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The Dispute Thread - Check Traders, Report Suspicious Activity, Rippers, & Reputation

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Forward all the PMs you have to me (preferably in one collective PM).

dmaster out.
I think I need to post here...I'll be gone for the entire weekend. All packages I said I'd ship will be sent on Monday or Tuesday. Sorry for the inconvenience.
I recently traded with Techdeck101 for his Shining Charizard. He needed a Shaymin for the upcoming tournament so I said I'd try to get it to him before then. I received a PM saying the envelope was delivered but all of the cards within it were stolen.

He has a good reputation thread, but because he was so reluctant to let the Charizard go, I suspect foul play to be involved. I would like this to be sorted out as soon as possible. Thanks.
evilpacman said:
I recently traded with Techdeck101 for his Shining Charizard. He needed a Shaymin for the upcoming tournament so I said I'd try to get it to him before then. I received a PM saying the envelope was delivered but all of the cards within it were stolen.

He has a good reputation thread, but because he was so reluctant to let the Charizard go, I suspect foul play to be involved. I would like this to be sorted out as soon as possible. Thanks.

:( This makes me sad.... I sent out today. Also, you can ask some of the people from witch I was going to the same Reigionals with that I asked them to bring a Shaymin for me. Because I needed on since one was lost in the mail....
I also recently traded with techdeck101. I sent cards out so that he would have them for regionals. I did receive his cards. He claims to have not gotten the cards I sent him even though I provided tracking. Which if you look , 03111660000234824027 , USPS said he received the package. I sent to the address provided. Very shortly after I confirmed the trade with him I read that yanmega had been announced to be released in a tin. I agreed at about an $80 value for my cards. I asked to change the trade which he denied . He did offer that I could take out 3 league copycat from the trade and at that point I shipped them anyway. Also during agreeing on the trade he requested that I not get confirmation and just ship it in an envelope. This leads me to suspect something isn't right. I'm not happy with this situation at all.

Also recently he has posted about me on my profile and r3skyline in a negative manner. Referring to me as a noob and a jerk. Also saying my end of the trade is what's suspicious.
I said that you may change the trade a little bit. Once the trade is complete you HAVE to agree to it. I wasn't posting in a negative manner on his profile, I was just stating what was going on, and was wondering if I should still trade with him. I said don't be a jerk. A n00b is not a bad thing! The thing is, you have to understand is that the Mailman scanned it. And it says it was delivered, that's it! Doesn't mean that it was brought to my door. It's just insuring that is was scanned near us! We never get our mail at 1:40.

Also, from the all of the refs I have are perfect, so I'm not a ripper. The mail system where I live is kinda bad. Everyday we have other people mail in our mail box, my friends have gotten packages of Bowling ball that were not theirs. (Friend is LORD_OF_RANGERS) We have such a bad mail system where we live.

Also, we have some mail that's been broken in to. (evilpackman* and Darkvoid 57's.)
solo60694 & Techdeck101 your case is being reviewed. Please avoid making any further posts about it until you are notified otherwise.
Thank you for your cooperation.
I would like to file a negative rep on minimidget94. We agreed to a trade on 10-29-2011, and as of today (11/16/2011) I have not recived the cards. I gave a few extra days because of the holidays we have had inbetween now and then. I recently got a PM from minimidget94 saying that he never sent them due to moving issues, and he fully ignolaged the situation, and accepts that a negative rep should be given to him. So am I allowed to give him a negative rep?
Alright, I wanna give GyradosPrime a negative ref... We made a deal, when I was first here, its been a long time, I sent my end, and the guy never sent his, and I'm down some good stuff... So can I please get some help regarding this?
I don't think this should be a problem for anyone I'm trading with because I should be sending out most, if not all of my current trades but just in case... I'm going away today and I'll be returning on 11/27/11.
Hi, I know on the front page it says to post after posting negative feedback, but I wondered if posting here beforehand was okay too.

I bought cards from Spyked, who claimed they were at least 95% NM/M (what I asked for), they were about 30-50% NM/M, and the user has been nonresponsive to my inquiries in pm for a month or more & has not gotten on the site in two weeks now, but they got on at several points after the first couple of pms I sent. I am not sure if it is appropriate to seek a negative since I guess the person may not have been a verified seller, which might make it my own fault? The evasiveness has ruined any sympathy I could have had by now though, so I wanted to find out if I could leave a negative feedback.
Your suppose to post BEFORE leaving a negative ref otherwise you would receive a warning.

Spyked is not a verified seller on our forums. Which if you choose to do a deal outside the forums with this trader (as if you made a deal with a non-verified seller on the forums, you will be punished as it is against the rules.) it is not our responsibility.
So I am having some issues with User EriqDeSmasher. We agreed on a trade, and myself having the Lower Ref count, I sent first. Sent out on the 18th of November. Delivery Confrimation states that delivery was made on the 21st of November. I still have not recieved my end yet. And eh states that hasnt revieved. I am in a bind here, and I do not know what to do. He said that he was handling some personal things, which I can understand. But I am getting antsy, ive been ripped off from other sites trading online, and I dont like it at all.
numberonewill said:
So I am having some issues with User EriqDeSmasher. We agreed on a trade, and myself having the Lower Ref count, I sent first. Sent out on the 18th of November. Delivery Confrimation states that delivery was made on the 21st of November. I still have not recieved my end yet. And eh states that hasnt revieved. I am in a bind here, and I do not know what to do. He said that he was handling some personal things, which I can understand. But I am getting antsy, ive been ripped off from other sites trading online, and I don't like it at all.

Pm me all your pms as 1 pm.

I have a pending trade with Legoslock that I'd like to leave a negative for. We finalized a trade on August 18th with me sending first which I sent the day after (he acknowledged that he received a week later). After a month, I PMed him saying that I hadn't received anything and he replied that school was getting in the way and he had no Wifi but he would send the next day. I know how school can be so I gave him a little time on this. Another month goes by and nothing. I sent him a letter via snail mail on October 25th stating our trade and what he owes me in order to negate the no Wifi excuse. I pretty sure at this point that I'm not getting anything. I also recall other people complaining about him which leads me to believe that he just dropped out of trading altogether.

Loser626 said:

I have a pending trade with Legoslock that I'd like to leave a negative for. We finalized a trade on August 18th with me sending first which I sent the day after (he acknowledged that he received a week later). After a month, I PMed him saying that I hadn't received anything and he replied that school was getting in the way and he had no Wifi but he would send the next day. I know how school can be so I gave him a little time on this. Another month goes by and nothing. I sent him a letter via snail mail on October 25th stating our trade and what he owes me in order to negate the no Wifi excuse. I pretty sure at this point that I'm not getting anything. I also recall other people complaining about him which leads me to believe that he just dropped out of trading altogether.


Send me all your pms as one pm.
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