lucario got hit by flash cannon but probopass got hit by flash cannon and fire blast and then lucario protected itself then used blaze kick on probopass
hahaha yu dont now that mush about steel types. Magnet bomb never misses. muhaha and the mystery pokemon I locked on to was Driflon. Probopass used zap cannon on drifloon.
the magnet bomb hits lucario but does minimal damage unlike my aura sphere that i use on probopass and then also uses an aura sphere on the zap cannon saving drifloon
Probopass uses Stealth rock multipas times Then after the hit Probopas speeda his way onto lucario and uses protect on him and lucario then uses explotion while there still i the protect ball.
messing with drifloon again? Uses anticipate to use post 400!
anticipate effect! GAME SHARK!!!! USES ExXESSIVE, EXAGERATeD, FEARSOME PWNage!!!!!!! on probopass