In a world, where all of the members of a certain Pokemon forum turn into bronies.
Wrong story
In a world, where Justin Beiber is amazing, Twilight is better than Harry Potter, Pirates somehow beat Ninja's, Waldo's hideout is found, "The Ipod Game" doesn't exist, Rebecca Black has talent, and life is "Meh" instead of "Average"...
We all die.
Safariblade's April 1st Silly and Gullible Member Ownage!!!
Monday, April 2nd! Oh hell no, how could it be an april 1st ownage if it didnt happen on April 1st. Seriously, GOSH! April 1st, 2011, something...peculiar happened, here on
BronyBeach Pokebeach. The top banner that originally said,
BronyBeach, the homely forum for bronies of all shapes,colors, and sizes "PokeBeach, the Homely Forum
For Every Pokemon Fan", now said that, off off to the right, in the middle of the banner, it said what appeared to some as "Secret Soon", "Secret Soup", and a bunch of numbers underneath.
Now, Safariblade posted a thread about this, causing much commotion, as seen in this 20 page thread (If your viewing threads at 50 posts per thread). From the extent of my knowledge, SafariBlade, the mods, and PDC were in on this prank. The commotion was started by this post;
Juliacoolo said:
As a wiseman once said, life, like power, comes and goes.
While almost
30,000 fish swim in the ocean of know
ledge, such a mass can never be counted as a whole. Every fish is its own individua
l. A sun among moons. Every fish swims its own stream, feeds its
own flesh. For what
point is one to many? Sadly, n
ature gives us no such luxury. Only
42 will be true.
I look forward to learning of this secret soup ^_^
Which then caused everyone to
rush to Google Translate, thus causing Google's servers to overload AND WE ALL DIED speculate/freak out. And then this post hit it all home;
Safariblade said:
More members will post.
Others will try too.
Lastly, they will fail.
True? or will it be false?
Raikou will tell us.
Especially if we ask politely.
Soon? How soon?
If you look at the poem, it's actually an Acrostic that spells out, "MOLTRES", which then brought "Phase Moltres" into the scene causing more
bronies and murder speculation. AND THEN;
Safariblade said:
There are 7 choices. Only 4 were chosen.
7 sages
4 were chosen.
On page four
of the top posters, 7 will become mods.
And that, brought the whole, "PEOPLE ARE GETTING MODDED" mind frame into this thread.
The title of the thread changed to, "Secret Spoon", which caused speculation to point at Heavenly Spoon, who had nothing to do with this whatsoever.
After a bunch of not important/not relevant to the story/
brony hating stupid posts, until we get to this;
Safariblade said:
This post was a major revolution to this thread, as it was a hint(Wellno duh, it says hint)
^ That, is the ending to a Pokebeach URL, none the less with something wrong with it
Which corresponded with this post;
Safariblade said:
If you understand my post, you cannot reveal the clue otherwise, you will not be modded.[/quote
Soooo, the lying/funny part of this thread began, where I, and others, seeing that poems became popular, posted irrelevant poems relating to the thread, like so;
Darkvoid57 said:
You are all blind
Not seeing past
The open and obvious
Wait for Lucario
And see your demise
Darkvoid57 said:
The numbers
The signs
All point at you
But the question is
Who are you?
And me seeing that this is a perfect oppurtunity to play with people, I introduced Qmaster to this thread;
Darkvoid57 said:
It is not their work
The mastermind behind
Is not known
Not known yet
He is still hidden
Behind his mask of accusations
Q is not there
Impersonation is not the game
And then my plans were ruined;
PlayerKing95 said:
Promotion, there are way more deserving people, than me, who should get Promoted, honestly. And if this is an April Fools Joke, it would've been better if it was closer to April Fools Day, unless they did it now, because we wouldn't expect this. Mods = Evil geniuses.
Darkvoid57, are you typing that for fun?
But luckily no one noticed that because they were too busy looking at;
Safariblade said:
Which was another hint towards a Pokebeach URL. And then the next link brought us to a post that says;
Safariblade said:
pokemon99 Wrote:
safariblade Wrote:
pokemon99 Wrote:
If we PM you with the "Answer," and it is incorrect, do we lose all chance of being a mod? If so, please answer ASAP.
I'm not sure, SR won't tell me. I don't care if you try more than once.
I have to work on this for a little, but I may have it.
Emeralds Hold No Hope Wrote:
safariblade Wrote:
Emeralds Hold No Hope Wrote:
i found your hidden post you sneaky one you
those grouped with dna are becoming mods pride and jc or whoever that was is taking xous and pmj's place
all of those spammers represent future ones and they will be destroyed
do i win?
You fail. Nice try though.
how do you like my poems though?
I will defeat you.
PressStart Wrote:
I found out your link, soon i will figure out the puzzle!!
JC's riddle
Dark Sonic J Wrote:
Someone who is chosen as a mod won't become a mod until they are chosen by WPM or you.
slickmario Wrote:
More members will post.
Others will try too.
Lastly, they will fail.
True? or will it be false?
Raikou will tell us.
Especially if we ask politely.
Soon? How soon?
Does the secret have anything to do with the first letters of each word spelling Moltres?
Secret Spam Soon
eevee Wrote:
safariblade Wrote:
eevee Wrote:
The rules say we can't asked to be mods.
This is just a test. WPM has had applications before. Idk, im just a tool in all this really.
Poor you.
Darkvoid57 Wrote:
The answer is Apollo
Re: I drastically want this, hope I'm right!
Joeypals!! Wrote:
safariblade Wrote:
Joeypals!! Wrote:
OK, looking at JC's riddle, I'm getting a few things:
The 30,000 thing is making me think of the number of threads in total. The number of all of them according to the front post seems very close.
The bolded letters are close to apollo, so I thought Apollo the Incernym, another mod.
As for 42, I got two things. The first was that 42C may become a mod soon while another part of me said "wait, what if that is the amount of stickied threads?"
Now, the greek part. I got "he lives once, he has chosen". Based on what SR has told me over time and his life, my guess is that WPM is leaving for good and SR shall become the new admin.
I REALLY hope I'm right. I know I can do PokéBeach good.
I'm sorry, but we don't need your help as a mod. Plus you got the riddle wrong. REALLY CLOSE THOUGH!!!
Am I allowed to adjust?
(The best answer so far)
pokemon99 Wrote:
Those who ask to be a mod will never end up being one. The puzzle below was cleverly made to see who would break the golden rule and ask / believe that they could be a new mod if WPM left.
I will NOT fall for this, so this is the answer to the riddle: Mods are chosen based on things other than the ability to solve a puzzle. Anyone who thinks that solving this will make them a mod is sadly mistaken.
III Who of 30,00 are you? ~ What holds the future of your fate?
18149 DNA
2389 Noobnerd
26 Holy Star
15533 Palkia Dialga Clash
14 Porygon
7454 Zous
166 PMJ
5736 Pride
14280 JuliaCoolo
7485 N/A
2365 Richel_Richel
22130 Lucky7Chuckterr
12349 N/A
144 N/A
144 N/A
14 Porygon
14 Porygon
14 Porygon
14 Porygon
14 Porygon
2045 SonicMoj
Which brought the posters of that thread to the conclusion that anyone who PM'ed Safariblade, was technically "asking for modship", which is against the rules, and made everyone sad :headbang.
And then, when it was finally over;
Safariblade said:
When I started this thread, I had no idea what the banner at the top means.
Right now, I have no idea what the banner at the top means.
This all was because of you guys.
It just snowballed.
(04-01-2011 09:40 PM)PressStart Wrote:
Its just an insanely well thought out prank, as expected.
No planning involved.
None of the 'poems' meant anything.
I really like p99s answer though. HE said that this thread was meant to rat out who would actually ask to be modded (He can explain it better)
Anyways, no. I ill never be Admin. But I can do this.
The thread then became revived with a change of the title, and died with this;
Shining Raikou said:
Not this thread again...
So, that's the history of SafariBlade's ownage of the Gullible and Silly n00b members of the site (Including me)
And remember kids, only you, can stop Pokebeach from going up into flames