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The Dispute Thread - Check Traders, Report Suspicious Activity, Rippers, & Reputation

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Mr. Tea said:
MrGatr and I made a trade recently, and a few minutes ago I received a profile comment that basically said he got a better offer and he was aware of backing out. Addresses were not exchanged, I just gave him mine.

6. "Backing out" or "Not sending":

a. "Backing out" of a trade is where both people have exchanged addresses, and then one trader decides for some reason they don't want to trade anymore. If you are caught doing this, you will receive a 3-week ban and a negative ref from the trader you backed out on. The ban may become permanent if do this a second or third time. A negative rep also will scar your trade record forever and can prevent you from getting verified seller permission. Backing out is very rude. When you agree to a trade, another trader is setting their cards aside for you, and waiting to send them out. Or in some cases, they may have already sent them, and you may have to send back. This is a very annoying ordeal to have to go through. So ask yourself before you back out of a trade with someone: "Is it worth a 3 week ban and a negative rep?"

If he never sent his address, the trade was not finalized. It is the wrong thing to do, but it is not punishable.
I have 2 questions. As per this rule:

5. Time frames for completing trades: The list below shows the maximum amount of time a trade should take. Any trades that go past this time from now on will most likely result in a temporary ban for the person holding up the trade.

Trades within the United States, or between the United States and Canada or Mexico: 2 weeks max. That's 14 days, more than enough time.

1. When does this 2 weeks start? Is it once BOTH addresses have been sent to each other, or once the trade itself is finalized?
2. What kind of reputation are we allowed to leave if a trade takes longer than 2 weeks?
1) The trade is finalized when addresses are exchanged so those are the same thing it is not one or the other.

2) This varies from situation to situation
So it would be best to just post here and discuss what to do through PM with a trade council member?
Generally the best thing to do, is say who you are having problems with, give us a very brief run down of what is happening so we know the gist of what we are going to be handling, and then once one of us is ready you send us all information you have and work from there working with you and the other member(s) on a solution.
Alright. I'll wait a little longer and see if i can resolve the issue with the member myself, but if not I'll post here.
Alright, I'm just posting here to hopefully start communicating with a TC Member, and hopefully to get the other trader aware of the situation.

So, on Saturday December 31, [member]Blastagator[/member] and I confirmed our trade.
Typhlosion Prime

x20 Code Cards
We had the same number of reps (3), so he asked if I could send the Tuesday because he needed the cards for a tournament. I agreed, and said that was fine with me as long as he was able to ship the actual codes via the mail. Well, I sent him a message on Wednesday Jan 4, and he said he'd been busy and still hadn't sent yet. He said he'd hopefully send "tomorrow," and I sent back saying that I was a little upset, but it was fine nonetheless.

He sent me another message on Monday of this week, and he said this:
Sorry I haven't sent yet, my mom couldn't get to the post office and we've been having tournaments. I will ship tomorrow.

He hasn't responded to any of my messages since he sent me that message, and I wasn't sure what to do - because I didn't want to wait until next week and just pray that I receive my end.

I just wanted to post so that TC Members are aware of my situation, and hopefully someone can send him a message? He hasn't even been online since last night so...
So I agreed to a trade with User Hotwings On wednesday, Janurary 11. Trade was confirmed and addresses were exchanged. Informed him that I couldnt send out until today. And when I went to get his address from my PM's I saw that He had been banned. Is the trade nullified or what?? What do I do?
Your current trade is at your discretion.

You may cancel the current deal, OR you may also still go as agreed. BUT, if you choose to go through with it at your own free will but we cannot be held responsible for any lost or stolen cards as it would be considered off site.
If a member I was trading with got banned, and didn't leave a rep, what happens?

Isn't currently happening, but might soon be.
Nengeni said:
If a member I was trading with got banned, and didn't leave a rep, what happens?

Isn't currently happening, but might soon be.

This has happened before. When that member appealed the ban, they left feedback, which I posted for them.
I was away from the forum for a few weeks and had an ongoing trade with Hotwings.
As mentioned above, hes apparently banned...did i just get ripped? lol

edit: i sent about 2 weeks back.

AnthonyG said:
Your current trade is at your discretion.

You may cancel the current deal, OR you may also still go as agreed. BUT, if you choose to go through with it at your own free will but we cannot be held responsible for any lost or stolen cards as it would be considered off site.
so because i confirmed and sent out before he was banned, does this mean the site will offer some sort of help at least?
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