the endless battle game!!!

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Time to counter. Gameshark makes everything super speed so drifloon uses a gust on aipom stoping it for long enough to get hit by hydro cannon which conducts the electricity turning the damage from a Thunder (x6) + a super charged Thunderpunch to Magnemite. This saves Aipom, Moferno and Drifloon from any damage from that attack and SLAMS Mag. Then uses Psychic + Gust on Aipom.
Thats enough. Magnemite attaches itself onto Drifloon and uses Thunder. There.
Master of the six kings said:
Time to counter. Gameshark makes everything super speed so drifloon uses a gust on aipom stoping it for long enough to get hit by hydro cannon which conducts the electricity turning the damage from a Thunder (x6) + a super charged Thunderpunch to Magnemite. This saves Aipom, Moferno and Drifloon from any damage from that attack and SLAMS Mag. Then uses Psychic + Gust on Aipom.

Magnezone used game shark before you.
So our attacks did work!
Aipoms thunderpunch hit Drifloon,monferno,and destoyed the wall!

Aipom uses focus punch to slam monferno into the ground!
CrazyAipom said:
Master of the six kings said:
Time to counter. Gameshark makes everything super speed so drifloon uses a gust on aipom stoping it for long enough to get hit by hydro cannon which conducts the electricity turning the damage from a Thunder (x6) + a super charged Thunderpunch to Magnemite. This saves Aipom, Moferno and Drifloon from any damage from that attack and SLAMS Mag. Then uses Psychic + Gust on Aipom.

Magnezone used game shark before you.
So our attacks did work!
Aipoms thunderpunch hit Drifloon,monferno,and destoyed the wall!

Aipom uses focus punch to slam monferno into the ground!

I was using his gameshark to my advantage, not using a new one. Drifloon uses protect whick sends both Aipom and Magne flying.
Magnemite uses Elctrolevatate. The Absorbs electricity from some lights then used Shock wave.
but monferno makes a descending focus punch slaming magnemite against the floor, cancelling electrolevitate.

oh, and you guys never forget about the game shark thing do you? good.

new rule: you can't use game shark to cause an endless effect (like this: monferno uses gameshark to avoid getting damaged for the rest of the game EVER)
Aipom slams his tail into Monferno.
Monferno then crashes into Drifloon.
Both slam into what's left of the wall,destoying it.
Uses Psychic on shockwave adding it to Monferno's close combat. Then uses thunder on Magnemite. Rolls dice to see if your paralyzed..... Dang it your okay. (man I hate randomizing things)
Magnemite Uses Magnetic bomb on Drifloon and shall be Exploding in 3..2..1..BAM!
Aipom jumps in front of the pikachus and uses protect.
Aipom then use's it's tail to grab Drifloon and slams it into the ground!
Magnemite on the Telephone "Hello,Hello Thor Its me Magnemite...Magnemite.....The third one.....Third...I need lightning power....POWER.....The arena..You know just forget it....FORGET."Jeez try getting power from that old guy. Gyro ball on Monferno.
Magnemite used Megnet rise on Magicarp and trows it at Drifloon while Magneticly charged to do major damage
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