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The Dispute Thread - Check Traders, Report Suspicious Activity, Rippers, & Reputation

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@Ape1919 and legendhunter32:
Please forward me trade details. I have already sent the crippler 18 a PM.
This is in regards to a transaction confirmed between myself and kurokitten. We agreed on the deal in October of 2010 and have now come to January of 2011 with nothing coming from his/her end. kurokitten has extended the trade week by week and has not fulfilled his/her end of the transaction. I would like to know what kind of feedback/reference I'm allowed to leave seeing as this is breaking the trade rules.

I might as well post both of these now
I had a trade with cripler and he was to send first. I still have received nothing and it has been about a month or so

next is kurokitten.
I sold him a card about a month ago. same deal as apothic, he keeps putting off sending. He said he sent yesturday. I will send upon receiving the money, but may I leave a neutral ref?
Today, I received from cripler, however it was more then 2 weeks. may i leave a nuetral ref for him as well?
Dispute with FistBumIt.

After 3 Weeks of not sending his side of the deal, he backed out, saying I can give him a negative ref. Is that ok?
Confirmed a trade with Project696 on Dec 19th. He was to send first but I have yet to receive. He is ignoring all my PM's. Someone please help.
I am PMing you.

@ Konter:
How much longer than 14 days has it been? If it is only 4-5 days over I really can't give you the go ahead for that. The holidays had postal delivery delayed. How ever if it has been like a month... PM me with details before you post please. I will discus your issue with kurokitten via PM also.

I will PM you later once we check that claim.

Again, with the holidays mail delivery is delayed. Your trade with Project is 16 days old. If you don't hear (or receive) anything in another 4 or 5 days PM me.
@ Shakespeare...It hasn't been 4 or 5 days yet but Project696 continues to ignore my PM's. I still have not received his cards and I don't think I will. I'm cool with that since I haven't sent him anything. If you could please contact him and let me cancel this trade so I can move on. I don't even need to leave him a neg ref. This could have been over already if he would just respond.
I'm having a bit of a dispute with Torterra_Tank.
I am trading the following cards with him + their values:
My: $18.50
C. Conspiracy = $8 for 2
P. Contribution = $2.50
E.Gain = $8 for 2

For his: $9
Charmander (Reprint) = $4 for 2
Milotic SH = $3
Bronzong TR = $2 RH

and all I want to know is if I can get him to add some cards to make the value close to even.
I asked him and all he is telling me is to send the cards ASAP. I have yet to send the cards because I don't want to be ripped value wise and since rotation is coming soon these card(s) values will (probably) drop.

PM please with what I should do.
I want to add or cancel the trade with Mods permission.
I would like to let the council know of a problem I am having in a trade so that I know what the best course of action is and not go outside the rules.

I confirmed a trade with K1ll3d last week, and send my end on Monday. The trade was such:
x2 Gengar SF
x1 Honchkrow G
x1 Toxicroak G
x2 Power Spray

x1 Kyogre Groudon Legend Top
x4 LP Bebe's Search
x2 Warp Point
x1 Seeker

He PM'd me today, and told me that he got my end but that he doesn't have the KGL top anymore and made me an offer that included none of the cards on his end of the original agreement. I asked him why he didn't have the cards he agreed to trade me, and he said he had his binder stolen. He appears to be willing to renegotiate but I want to post here as soon as I could.
Is it ok to renegotiate or should I just ask for my end back? I am really unhappy and needed all of those cards. What kind of ref do I leave after? Thanks for your help.
It's been 11 days since Torterra_Tank and I confirmed our trade. I have yet to receive their cards. Should I consider this trade canceled?
Wait two weeks (14 days) and then forward the PMs.

dmaster out.
I'm having a problem with kurokitten: on 12/30 we confirmed a sale for my Pikachu M Lv. X and their $30. After we confirmed, she said she would pay me the week after, after getting paid. Nothing came, and when I brought it up, I got virtually the exact same response, only a week later. I just PM'd her back recently and I heard the excuse that her husband lost his job, they're paying bills, etc. If you don't have the money to pay for something, then why confirm? At this point I'd like to just cancel; it's been way too long. I don't want to wait anymore.
I'm in the middle of a trade with mlouden33, I sent first. He has never sent his end. Please PM him! ~JS
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