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The Dispute Thread - Check Traders, Report Suspicious Activity, Rippers, & Reputation

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I confirmed a trade with Spyked on 1/11/2011. However, I have yet to receive his end and it has been 2 weeks. I hope that this can be resolved, thanks.

Also the issue with Kurokitten has been resolved.
Hey AnthonyG, everything was set up in my trade thread minus our swapping of addresses:


I'm forwarding our address confirmations now. Thanks!
Ok, this is getting really frustrating..

I have trades finalized with both mewyoshi and Superwolfe. for both it has been at least 2 weeks since the trade was confirmed. I've PMed both this week and both have read and ignored/deleted my PMs. This isn't the first time mewyoshi has done this to me and from Superwolfe's ref thread he's backed out on people before or took forever to send.. Please Help?
I'd like to tell the Trade Council that I'm rather inactive right now due to school and family struggles. I hope I can make it out of it...
I'm having a problem with konter_j8902. I'm supposed to buy his Shining Gyarados for $20 by a money order. The confirmation was made on Jan 6. I sent him a PM saying it may take a little while to send out the money order in which it was sent on 1/13. Since then, I haven't got a reply from him saying if he got the money order or not. I have not received the Shining Gyarados as well. I sent a PM a while ago asking if he got the money order in which he never replied.
I shipped cards 2 weeks ago to a trader named Torterra_Tank and I haven't received his end AND he's now been banned so I have no way of communicating with him. Can you help me out?
Snorlax, I sent a few days after receiving the MO.. Sorry I forgot to respond. Pm'ng you now


Does anyone have Torterra Tank's Address. I owe him some stuff and I can't find it, and he didn't respond to my pm asking for it. Is he permabanned?
He is permabanned. You can try emailing him and if that doesn't work, we have his address.

Although if you didn't both exchange addresses, you both didn't really confirm the trade lol.

dmaster out.
We confirmed, But I cant find it in my pms. I know he sent it though, but I could have erased it as I erased a bunch so I had room
Torterra Tank is permabanned?! I just traded with him! I sent my end and have no idea of whether her recived my end or sent his! Please help!!
Hi, I have an issue with Gardegon. We confirmed a trade on 12/24/2010. It was my Gengar Prime for his Flygon X, 3 DCE, and 3 Sableye SF. I've PM'ed him multiple times and he finally responded on 1/15 saying that he sent, but it could take up to 2 months!?!? I knew that couldn't be true so I told him to make sure he actually sent and I'd wait a little longer. I haven't got any response and I'm worried because that's nearly $50 worth of cards on each end.
I have traded with him before and had no problems, so I pretty sure he's not a ripper, but it's still too big of a deal not to post here.
XanderPitz1010: PM me with all PM's (in 1 collective PM) between you and him and we can work from there.


TheChariot: PM me with all PM's (in 1 collective PM) between you and him and we can work from there.

I still haven't received cards from both Superwolfe and mewyoshi as I posted earlier, and it has been 3+ weeks for both now.
PM me with all PM's (in 1 collective PM for each trader) between you, superwolfe, and mewyoshi and we can work from there.

me and Garchomp Screams Rawr confirmed a trade on jan. 19th and he was suppose to send first. yesterday he sent me a PM saying he lost the main component of the trade during his CoL Prerelease. (his gengar prime + for my luxray X, he lost his gengar prime). what should I do? do I have permission to call off the trade and leave neutral/negative ref?
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