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The Dispute Thread - Check Traders, Report Suspicious Activity, Rippers, & Reputation

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I'm having a problem with bigpokex. He agreed to ship my end on 2-7-11 and I haven't received anything. I sent mine end out first, and he received a couple of days later. I've tried communicating with him but he doesn't respond back. In fact I sent him a message last Sunday but he didn't respond even though he was logged on.
I had a trade going with BigPokex, I sent my end of our deal out and he said that he recieved (1/31/11). He then claimed that he would send his end out (2/09/11), but it's been more than a month since he received my cards.

He has now stopped responding to my PMs and I don't know what to do. :/
I am reporting braves11 as a potential ripper.
I have previously emailed Shining Raikou about my primary suspicions, but now I am posting here.

We finalized a trade February 17th.
It has now been well over two weeks (we are both in the U.S/me in New York, them in California).
He had considerably less refs than me and was slated to send first.
However, he had asked me if we could send at the same time because they wanted one of the cards for their "sister's birthday" which was soon.
So I agreed and told them I would send out that night.
He responded saying "I'll send out right now."

A week after our finalized trade, I contacted braves11 asking if he had received my end or not, and letting him know I haven't gotten anything.
He said they they were just about to PM me as well. He said he haven't received and he had sent out "the morning after we finalized". (discrepancy right there)

On Sunday night I had again PM-ed him telling him I have not received, and pointing out he had not contacted me either letting me know whether my cards had arrived or not.
He has not replied to me.
I had just looked at his last login time, and it was yesterday (Monday) in the afternoon.

I am pretty sure I have been ripped off.
Or else I suspect braves11 would have contacted me earlier.
And I feel like the coincidence of them about to PM me at the same time was a lie.
RE: The Dispute Thread - Be Informed, Report Suspicious Activity, Rippers, & Bad Reps

I am not that worried, because my seller is a very reliable person. But for some reason, i'm waiting for a week and 2 days for a shipment from ohio, and i live in canada. I just hope to get it asap, because i need those cards for states. The sale was worth 190$ and was supposed to take from 3-4 days of shiping...so i think that anybody in my position would worry...
I have been waiting for almost a month now for braves11 to send his cards. He claimed he was on vacation for the first 2 weeks and that when he got home his mail was missing... I've given him a few days "locate" his mail and I want my end of the deal.
braves11 has not replied or sent his cards.
been over 2 weeks now.
waiting for my end of the deal still
I am trying to settle a dispute with Braves11 and he wont reply to any of my PMs and I know he is reading them. I cant fix the problem if he doesnt reply
kurokitten, ogeray, and AreoLive

PM me with what you have (all in 1 PM) and we can work from there.


dmaster out.
Im having a problem with Kitsune. Me and him agreed on a first trade in the begining of February, and a second maybe 5-7 days later. He said i forgot to give him my adress, so i gave him some leeway. As of now, I havn't received anything from him, and he is not responding to Pm's
I already filed for Mail Fraud against both gms16 and Rush17 for not sending their end for over 2 months. The real issue is gms16 he has my end but never sent his. I really don't like coming to this thread but what else can one do rather than the mentioned.

Confirmed a deal with gms16 on January 2. He claimed he sent. I sent my end on January 29th he received but I got nothing.
Hi, I confirmed a trade with kurokitten on the 26th of January and sent my cards out on the 27th the next morning. They claimed that weather was slowing the mail system down and didn't hear from them again until I PMed them on the 18th of February, they replied saying they received the other day and left a rep. They also said that they sent. I was expecting for the cards to arrive before my vacation to Florida, however I didn't receive before the 7th so I figured it would be in the mailbox when I got back. Well, I came home last night and checked the mail today and the cards were not there. I informed them through PM, possibly asking for a resend, just want to work this out. What do you all recommend?
Me and Braves11 confirmed a trade last month or so. I agreed to send sametime. Haven't received his end yet. Sent a follow-up PM but it was sent on the 11th of March, and he was last online on the 7th...what should I do?
Vulpix Yolk: PM me what you have all in 1 PM and we can work from there.


Hikikomori-san: PM me what you have all in 1 PM and we can work from there.

I have a ongoing trade with darksoulSP, he told me he recieved a week ago and he'll let me know when he sends out. Hehasn't replyed ever since and didn't reply to 3 of my messages. Could you please help me out?
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