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The Dispute Thread - Check Traders, Report Suspicious Activity, Rippers, & Reputation

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I send my card to bigpokex on 10/29, and he hasn't PM'd that he received, or that he send. I've sent him a Pm (on 11/13) and he still hasn't responded. He even was online today.
I will be leaving this Monday until Wednesday for a school field trip.

Just letting the Trade Council know.
just letting you guys know. my adoptive grandmother (neighbor who was pretty much my grandmother for 14+years) passed last week..because of that I havnt send out 2 trades that are roughly a week or so old (to send my end). I'm pming the traders now and am shipping today. just wanted to clear it up if one/both of them pm'ed one of you guys
I confirmed a trade with XanderPitz1010 some time in october. He said he sent the week of halloween. Its almost December and I still have not received.
Bigpokex ripped me. I've sent my cards, he reported that he received them (11/15), and I still haven't received them. This is unacceptable. We finalized the trade on 10/28. Its almost been a month and I still ahven't received them.
I Pm'd him:
and today 11/27

What should I do? Please help me.

I'd also like to have permission to leave him a Negative Rep.
I aswell am having problems with Bigpokex. I havent received his money yet although im not too worried.
I'm leaving a negative ref for laprasman for backing out of a trade when its been about a week and he hasn't told me why. Also a negative ref to fantasy_freak08 for sending damaged cards when he said they were mint.
I confirmed a trade with laprasman on November 4th. A week later, he asked to alter or back out of the deal, but we arranged to keep it as we originally agreed. Today, he messages me and tells me he's canceling the deal. I have PMed him back to get more information why, and forewarning him that it's against the rules, both mine and Pokebeach's, to back out after exchanging addresses.

Therefore, I am preparing to leave him a negative ref if he is insistent on canceling. I know the rules say to post here once the ref has actually been left, but since this is the first negative ref I will be leaving, I wanted to follow it through in advance. Just making the situation known.
Spardan19: No, you have been here long enough to know the rules and you are not allowed to just leave a negative ref without consulting with the Trade Council first. Therefore, you have received warnings for leaving a negative ref without permission.

Now, for Laprasman, did you send anything out to him? Did you lose anything?

For fantasty_freak08: We do need photos of the card and the "damage" that is on it? Did you contact him with what happened? Did you ask him if he would make it up?

PM me with your responses.

HaunterX6: Did you lose anything in the trade (were you the first to send out?)? PM me with your response.

I bought from ash_satoshi and either accidentally (i hope) or intentionally, he sent the wrong condition gengar lv x. he said he had one MINT/near mint. and one in good/80% near mint shape. originally I was intersted in the good/slightly damaged one..but eventually he dropped the price on the mint/nm one so I decided to go with that one. I recieved today..and I got the good/playable condition one. there's scratches..holo showing on the edge..dirt marks caked on in parts..bad edges/corners..no offense but I don't think thats considered near mint..hence he sent the damaged one by mistake. I'm pming him now just to let him know..but also thought I'd post here just to let you guys know. I have most if not all the pms (the deal went on for a week or so a week or so ago). I Believe I have them all (definitely the most recent when the NM was decided) and probably the earlier ones as well.

Edit: we were able to work it out..he's sending the mint one and I paid him $5 to keep the one he already sent. No trade council action needed.
Tylertyphlosion and I confirmed a trade on 11/3/10, and we were to send at the same time. I haven't received and I need those cards soon. If I do receive, I'll leave a neutral.
I bought from Spardan19. after haggling in thread we came to the amount of $67. I paid via paypal. he requested it be "gift payment" to him so he would not be charged a fee. I paid him 67 and accidently forgot to click the "gifted" option. he pm'ed telling me he was charged the paypal fee..and requested I gift pay 2 dollars to make up the difference. I went back into paypal and read about the "gift option". If I sent this way I would be charged a fee..and then pm'ed him back to tell him I would not be charged a fee simply because he isn't happy with the standard paypal fee sellers pay. No other seller Ever on here or ebay etc has Ever asked I use the gift send option..as they/sellers know paypal fees are an expected cost of selling. he now refuses to send what I paid for or says he will takeout a $3 card to "make up the difference" of the paypal fee. I find that completely unacceptable. I paid the $67 for All of the cards listed. It is not my fault if paypal charges a fee..which he Should be well aware of as being a verified seller on here.

Edit: Finally after over 30 minutes of discussion he seems to finally have agreed to take the $2 paypal fee and still send all the originally-agreed upon cards tomorow..I will edit if I do not recieve in 2 weeks /only receive some
I just pm'd you again before you posted this, saying that I'd go through with the trade as originally planned.
I made a deal with CyndaquilMaster: my Near mint luxray gl x. his ton of Near Mint base set shadow cards (listed below) and some newer throw-ins

Cleafairy Doll
Super Energy Removal
Pokemon Trader
Azelf LA
Magneton SF
Totodile RH GS

Of the supposedly shadowless cards, only 2 of them are shadowless (the haunter and machamp) and none of the holos are near mint. (they have scratches, foil showing, bad edges, etc. the Chansey is barely even in playable condition) also some of the nonholo have scratches, marks etc as well, but the holos are far worse. I pm'ed him today..and am awaiting a response. I'm not sure if he is unaware what shadowless was..even though he posted originally on my thread specifically saying he had a ton of shadowless cards (which initiated the deal), or if he foundout he didn't have shadowless of what he thought and instead of sending my luxray back, he just decided to keep it and send nonshadowless versions of 99% of the cards. honestly..if he Actually Does have near-mint shadowless cards..I would still want them.

a question in general. is there an official thread/guide on here as to specify exactly which conditions are which example: "if it has a scratch or 2 its fair"
I confirmed a trade with bigpokex on 10/30, and I still have not received anything. I got a PM from him about a week ago saying he was going to send out, but at this point it's just taken way too long and I'd like to cancel the trade and leave a neutral reference.
I have a question. I, and probably a couple of others, have finalized a trade with k1ll3d. However, when I logged on today, I noticed that he requested his trade thread be locked until further notice. Now, I've traded addresses with him, but he was to send first. He asked me to message him when he got out of school to remind him to go to the post office, but that didn't happen. So, what should I do?
k1ll3d's banning is only temporary. He can still send and receive PM messages.
You can ask him if he intends to honor the trade.
He is the one that requested his thread be locked until further notice.
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