Challenge 5: Imploding Rocks
And the old teams were no more!
We'll be playing cards! and a game of Russian Roulette!
I have with me a bag of 30 rocks. 6 are Green, 6 are Blue, 1 is red, 16 are white and 1 is black.
If you:
- Draw a white rock, you keep playing this challenge
- Draw a green rock, you join the new Dabu team
- Draw a blue rock, you join the new Chapera team
- Draw a red rock, you will not be assigned to a team. But you will not be eliminated. You will rejoin the game come Challenge 6, replacing the person eliminated from the game and joining their team. You will also receive an advantage in the game.
- Draw a black rock, you are eliminated
All 30 rocks have been pre-placed in a 30 number queue (using RNG) meaning the rock you draw will be based on where you are in the queue. But to make it fair, there are ways to alter your destiny, otherwise one person is perpetually screwed with no way of fixing it.
Each of you has one of each of the following cards in your hand:
Shuffle the Shinx: List of rocks still in the queue will be re-randomized.
Clairvoyant Kirlia: See the next three rocks in the list, sent via PM. You may then re-arrange them as you like.
Skippy Skiploom: End your turn without drawing a rock.
Agro Aipom: Pick the player that will immediately follow you in turn order, causing them to jump to the front of the turn line.
You may play multiple cards at a time, and you will always play your cards before drawing a rock.
If you have any questions, let me know.
Turn order:
- @GrandPanacea
- @rainyman123
- @PikaMasterJesi
- @Athena
- @mirdo
- @NinjaPenguin
- @double o squirtle
- @TheAnticipationEevee
- @simsands
- @Epist
- @Celever
- @Blakers
- @Little Cherrim
- @GM DracLord
As with Challenge 2, you will have 12 hours to make your turn or I will draw your rock without playing any cards.