BW/BW2 The Future Games Speculation Thread

also team aqua/ magma could be on the moon too! and i hope for following pokemon as well. i didnt get hs/ ss but played my friends and i really like the pokemon sprites.
Obvious Pokémon Tate and Liza will have? Gothorita and Reuniclus. or their pre-evo's.
i never even thought of that! roxanne could have (after you beat her once and fight her after the pokemon league) probopass
I can't wait until I can start being a Coordinater again.
I like how the contest are in different cities instead of one building.

I wish you could chose between Trainer or Coordinater, but of course that'll never happen.
Meh, the musical has no purpose really. I only did it to get Echoed Voice and Frost Breath.

By the way, the team I posted a few pages back is also my Coordinating Team:
BrOkenICE said:
Let's see, if they make a remake my team will be:

Swampert Tough
Mightyena Cool
Delcatty Cute
Kirlia Smart
Milotic Beauty

I base my Team off of Ruby's(Manga).
I want everything from R/S to come back. Secret bases, same contests, etc.

And I really like the idea of choosing to be a coordinator or trainer. But I just thought of something cool!

What if you had one file with your life as a Coordinator, and another file specifically for being a Trainer?
ilovemypikachu said:
And I really like the idea of choosing to be a coordinator or trainer. But I just thought of something cool!

What if you had one file with your life as a Coordinator, and another file specifically for being a Trainer?

Stop reading my mind!
I was thinking the same thing.
Haha, sorry :p

but yeah, that would be cool. I'm not sure if it's in D/P or R/S, but there is a man that asks if your person is a Trainer or Coordinator, and, of course, you're forced to be a trainer. We can only pretend *sigh*

I just want a new Mystery Dungeon or R/S remake. If it follows the pattern of Generation III, the R/S remakes will come before Gray/whateveritllbecalled
I love Pokemon Yellow, since your able to obtain all three starters. I've been trying to buy one on eBay, but, no luck.
David21 said:
I love Pokemon Yellow, since your able to obtain all three starters. I've been trying to buy one on eBay, but, no luck.
I doubt that GameFreak would make a yellow remake because it's first gen though.
It's been 9 years since Ruby/Sapphire were introduced in Japan correct?

I would like it to come back as below

Secret Bases should be much larger and have more choices for decoration for cheap and better interactivity.Wifi interactivity would be great.

Introduce all the new abilities/moves/evolution methods/etc into the game.

Same contests but with better graphics and an enhancement on the old moves.

All the enhancements of DPPT/BW including change of day/season/wifi/dream world compatibility.

Story line still has the same elements but a few changes like Platnium/HGSS.Ability to be a spy for the enemy team hired by Steven would be nice.

Elite 4 back to original roster.Bigger and larger Battle Frontier.Same facilities but an island like the one in DPPT but with different areas and secret features.

About 5-8 new areas like the ones in HGSS.New national pokedeck with evolutions on pokemon found in the game.

New charcters and areas from Emerald Scott,Trainer's Hill,Desert Underpass.

Jiracho,Deoxsys In Game.
^ that would be awesome. I also think this should happen:

-like HG/SS, have the version mascots exclusive to the storyline before the Elite 4, and get the other one later in the game, plus getting Rayquaza at the same time you get it in R/S.
(incase you didn't follow that, an example: you get WhateverSapphire. You are against Team Aqua and you get Kyogre the same way you get it in Sapphire, and get Rayquaza at the same time, but you now have the ability to get Groudon later in the game)

-there's an Underground (I really liked that) but with wifi, and also the whole secret base wifi thingy mentioned in an earlier post

-everything I mentioned before
I agree, they have to have these two things: Secret bases and the original battle frontier. For the battle frontier, I'm not talking about the pthgss one. I'm taking about the amazing emerald one with battle pike, battle pyramid, and that kind of stuff. Either way, a r/s remake would be awesome, and I'm very excited! :p