The Community Shop *Open for all requests*

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name:pkachu girl
speciality:user bars
work experience:none
two examples: i can draw piplup pikachu and lots more
contact: PM me
from:pkachu girl
wow so sorry guys.

My mum needs my whole family to work for two days straight for the whole day because of holidays.
I'm trying to get things done so please bare with me :S
I'll work. Pikachu girl no offense but I don't think you'll be hired because....

1. You have no experience
2. No examples
poke, can You render this image for me??
Name:EthanTheYoungster/Baokkie<(old acc)
Specialty:Banners,Userbars,Avatars,Sprites. (i can do animated stuff too)
Work Experience:About 1.5 years with photoshop,3-4 years with sprites.
2 Examples:Cud ya just check my old shop? (Baokkie and Hiyakkies)
Contact Info: PM
just wondering how my work is doing cause its been about 6 days since i posted it.
I could do your render but part of the image you gave is cut off... I could do it if you want but if you want the better render it would be better to use the original image... It's your call..

Not interested in Batui's.. Sorry

Can you repost your request please?
is it really cut off??? I see the whole pokemon there.

If not, then the original image is here
Sorry pokemon99 I'm still practicing doing renders so I can't do it.
And guys already explained I've had like 2 straight days of work from 7-5 and I get really tired and honestly I can't be bothered to do Photoshop so sorry. And also been meeting up with a lot of friends so my time is limited. Right now I'm about to leave for the movies. So just give me some time and I'll get em all done.

And to all who applied to the shop that I have not yet dealt with please PM me. This thread is getting a bit too cluttered. PMing is a cleaner way for me so thank you.

And yeah guys do have a lot and only human. Just give me some time and they'll be done XD
-Render/Stock (just tell me the name, I will find the picture that I can work with best)tyranitar, mamoswine, lucario
-Main Text (Optional) team terra
-Subtext (Optional)
-Form of Art (Signature, Team Banner, Avatar, Wallpaper, Userbar)signature
-Artist (Josh,Pokemeister,FatalAeroX)josh or fatalaero
-Render/Stock- Tyranitar+Umbreon
-Main Text-Eternal Darkness
-Subtext- You will lose
-Form of Art- Signature
Make it Dark and epic, lol
I am going an a tour for a week from tomorrow so I won't be able to finish requests... Sorry... I'll be back very soon.. Before you know it.. xD
Ok guys requests will be temporarily down to myself seeing how I have got a few requests to get done.

-Be sure to check back in a few days when I am up to date with all requests done so far
Chiraami's First Banner:


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