Finished The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer. Completed!

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RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

*Maria starts sobbing again.*
"My fauwt..."
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

"Your not ready to handle the truth are you?"
*Starts to leave again*
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

The truth? Cross's story was hard enough to believe in the first place... To think she twisted parts to cover something... but what?
"Maria? Maria, it's me Greyclaw."
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

He can't find out the truth about beldums
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

*She looks at him, tears streaming down her face.*
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

*Greyclaw puts his paw on her shoulder (as small is it is).
"Maria... it's going to be ok..."
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

*Fires a hyper beam in to direction of Grayclaw and Maria*
*Laughs and continues to float to the lake*
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

*It hits Maria, making a large burn in her side.*
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

(I didn't get to interfere that? -_-)
*Turns to Forte.
"Regardless of who you are and where you came from, you're not going to get away with it!"
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

*Maria lands several feet away. She moans in pain.*
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

"Its time you guys see the truth...she is nothing but trouble"
*Looks at Maria*
"Thanks to you your dad is gone"
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

*She starts crying, in a combination of pain and sadness.*
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

*laughs some more*
"So what else did your mentor tell you about my twin?"
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

*Bit his paw, and used his blood to draw in the air.
"Summoning technique!"
*A rip in space opened. Greyclaw reached in and pulled out his blade.
*Runs at Forte.
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

*Forte stands there*
"About time"
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

*Maria looks at Forte.*
"... Why...?"
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

*Appears next to Maria*
"Because I'm your protector"
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

*Maria gets up and starts walking away again, weakly. She limps because of the burn.*
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

(BBL -_-)
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