Finished The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer. Completed!

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RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

*She slowly wakes up.*
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

"Wha... Do you... Wan..."
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

(Nabby, ok but just no powers. forte. I didn't get the twin thing. Can you explain?)
*A very faded and gray figure of Paul starts to hover above Forte.*
"Never hurt my children..."
*Starts to control Forte mind very painfuly on Forte's part.*
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

(OK edited it)
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

(It's from another RPG)
(really your going to control me....I had a point to all this)
*Tries to force Paul out*
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

"Daddy... Come back..."
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

*Greyclaw pounces onto Forte out of nowhere, slamming him straight into a tree.
"You'll pay for everything!"
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

(I know right? I came in at a great time.)
*Holds out a blade at Forte's forehead.
"Last words?"
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

(Break free of paul)
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

"Maria... hold on.... never lose faith...."
*The image of Paul starts to fade then dissapaears.*
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

*Breaks free*
*Looks around*
"What else did Cross tell you?"
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

"If you don't touch Maria, but what part do you want to hear?"
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

"Did he tell you about the destruction my brother did?"
RE: The Elite RPG. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Conquest of the midnight explorer.

(Paul was caught by the ghost and forte just attacked maria again)
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