Daroach pretty much covered everything, but:
Bane said:
And so, I look at this card I thought was called Flygon Lv X, but, according to what you said, it should be Flygon, and so, I guess when we look at the deck list, they're calling it by the wrong name? Also, when we talk about the card, I guess we shouldn't be saying Flygon Lv X either, just Flygon. Man, that might get confusing.
And you pretty much destroy your point by saying:
ex is however part of the name, much liked 'Owned' Pokemon, which is why you can use 16 Charizard, 4 Normal, 4 ex, 4 G/G LvX and 4 Dark.
Take into account the era of the game, intensions and wording. Yes, Flygon LvX is Flygon, the Lv is to denote it is different from some other random Flygon and the X is to signify it is an upgrade. The levels, for all intensive purposes, were just brought back for this mechanic, hence why they are gone now. The way you are going on, you could have 4x Lv56, 4x Lv58, 4x LvX ect.
While yes, the original era had levels, they were not the mainlight, look where the levels are on the old cards and the new cards. Makes it bloody obvious that they returned just for the LvX mechanic. Also, where is the LvX? In the level area. The Level area that is used to differentiate between different versions of the same monster.
ex on the otherhand is ment to be read the same way as G/GL/E4/C/BF. It's era has no way to seperate multiple versions of the same monster, other than set and number. For ex to have the same ruling as LvX's in the EX era, it would need to specificaly state it's rule for deck building, eg: 'Flygon ex is considered the same card as Flygon'.
The HGSS cards are more like EX era than DP/Pt, hence why I linked to the pictures. No denotions of 'great' in the names, no rules, which again, would be there, always has
and continues too, no levels, no way to differentiate them at all except the art style, lack of stat data and boarder.
Bane said:
And what about the rules that had stated that you can have 4 Dark Charizards and 4 normal Charizards. The rule isn't printed on the Dark pokemon cards.
Same reason ex pokemon don't. eg: 'Dark Charizard evolves from Dark Charmeleon' 'Blissey ex evolves from either Chansey or Chansey ex'. Dark is part of the name because of the wording of the card.
Bane said:
Maybe there's a rule to it that would just take up too much space it would be ridiculous?
Don't be silly. It would not take that much space to say what the limit or conditions are. Stars/Shinneys have been doing it for years, as have LvXs. Remember, this is pokemon, where most things are spelt out because of the demographic.
Bane said:
And what would people assume if they just went from EX to level X? That they count as different cards compared to the other as well. Lv X is part of the name just as much as Ex, dark, etc is. Also, the rule book says it COUNTS as part of the limit, not that they are the same.
Again, Era, dude, seriously. Is it that hard to compair to cards from the
same era,
let alone set?
If I recall correctly, there is similar wording refering to the levels of the norms. It's to differentiate in the same era, again, remember, DP was more or less a reboot, just as the E-Reader cards were.
Bane said:
Because it's a different card, with a clearly different name.
Again, Set, Era, Mechanic, I'm becoming a broken record.
Bane said:
Then it would be stated on the side, not as the name. The card list that the company that produces the cards clearly states the cards name as "Pokemon Lv X".
Last time I checked, they did anyway.
AGAIN, Set, Era, Mechanic. The Lv X's have the Lv in the ruling because of the mechanic, not because it is the name.
Also, do we understand 'To Sell ____'? It's toy form is on the Transformers Wiki. The LvXs are a selling point, so of course they make a deal over them.
Take a look at the names. Hippowdon, Munchlax and Munchlax. The Muchlax's have 15 and 13 as their levels respectively. They do not interact with another card called Munchlax, so there is no reason to refer to them by level. Hippowdon is Lv'X', a Level Up card. 'Put onto Hippowdon'. 'Put this card onto your active Hippowdon. Hippowdon LvX can use any attack, power or body of it's Previous Level.' Hippowdon is self referencing it's level because it is interacting with another card named Hippowdon.
Let's read it's attack, it proves my point exactly.
'FFCC: Double Shoot'
Discard 2 F attached to
Hippowdon and choose 2 of your opponents Benched Pokemon. This attack does 40 Damage to each of them. (Don't apply Weakness or Resistance to Benched Pokemon)
Note how it says Hippowdon and not
Hippowdon LvX when refering to itself by itself? ALL Lv X do this.