Username: Gliscor
What do you want:
[ ] Avatar, [x] Banner, [ ] Other________(Please Specify)
What Characters:
Feraligatr EX
Typhlosion EX
Meganium EX
Color Scheme: Forest, Fire, Whirlpool
Background (Colors): Green, Red, Blue, Gold, Silver
Text (Color): HeartGold and SoulSilver Legends (in Gold and Silver)
[x] Yes, [ ] No
[ ] Large, [x] Medium, [ ] Small Specify 435(with) 190(height)
[x] Yes, [ ] No
Who do you want to do your work?
TSL, or anyone open
For the animation, can it just be a switch of the images of the Pokemon a little slowly, and then the text is by itself (like my avy but slower)
Green for Meganium, Red for Typhlosion, Blue for Feralitgatr, Gold/Silver for text
May I please have this? Thanks! And BTW, I love your main banner. Now if only you took out Bowser...