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The Cube (Golem / Blastoise / Milotic)


Aspiring Trainer

  • 2-1-2 Golem FF
    2-2 Milotic FF
    2 Druddigon FF
    1 Mewtwo EX
    2 Kanghaskhan XY
    1 Blastoise EX

  • 4 Ultra Ball
    4 Professor Juniper
    3 Protection Cube
    2 Float Stone
    2 Muscle Band
    2 Elesa
    2 N
    2 Pokemon Fan Club
    2 Lysandre
    2 Shauna
    2 Professor's Letter

  • 5 Fighting
    5 Water
    4 Rainbow
    4 DCE


Okay, so this is more of a rough concept than a finished deck right now, but I thought I'd post it and get some opinions. The strategy, as the deck's title implies, revolves around the use of the brand new tool card Protection Cube which prevents recoil damage for the pokemon its attached to. These will be attached to the new Golem from Flashfire to do 150 damage per turn without the usual 100 damage penalty, as well as Blastoise EX, which does 120 for 3 water (pretty expensive, I know) with the possibility of a 30 damage penalty. The kangaskhans are good starters, searching out necessary basic pokemon with Call for Family. The Elesas are there to quickly search the Protection Cubes as well as other useful tools, and the Miltoics are for sacrificing via Energy Grace for 3 basic energy out of the discard pile to power the main attackers. The Ultra Balls and Junipers search out the right cards while potentially putting energies in the discard pile for Energy Grace, and then Mewtwo EX and Druddigon are solid secondary attackers that work well in most decks. I know this is a pretty rough draft, but i think The Cube could definitely evolve into something great, especially with the apparently Fighting-centric Rising Fist set coming out in August. So, what do you guys think?
Your deck has way too much energy. 18 is just too much. At most i want to say 14, but thats only for specific decks.

Kangakhan is also pretty bad imo. Granted it has a lot of hp and can call for family. But It doesn't do anything but take up space. Sure you could say it helps you find pokemon you need. But if you didnt have it in the deck you would start with the pokemon you need anyway. Drop those for maybe 2 level balls.

You also seem to be missing rare candies for golem.

This deck also needs to choose between water or fighting. Both is just not going to work. The special energy cant be accelerated from the discard using milotic, and milotic cant put energy on Exs like blastoise or mewtwo. So it wont help them at all. So if your going with milotic. your main attackers should be non ex pokemon. Muscle Band wont be used on golem anyway, so take those out as well.

My suggestions would be.
-1 Blastoise Ex
-5 Water Energy
-4 Rainbow Energy
-2 Kangaskhan
-1 Ultra Ball
-2 Muscle Bands
-1 Elesa
-1 Pokemon Fan Club
-1 Professor's Letter
-1 Druddigon

20 Cards slots for.
+3 Fighting Energy
+2-0-2 Golem (Main attacker, probably needs to be maxed)
+4 Rare Candy (to evolve into golem)
+3 Skyla (Search out items like rare candy, or tool cards)
+2 Virbank (30 extra damage with laser)
+4 Hypnotoxic Laser (with virbank lets you hit for 180, OHKO exs)

There are still a few things this deck needs, like an Ace Spec, some switches, 1 more protection cube, a couple of level balls. Idk this deck list is rather wonky. I dont think you can afford space for techs like Druddigon, Mewtwo, or luxury cards like Lysandre.
thanks, the rare candies should be in there, i left them out by mistake. as for the typing, ill stick with golem as he is really the card that inspired the idea in the first place. thanks for the advice, ill work out the kinks!
I think I'd add a 4th cube as well as the other additions made by Ivy_Profen. You don't want to prize one, and have the other 2 scrapped/megaphoned and then be left without the ability to really attack.