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The Dispute Thread - Check Traders, Report Suspicious Activity, Rippers, & Reputation

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VidFox: PM me what you have all in 1 PM and we can work from there.

LegosLock: I don't think I've heard or gotten a report. But if anything comes up I will point them here.
Okay I traded with the user smiland0711. He sent me the wrong card but pmed me about it. He has been very hard to understand and slow to reply. I had already sent his card. Can I just keep the card he sent me and be over with it? Hes trying to get me to send the card back first even though he is the one who made the mistake.
Was that a serious comment?... Absolutely not.

Why in the world would we allow you to keep someone else's card when he/she is trying to fix what they did wrong?
I guess I should have phrased that a little better I apologize. What I do mean is how should I handle this? This trader was the one who messed up and is trying to get me to send the card back first. I want the replacement card before I send anything back since they have my correct card that I sent them and they have the lower ref.
Why didnt you say that first? That is very underhanded what you said in your previous post. It is obvious the card he sent you by accident is worth more than the actual trade, hence why you proposed to keep it. I will be talking smileand0711 and hear his side of the story.
I confirmed a trade with PrimeDelusion on 7-18-11 and still have yet to recieve his cards, when I sent first. I asked and he said that he did send, and that maybe the trade was lost in the mail. My friend also told me he made a trade with him, and got his cards three months later.
T-peezy pm me your messages between you and prime delusion.

Brendan, it is good to hear its worked out and the TC does not want to hear traders trying to exploit accidents and trying to take advantage of an unfortunate situation.
Requesting to cancel trade with cookymonster760 and to leave him a neutral reference.
We confirmed a trade on 8/21/11 and agreed that he would send first. I've contacted him on the 31st and he replied saying he had conflicts which has caused delay. Since then I have heard nothing. I didn't lose anything, but I would like to cancel the trade so that I can put my cards back up for trade. It's been over 3 weeks since we confirmed and, as per the 2 week policy, I believe this should be okay.
toffeefi I traded with him on the Gym, and I was wondering since he is on this site I could ask for help. Can I? I was ripped off by him on there and I would rather do it on Poke beach because I like it better.
Has anyone heard from the user Soariyant? We confirmed a trade over 3 weeks ago and I PM'd him about it about a week ago I believe. I was to send first which I did but I haven't heard back from him about the trade. Pretty annoyed as I am waiting on the cards from him to move along.
Made a trade with LegosLock, and he said he received, and have sent him 3 messages asking if he sent with no response.
Project696 - bad trader? He's received my cards (tracking through USPS) and I haven't received mine. He hasn't been online in almost a month and hasn't responded to two private messages...
Icoincidentally also traded with Project696. He said he sent his cards September 10, and it's been about two weeks since then and I still haven't gotten them. We both live in Ohio, so it should have been a matter of days. This trade was worth about $30. He also hasn't responded to any PM's I sent him since then. Please help, since two people appear to be ripped by him!
Having a problem with LegosLock. I sent the user my half of the trade and they never completed and won't respond to my messages...also I am having an issue contacting darksoulSP who I have sent to as well and have not received cards back
Here is my issue, on 7/16/11, I purchased a Pokemon Play hat and 3 Rare Candy from pokebeach user piplup234. I paid him via Paypal on 7/17/11, and waited, and waited. On 7/29/11, he told me that he had been busy and would sent out by the end of the week. On 8/9/2011, I inquired about my order, since it had been almost 3 weeks, and this guy lives all of 3 hours away. He explained to me that he was going to send it out tomorrow before he left for Worlds, along with some other stuff. On 8/15/11, nearly a month after paying for it, i received my order. But inside was my hat, 3 RF Rare Candy, and a note. In the note he explained that the RF is all he had and that he would pick some up at Worlds, and asked me if I would trade him the 3 RF for 3 regular Rare Candy when he got back. So on 8/23 I sent him a pm asking him if he still wanted me to trade those RF Rare Candy back to him. He said yes and on 8/25/11 I sent them back to him. Since then, I have received nothing, no pm from him, nothing. I finally asked him on 9/20/11 where my Rare Candy were and he replied that they will be there "soon". After a week, I sent him a pm on 9/26 asking him when he sent my stuff, I still have had no response, even he has been online multiple times. I am just frustrated and want the straught truth from him.
I still have not heard from the user Soariyant. I sent my part of the trade around $35 worth of trade and I have not heard from him. I know he received my side because I sent with tracking. This is really starting to get on my nerves because I have been scammed out of my side of the trade.
Hey Trade Council,

A few weeks ago, Alakapimp and I conducted a trade. He sent his part, but forgot to include one of the cards. I PMed him and said it wasn't a problem, and asked him to send out the missing card. He did, and once I received I packaged up my part of the trade and sent it out the next day (9/20). About a week or so ago, he said he still hasn't received my end, and I apologized for the fact it was taking so long (because it should have gotten there by then). I asked him to wait one more week until the two week limit was up. Well today is the "two week limit" day and I'm not exactly sure what to do. He hasn't contacted me since then and it looks like he's been offline since Sunday. I have some suspicion that he may have already received the cards but has neglected to contact me saying that he has received but I'm not sure of this. Anyway, thanks.
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