THE FANG - Closed

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RE: THE FANG - Custom Banners, Userbars, Avatars, Animations, Fake Cards, Renders, Sprites (all sorts), and more!

shadoworganoid said:
I hear you. I cant deal with losing. lol

Just a quick question; do you use paint for banners? Im trying a random silly banner idea. (while I wait... JK LOL)

lol. paint? like the program on your computer?

no way.

use gimp. its like photoshop except its free. but its pretty mucha all the same. i used photoshop, didnt like it all that much for some reason =/
RE: THE FANG - Custom Banners, Userbars, Avatars, Animations, Fake Cards, Renders, Sprites (all sorts), and more!

Gimp eh? Ive heard of it. Never actaully seen it...

Oh, didnt see that "percentage/progress bar thing" you mentioned... Aw, well whatever. Its done when its done.
RE: THE FANG - Custom Banners, Userbars, Avatars, Animations, Fake Cards, Renders, Sprites (all sorts), and more!

its cuz i havent started =/

i was to busy fuming over in the sprite thread >.<
RE: THE FANG - Custom Banners, Userbars, Avatars, Animations, Fake Cards, Renders, Sprites (all sorts), and more!

Oh, sorry.
RE: THE FANG - Custom Banners, Userbars, Avatars, Animations, Fake Cards, Renders, Sprites (all sorts), and more!

Hello IFX, I would like another banner please. I promise I'll use this one longer ;D

Could you make it an animation?
First Frame: Kirby staring at a castle, outside of the doors, text: "I never thought I'd come here...."
Second Frame: King Dedede standing at the doors in front of Kirby, which are now wide open, welcoming him. Text: "King Dedede's Castle! Join Today!"

Take as much time as you want. ;D
RE: THE FANG - Custom Banners, Userbars, Avatars, Animations, Fake Cards, Renders, Sprites (all sorts), and more!

yay! i luv king dedede. he was my favorite character in brawl, except i never really won with him cuz he was so fat and slow D=

RE: THE FANG - Custom Banners, Userbars, Avatars, Animations, Fake Cards, Renders, Sprites (all sorts), and more!

hey IFX, its me again lol. I saw the animated banner, i will update T-Explosion with it later. Ya no the userbar you made me, where it says dont underestimate the underdog, could you do that again, same dunsparce and everything, animated, but in avvy form? Thanks again...
RE: THE FANG - Custom Banners, Userbars, Avatars, Animations, Fake Cards, Renders, Sprites (all sorts), and more!

Sure no prob. =]
RE: THE FANG - Custom Banners, Userbars, Avatars, Animations, Fake Cards, Renders, Sprites (all sorts), and more!

Also, could you make me a fake card, that is magikarp lvl x. It has infinite HP, a *2 weakness to lighting, and an attack and poke-body?

That poke-body is as states: This body cannot be canceled by any body canceling effects. Magikarp x cannot be switched by any of your opponents trainers, supporters, stadiums, or any poke-power/pokebodies.

AttacK: Splash. No damage
Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does nothing. If tails, this attack does nothing.

Thanks again infinity fang!
RE: THE FANG - Custom Banners, Userbars, Avatars, Animations, Fake Cards, Renders, Sprites (all sorts), and more!

lol, wow, haha, that souns really interesting o_0

it would be the best card ever

Here you are shadoworganoid. tokk me awhile =P



RE: THE FANG - Custom Banners, Userbars, Avatars, Animations, Fake Cards, Renders, Sprites (all sorts), Edits and Way Mo

alright im done for today, ill do some more request tommarrow. =]
RE: THE FANG - Custom Banners, Userbars, Avatars, Animations, Fake Cards, Renders, Sprites (all sorts), Edits and Way Mo

InfinityFangX said:
Gliscor said:
Username: Gliscor
What do you want:
[ ] Avatar, [x] Banner, [ ] Other________(Please Specify)
What Characters:
Feraligatr EX
Typhlosion EX
Meganium EX
Color Scheme: Forest, Fire, Whirlpool
Background (Colors): Green, Red, Blue, Gold, Silver
Text (Color): HeartGold and SoulSilver Legends (in Gold and Silver)
[x] Yes, [ ] No
[ ] Large, [x] Medium, [ ] Small Specify 435(with) 190(height)
[x] Yes, [ ] No
Who do you want to do your work?
TSL, or anyone open
For the animation, can it just be a switch of the images of the Pokemon a little slowly, and then the text is by itself (like my avy but slower)
Green for Meganium, Red for Typhlosion, Blue for Feralitgatr, Gold/Silver for text

May I please have this? Thanks! And BTW, I love your main banner. Now if only you took out Bowser...

lol. giga bowser is my best freind!

yeah I can do your banner =]

Thanks! When you are done, could you PM me? If you don't, I'll totally forget about this as I'm not often in the Celadon Mart.
RE: THE FANG - Custom Banners, Userbars, Avatars, Animations, Fake Cards, Renders, Sprites (all sorts), Edits and Way Mo

InfinityFangX said:
I used photoshop, didnt like it all that much for some reason =/

x2 I had it, but I had been using Gimp for like 1-2 years so I was like o_O? It took me like an hour to find out how to use the paint tool.
RE: THE FANG - Custom Banners, Userbars, Avatars, Animations, Fake Cards, Renders, Sprites (all sorts), Edits and Way Mo

Do you know if you can make me a trainer card. If so here are the details:

I Want my trainer to be a cool male trainer with a Black and blue coat
Pokemon:Heatran,Suicune,Electivire Shiny,Breloom,Metagross shiny,Latias Shiny
Background:Darkness and Lightning and I want it to say in Green Rotom-Cuts Trainer Card
RE: THE FANG - Custom Banners, Userbars, Avatars, Animations, Fake Cards, Renders, Sprites (all sorts), Edits and Way Mo

Thank you IFX, its looks really cool.
RE: THE FANG - Custom Banners, Userbars, Avatars, Animations, Fake Cards, Renders, Sprites (all sorts), Edits and Way Mo

Rotom-Cut said:
Do you know if you can make me a trainer card. If so here are the details:

I Want my trainer to be a cool male trainer with a Black and blue coat
Pokemon:Heatran,Suicune,Electivire Shiny,Breloom,Metagross shiny,Latias Shiny
Background:Darkness and Lightning and I want it to say in Green Rotom-Cuts Trainer Card

sure, ill do my best =]

Gliscor said:
Thanks! When you are done, could you PM me? If you don't, I'll totally forget about this as I'm not often in the Celadon Mart.

sure no prob. :)
RE: THE FANG - Custom Banners, Userbars, Avatars, Animations, Fake Cards, Renders, Sprites (all sorts), Edits and Way Mo

Actaully, I think the banner hates me... As you can see, it wont show up anymore...
RE: THE FANG - Custom Banners, Userbars, Avatars, Animations, Fake Cards, Renders, Sprites (all sorts), Edits and Way Mo

Could I get this turned into a banner please, thank you in advance.
RE: THE FANG - Custom Banners, Userbars, Avatars, Animations, Fake Cards, Renders, Sprites (all sorts), Edits and Way Mo

shadoworganoid said:
Actaully, I think the banner hates me... As you can see, it wont show up anymore...

oh dear... *sigh*

i know my whole front page is down...

and after all that work yesterday =[

im gonna have to reupload them all again...

give me an hour or so and ill have them up again -_-
RE: THE FANG - Custom Banners, Userbars, Avatars, Animations, Fake Cards, Renders, Sprites (all sorts), Edits and Way Mo


grrr.... sorry everyone i know im way behind on request.
i should have the front fixed in about 30 minutes.
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