Challesia as it is presented. Please keep in mind that Challesia has been established as a generic western fantasy world with magic, etc, so answers that veer from this mark are less likely to win, even if they are technically possible within the canon.
  5. Originality & Creativity. If I ask you to write a holiday, don't recreate Christmas. If I ask you to make up a sport, don't just describe Quidditch with a different name. Be original and creative with your answers, and have fun!
  6. No Self-Reference. As fitting as it may seem to reference your answer to Question 3 in your answer to Question 7, suddenly your answer to Q7 doesn't make any sense if you don't win the Q3 answer. Basically, try and keep your answers as neutral as possible referencing only the established canon and nothing else that you have created for this challenge.
  7. Good Writing. It probably seems simple, but well-written answers are more likely to win than answers that have been written badly. Use good grammar and proper spelling. Follow proper writing styles.
  8. The Queen's Favour. Obviously, not every question that's creative, original, plausible, and well-written is going to win. Ideally, all answers from every team will fit these criteria. In the end, when the poor answers have been thrown out, the one that receives a point will simply be the best that I like best, and there's no real way around that.

Established Canon:

Although there isn't much known about Challesia, there are 2 places where known information about this world has already been shared. Looking at these may be a be place to start for inspiration. At the very least, you should cross check your answers against the canon before submission to make sure that your answer isn't disqualified.

Primary Canon: Flavour Spoilers for all updates. The most important information about Challesia is the stuff that I've written myself. This includes all of the information from the Introduction section in the OP, Queen Athena's Character Sheet from the Prologue Challenge as well as all of the flavour spoilers for the Prologue and Challenge 1 posts and results, the flavour information at the top of this post, and the implied information within the written text of the questions. The question that I answer for the Phoenixes will also be considered canon and will be posted and shared long before the deadline.
  • Example 1: Queen Athena's Character Sheet says that she is the eldest child of the preceding King, so you could creator or reference a younger sibling of hers, but an older sibling would be against the canon and disqualified.
  • Example 2: Question 11 specifically states that the title "Conqueror of the Tormal Mountains" was given to the Challesian monarchy by a Dwarven ruler, so you don't want to write a different backstory for that title in a different question.

Secondary Canon: Player Character Backstories. When making your PC's backstories, each of you have already contributed to the realm of Challesia, and this information is also considered "canon". In this Google Doc, you can see a list of all player's PC names and backstories for reference and possible use. In some cases, I may actually reference events mentioned in backstories, so pay attention!
  • Example 1: I mention the Violet District as a part of the Challesian capitol city in the OP, and in BB's character Oliver's backstory, he describes the area as a kind of slum. So, don't go referencing the Violet District as some kind of rich, fancy place; instead, create a new district to suit your needs. Perhaps a district of a different colour would be more suitable?
  • Example 2: Mordacazir's character Morda specifically worships the Dwarven god Vraccas. (Vraccas is actually a god from a novel series by author Markus Heitz, but I accepted it into Challesia's canon when I accepted his character sheet.) However, it is currently unknown if Dwarven gods are a part of Challesia's acknowledged religion, or if the Dwarven religion is completely separate (after all, we do know the ruling family of Challesia are human), so it is up to your team to decide if you would like to use or reference Vraccas in any religion-related questions.

Trivia Question List:

Questions are in bold. Word limit and any other notation is in (parentheses) in plaintext at the end.

1) As we all know, Challesia was founded 777 years ago. Who was the original monarch who founded Challesia and what events caused him/her to do so? (Word Limit: 350)

2) What is the name of the Challesian Capital City? (Word Limit: 2. It can either be a one-word name or two-word, but any more than that is just silly)

3) What creature and colours are present on the Challesian monarchy's coat of arms and what do they symbolize? (Word Limit: 350. For the sake of fairness, you cannot choose any creatures or colours that are in use by any of the game's teams)

4) How many gods are worshiped in the official Challesian religion? What are their names and functions/specialties/characteristics? (World Limit: 500. I would recommend not picking too high of a number so that you can stay within your word limit while still giving a decent amount of detail.)

5) Which 3 countries border the boundaries of the Challesian realm? Give the names of the countries and some short information about their inhabitants, ruling system, culture, etc. (Word Count: 450; 150 words for each country)

6) What is the geography of Challesia like? Describe the general size and shape of the country as well as important geological and/or politic features, including the location of the capital. (Word Count: 350)

7) Although Challesia was founded as a primarily human realm, they have long enjoyed friendship with other races, though those friendships have not always been easy. Which historical event in the Challesian year 215 almost caused a serious rift between Challesia and the Northern Elves? How was it resolved? (Word Limit: 450)

The Amber Phoenixes have chosen this question as their reward! Here's the official answer:

The Elven princess Siladhiel was traveling to the capital of Challesia under Challesian royal escort when her entire party disappeared under suspicious and violent circumstances. King Imrathion blamed Challesia for the disappearance, and his people mourned the loss of their beloved princess. Challesia sent an envoy to make peace with the Northern Elves, but the envoy was lynched as soon as he passed the Challesian border. Tensions were high and war was brewing, but the Challesian Crown Prince Lucius II feared some other dark work was at work. He traveled far and wide to consult various Oracles scattered throughout the land and finally found one that granted him a vision of the Princess's disappearance at the hands of a band of Dark Wizards from the far north. The prince gathered a small band of trusted fighters and set forth to rescue the princess. Many were injured and slain during the journey, but at last Lucius learned the truth, that the Dark Wizards had purposefully set out to turn the Northern Elves and Challesia against each other to weaken both realms for potential conquest. Together, Prince and Princess made their way back to civilization and shared the truth with their peoples. The Northern Elves and Challesia forgave each other their suspicions and formed a strong alliance to take down the Dark Wizards for good. Lucius and Siladhiel together led the final battle against Mordean, Lord of the Dark Elves, and finally vanquished him. At some point during the war, Siladhiel and Lucius fell in love, although such a relationship was banned by both cultures. Rather than separate forever, the two abdicated their claims to their respective thrones and ran away together to live in love and peace. Although neither was seen again, their courage and love have inspired many poems and ballads that are still sung by the bards today.

8) The Cat People are a well-traveled race, but few would venture into Challesia until the events of the year 634. Why did the Cat People previously shun Challesia and what happened in 634 to change their minds? (Word Limit: 350)

9) What is the name of the beloved Challesian winter holiday and how is it celebrated? (Word Count: 350. Keeping in mind the "No self-reference" rule, it's probably a good idea not to refer to any specific religion or god(s) in your description.)

10) The Crown Prince Jason was named after Queen Athena's great-great grandfather, King Jason III who in addition to his formal royal title was also sometimes referred to as "The Builder King". What did he build that gave him this title? (Word Count: 250)

11) Which Dwarven Ruler bestowed upon the Challesian Monarchy the title of "Conqueror of the Tormal Mountains" and what events inspired the title? (Word Count: 400)

12) Which Challesian outdoor sporting event was founded in 376 and how is it played? And why have the Halflings traditionally dominated the sport as the top competitors for the past couple hundred years? (Word Count: 450)

13) Which festival is held in the Challesian Capital each midsummer and what does it celebrate? (Word Count: 300. Keeping in mind the "No self-reference" rule, it's probably a good idea not to refer to any specific religion or god(s) in your description.)

14) Which traditional Challesian dish can only be found within the Capital and its immediately outlying districts? Why is this particular food not generally served elsewhere? (Word Count: 250)

15) What is the name of the premiere Magic Academy in the Capital? Who founded it, when, and why? (Word Limit: 250)

16) 15 years ago, a small rebellion broke out in Challesia led by a band of nobles who felt Athena was unfit to ascend to the Challesian throne. What was the foundation of their belief in this matter and how were they eventually subdued? (Word Count: 450)

17) Which popular fashion style was adopted from the far eastern countries and flourished in the Challesian capital? How was the style changed to adapt better to the Challesian people? (Word Count: 350)

18) Describe one positive stereotypical trait of a typical Challesian and one bad one. (Word Count: 150)

Amber Phoenixes' Advantage:

The Amber Phoenixes get an advantage in this challenge for winning the previous one. Phoenixes, as your reward, you may pick any one of the above questions and assign that question to me. I will be the one to create a suitable answer for the question, and you will receive the winning point for that question. Since that question will be an automatic point for the Phoenixes, no team will need to answer that particular question.

Amber Phoenixes, you have 24 hours from the time of this post to pick a question for me to answer. Either post your selection in this thread, PM it to me, or contact me over Skype. If you do not select a question in that time frame, no answer will be given and you will lose your bonus.

As soon as the question is picked and I have thought up a good answer, I will post the answer here publicly for all to see. It will also be considered established canon for the purposes of judging.

And that's everything! Good luck, have fun, and please ask if you have any questions. :)
Really looking forward to this challenge! I love the idea of getting to literally make the canon. Also, we are-*yawn*-the-*yaaaaawn*-*snore*.
First things first: this failed.

Second: Do we have to wait for the Amber Phoenixes to get their answer before we start making our own?
You don't have to wait, no. They just might have Thena answer a question which you've already answered, so it's be a bit of wasted time and effort. Plus, Thena's answer will be another source of canon material, so it might contradict something in one of your answers or simply give others more material to work with.

Certainly have a look at it though! ^~^
First things first: this failed.

Yes, we all know that mass tagging doesn't always work. There's no need to point this out. I will continue to tag, and profile post, and skype/PM the various teams, in hopes that at least one method will get through to alert people whenever a new challenge starts.

For the second part, Celever is correct. I also addressed that myself in #4 in the instructions. You can wait completely or start working at whatever level you feel comfortable with. You all have plenty of time to get all questions completed either way.

If I were playing instead of hosting, I would work on getting rough ideas together for each of the questions, but wait to actually start formally writing any questions out until the Phoenixes have announced which question they'd like as their free one. They'll either post it here, or I'll post it as soon as I've heard their decision.

A few of you have pointed out that in the OP Introduction I refer to the capital city of Challesia as "City Challesia". For the record, this is not the name of the city, just kind of a generic description that I used kinda/sorta like a name so it wouldn't stand out weirdly, though I can see how it might be confusing. As such, I've edited that paragraph a bit to make a bit more sense. Q2 isn't a trick question or anything, you really do get to come up with a city name.

If any of you have any further questions about the canon, please let me know.
The Amber Phoenixes have chosen their answer!

7) Although Challesia was founded as a primarily human realm, they have long enjoyed friendship with other races, though those friendships have not always been easy. Which historical event in the Challesian year 215 almost caused a serious rift between Challesia and the Northern Elves? How was it resolved?
(Word Limit: 450)

The Elven princess Siladhiel was traveling to the capital of Challesia under Challesian royal escort when her entire party disappeared under suspicious and violent circumstances. King Imrathion blamed Challesia for the disappearance, and his people mourned the loss of their beloved princess. Challesia sent an envoy to make peace with the Northern Elves, but the envoy was lynched as soon as he passed the Challesian border. Tensions were high and war was brewing, but the Challesian Crown Prince Lucius II feared some other dark work was at work. He traveled far and wide to consult various Oracles scattered throughout the land and finally found one that granted him a vision of the Princess's disappearance at the hands of a band of Dark Wizards from the far north. The prince gathered a small band of trusted fighters and set forth to rescue the princess. Many were injured and slain during the journey, but at last Lucius learned the truth, that the Dark Wizards had purposefully set out to turn the Northern Elves and Challesia against each other to weaken both realms for potential conquest. Together, Prince and Princess made their way back to civilization and shared the truth with their peoples. The Northern Elves and Challesia forgave each other their suspicions and formed a strong alliance to take down the Dark Wizards for good. Lucius and Siladhiel together led the final battle against Mordean, Lord of the Dark Elves, and finally vanquished him. At some point during the war, Siladhiel and Lucius fell in love, although such a relationship was banned by both cultures. Rather than separate forever, the two abdicated their claims to their respective thrones and ran away together to live in love and peace. Although neither was seen again, their courage and love have inspired many poems and ballads that are still sung by the bards today.
Also, for the record, my answer was super long and wordy and still only 309 words, little over 2/3rds the allotted word limit. So I will tolerate no complaining about the word limits. :p
At the Dinner Table
<Yeowie> So, I need to know everything that's happening tomorrow.
<Mum> Why?
<bbninjas> So there's this thing called The Challenge that he's part of-
<Mum> And why is he part of that?
<bbninjas> He signed up idk why. Anyways, he's part of The Challenge and he needs to make a banner for it.
<bbninjas> And he's so disorganised watching five hours daily of anime
<Yeowie> *two hours
<bbninjas> -and stuff so he's going to be rushing to finish his banner before the deadline. :>
<bbninjas> Of course, we're so organised that we're practically finished!
<Yeowie> I've worked on it every day though!
<bbninjas> 5 minutes a day no doubt
<Yeowie> More like 10 minutes... :<
<Mum> Well, we've got people coming around from 5:00 and you'll need to try on clothes...
<Mum> and <insert everything else I've got planned that I forgot about at this very moment >: D >

Yup, I feel sorry for you, Palatinate Synagogues.
This leaves me with alot of questions, but.....
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