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The Dispute Thread - Check Traders, Report Suspicious Activity, Rippers, & Reputation

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The TC is extremely sorry for the late replies regarding your disputes. We have been busy in our own personal lifes and we hope to resolve all these situations in the coming weeks.

@ Xatu, you may leave a neutral.

@ Techdeck, pokebeach is not affiliated with pokegym and as a result we cannot discipline members who have traded with you on pokegym.

@ Brendan, pm me the details between you and Soyarient

@ painIshere, @ plmrelm, @ AlienMCL, @ Rocky, @ Rowsdower

A TC member will contact you regarding your individual trade.
Ok so I got warned for this...MrWeasley1987 has a bunch of stuff that is hard to get or decked...I have made 3 fair offers now and all have been shut down because tcards were decked or being saved to trade for certain things
I have not recieved my 2x Fa Zekrom and 2x Manaphy UL from legoslock yet. Other people who have said things:
Rocky45702 said:
Having a problem with LegosLock. I sent the user my half of the trade and they never completed and won't respond to my messages...also I am having an issue contacting darksoulSP who I have sent to as well and have not received cards back
painIShere said:
Made a trade with LegosLock, and he said he received, and have sent him 3 messages asking if he sent with no response.
Here is what legoslock said about the trades.
LegosLock said:
I'm not sure if anyone has been on here or said anything about me, and i don't feel like going through pages to find out.

I had lost my WiFi, which means i couldn't get to my PM's, which means i couldn't send for a week. So everyone i was trading with will receive a few days later then expected, but in time for BR's and stuff.

Just letting everyone know, just in case anyone was suspicious about me. I am back now, though.

I would really like the cards and if someone can help me I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.
Rocky, we would prefer you to report or contact a TC member or mod rather than publicising when someone has broken the rules.

tybike, please message me details between you and Legolocks as well as your pm history.
I would like to have permission to leave Mudkip a neutral ref. We confirmed on September 27th, and he received my end a day or two after that. I have yet to receive anything from him and he has not acknowledged sending.

EDIT: I suppose at this point I should be requesting an investigation and/or a negative instead of just a neutral; at this point I have been ripped and I doubt I will receive anytime soon unless a super mod steps in.
.::n00bmuffin::. said:
I would like to have permission to leave Mudkip a neutral ref. We confirmed on September 27th, and he received my end a day or two after that. I have yet to receive anything from him and he has not acknowledged sending.

EDIT: I suppose at this point I should be requesting an investigation and/or a negative instead of just a neutral; at this point I have been ripped and I doubt I will receive anytime soon unless a super mod steps in.

PM me what you have.

.::n00bmuffin::. said:
I would like to have permission to leave Mudkip a neutral ref. We confirmed on September 27th, and he received my end a day or two after that. I have yet to receive anything from him and he has not acknowledged sending.

EDIT: I suppose at this point I should be requesting an investigation and/or a negative instead of just a neutral; at this point I have been ripped and I doubt I will receive anytime soon unless a super mod steps in.

AnthonyG said:
PM me what you have.


I am having the same problem with Mudkip.
He hasnt replied to me and I sent out a long while back.
I've been trying to get ahold of piplup234 for a while. I need to send him a pm about shipping costs (he needs to pay them) but his pm box is full.
Trying using other contacts if they have it (e-mail, IM, etc.). I am not sure how much help we can be but I will definitely look into it.

But for now try other means of contact.

Javier8100 said:
I've been trying to get ahold of piplup234 for a while. I need to send him a pm about shipping costs (he needs to pay them) but his pm box is full.
You could have always Facebooked me or posted on my Pokebeach profile.... Anyways we got this worked out.
Be prepared for a very strange story...

So captainmongoose and I were making a trade, my x2 Machamp Prime for his x1 Magnezone Prime and x1 Zekrom BW. So I sent out my end. Eagerly this morning I set out towards my mailbox and I see a folded envelope, and figured it must've been bent in the mail, and the cards were at the other side. I pick it up, and it's just half of an envelope. It looked like someone took a scissors and just sliced it in half. I look inside the envelope, no cards (Obviously; it was wide open). I look inside the mailbox, and found no sign of the other half with the addresses. So not only did I not get my cards, but I have no idea which cards I even lost. I ask around, but I notice the captainmongoose's city written on the envelope. I doubt it was his fault, he can't send a package with no address (Although better packaging could've possibly prevented the problem). So can I ask for a resend?

EDIT: Thanks, AnthonyG :]
Happened to a trade of mine once, during a trade. Usually happens when it is not correctly labeled as 'non-mach' mail.

But anyway, yes as per the rules here:

Shining Raikou said:
3. YOU and you alone are responsible for making the other trader satisfied with their end of the trade. If cards get lost or heavily damaged (beyond use) in the mail, you are required to replace them. If you send your cards in between cardboard, and they get bent, you are to replace them. To ensure that things like this do not happen, it is highly recommended that you put your cards in a card sleeve, and then in a toploader (a hard plastic card cover) before sending. Bubble wrap, and other protective shipping materials may be used, but it is your job to make sure they get the cards safe! So that lost mail doesn't happen, you may want to put delivery confirmation on the package, so that you can give a tracking number. Also, insurance may be used to insure the item in case it becomes damaged.

You are allowed to ask him to resend OR make an alternative deal in the case he does not have the cards available.
I have not received trades from the following users:


Mudkip has ignored my PM's twice asking if he's sent yet, and raw19 told me that he will order from Trollandtoad and use my address. LegosLock hasn't been on to see my message asking where my cards are.
AnthonyG said:
PM what you have.


I am still having huge problems with Mudkip.
He never told me that he sent out until I had to ask. He basically said "yeah, I sent out."
Not telling me when or anything. He said that the money and my cards would be here before the first battle roads.... Its about time for Regionals and I NEEDED that money a long time ago. I am thoroughly displeased.
So I Idrumprettywell and myself made a deal 4 months ago. I shipped almost immediately and havent received to this day. What do?
I recieved a PM, from Dylman, saying:
BlastBurns: FA Torn

Vileplume UD
Goth ability

I proceeded therefore, to swap addresses, and he asks who sends first, and I tell him... Time goes on, no letter, and I ask Dylman on his profile, what was up? He then stated he forgot. Once I reminded him of the deal, he instantly refused to go with it, I warned him that I could negative ref him, and he didnt care. So I need help, to know what I can do now!
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