Uses frost psychic to form a ring in front of itself. Then hurls it at all the aipom's hitting the real one and KOing the others. Don't mess with Lucario or Monferno.
You can mease with me because I have really good defence. But dont mease with Aipom. Probopass uses Gravity to bring everyone to bring everyone to the ground. Then uses Earthquake to everyone exept aipom
Uses frosty thunder to mess with magentic feild and reverse the gravity. We all fly in the air while Probopass and aipom fall to the ground and get hit by earthquake.
Probopass doesnt get effected because hes the on that used the attack. Probopass carrys the aipom then uses electro lift gets drifloon holds him sets him on the ground the uses gravity and sits on him while earthquake is in effect.
Doesn't matter who used attack, so you still get hit. Besides, reverse Gravity is in affect. When you go up, we go down and vice versa. Use frosty thunder on probopass!
Probopass uses discharge to break. and uses substitute to take my place to watch bobobo. No really I leaving so yah then uses zap cannon on it s anyone who attaches it will be paralyzed till I get back which is 10:30 eastern time
I said dont attack the sub. Then uses zap cannon on Drifloon just to paralyz him. Now no one and I mean no one hurt the sub. treat them like you real teacher wants you to treat the sub.
Focuses sub-zero tempature at point of impact, freezing the Zap Cannon while doing little damage. Then uses Frosty thunder on the now frosty zap Cannon, making a huge magnetic crater. The grav reverses again, pulling Probopass right in to the crater and trapping him. Now we're in the air.
Drifloon cant uses zap cannon. And even If he did my Magnetic feild cant be penetarted. Then Probopass uses his magnetic waves to blow back the cannon to nowhere
It used YOUR attack and your magnetic feild attracts attacks, not repel them. Uses frosty psychic to force the Frost Zap Thunder in to the crater, hitting probo in the face.
Probopass uses game shark to redirect the attacks to oth Drifloon and lucario. And then uses all the attackes eve created made up or real on both of the no amount f protect detect or anythind can save you nothing muhahahaha