the endless battle game!!!

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Togepi uses Fire Blast on Pikachu and then uses dive to dive into the deep, deep depths of the ocean!
Thanks Monferno. Now it's my turn.
*Uses mass amount of pshychic on mirror coat to split pshychic in two waves one small one big.First wave hurls Monferno to safety. Second wave (the bigger wave) is used on water wipping it up into a huge cyclone aimed at Pikachu. Pikachu's static electrifies the entire cyclone. Uses pshychic to make sure togepi is in a small indent in the middle of the cyclone. Absolutly nothing can escape it. Not even game shark.* Now monferno, use close combat then i'll open a hole for you to hit togepi!" Note: as long as this cyclone is in affect, Drifloon can't attack.
Grrr.....Why must you protect everyone else and comepletely obliterate me???? WHY?!

Ugh, Togepi takes the hit, takes serious damage, feeds itself a Ultra Shroom Shake (from Super Paper Mario), and then goes to a random house and uses rest and sleeps in that house....
*after using close combat*monferno uses the !report button because togepi has too many great moves and is using one from mario. then this  lucario bans him cancellating the moves it just used. Go to that house again and I'll burn it up!!! LOL
BTW: thanks drifloon.
BTWx2: we protect ourselves becaause someone started ganging up on you and when you attacked drifloon (one of them) I protected him :p
Time to hit pika harder. Releases psychic enrgy causing both pikachu and togepi to to tumble to the ground. Then uses Psychic on togepi to keep it from falling. Then uses Psychic to force toepi into using metronome. Metronome becomes Earthquake. Drifloon releases togepi and picks up Monferno. Togepi and Pikachu get hit but survive.
BTW: i'm hitting you and Pikachu so I'm not ganging up on anybody. I just to help out FPS that's all:p
Wow that would be cool however two rules you over looked that nullify the nooby ending.
1) The end to the endless battle game will never come
2) Must be basic Pokemon

Note: i'm sure this was just meant in fun so don't take what i'm typing too seriously, and please feel free to play.
MOT6K: The Bug Catching Supremecy
Togepi wakes up form his rest, grabs the Chaos Heart (From Super Paper Mario agian), becomes invincible for one turn, then uses Splash to destroy everyone!! Not really. Togepi uses Explosion!
but monferno quickly grabs pikachu and throws him to distract togepi and causing it to make a smaller explosion that only hits tself and pikachu :p
Drifloon uses psychic to make a small ball of energy in front of it. Then begins spining turning the ball into a ring. Throws the ring which lands on the chaos Heart and crushes it. The small implosion caused by this stops togepi's explosion but still causes little damage. Drat. Uses thunder on Pikachu!
monferno grabs piplup, togepi, and pikachu (with its tail) and starts spinning and throws the tree pokemon causing them to crash against a wall.
Drifloon uses psychic to steal the electricity from volt tackle (causing the attack to become voltless tackle) and uses it to make a wall in front of itself and Monferno.
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