BW/BW2 The Future Games Speculation Thread

some kid said:
- Pinsir
- Shuckle
- Smeargle
- Dunsparce
- Mawile
- Sableye
- Volbeat & Illumise
- Spinda
- Kecleon
- Absol
- Chatot
- Carnivine
- Basculin
- Stunfisk
^Chatot won't ever get an evolution. It is a gimmick Pokemon. He exists solely to show off the DS's microphone capabilities with his signature move Chatter. Keckleon is a gimmick, too, but I'm still not conviced they won't try to have his ability effect his evolution in some way. For example maybe if he levels up at a certain level he'll evolve and the evo's type depends on the type he currently is. Why would Shuckle get an evolution? He has the highest DEF and SPD in the game. Smeargle is a gimmick, too. His gimmick is sketch. He doesn't need to evolve when he can learn almost any move.

I'm convinced that the next eeveelution will be Dragon type because of the special type pattern that's they've been following. Also, I'd like to see the R/S remakes be called NavySapphire and Crimson/ScarletRuby or HydroSapphire and TerraRuby.
I may be wrong (I usually am), but I have a feeling that if there are going to be any new pr/evos for old pokemon in future games, they won't be for any Gen I to Gen IV pokemon. I say this because Gen V gave us a fresh start - it's nowhere near the other 4 regions, the route numbers have been reset and all the pokemon we thought could be related to old pokemon (especially Alomomola looking like a Luvdisc evo) turned out to have their own separate evolution lines/families.

And look at the similarities in the names of Zubat and Woobat. One may think that they were related in some way from their names alone, yet they'd be wrong.

In short, what I'm trying to say is that some Gen V pokemon look like they have their own counterparts from previous generations, so I don't see why Gamefreak would go back to giving pokemon from the first 4 generations more evos or prevos. If anything, they'd do that to Gen V pokemon.

I really doubt that. There are many Pokemon, mostly from Johto, that are nearly USELESS. For example, Dunsparce, Farfetch'ed, Delibird, and many others. Most of the Gen 5 Pokemon are pretty good with or without evos. I'm just assuming (and hoping) that we'll get lots of Gen 4 and down evolutions next gen.
Personally, I think there shouldn't be any more regions.
Maybe a remake of Ruby, and Sapphire.

I think they should focus on the regions they have right now, and make a nice Wii game. Something with internet connection (when needed), and is interactive with the DS.
Imagine a '3D' game where you can travel through all regions. I feel the Wii is being left out. I personally loved XD and Stadium.

I just wished the 4th region didn't exist. It was horrible.

Those are my 2 cents.
I'm pretty sure they will make a new Wii game, but probably in the style of PokéPark.
Yeah.. it's likely that the 3rd gen and 4th gen will get the most evolutions next gen. If it follows the pattern.. the next gen will have less Pokémon than the last.. and losts of pre-evo's/evo's.

While I did make the previous comment.. I think that the first gen, second gen will get 3 or 4 evolutions/pre-evo's at the most.. they will probably want to keep the old Pokémon alive a few generations down the line. So they will keep evolutions going I should think. Unless they decide to remake the third versions of games in a few generations.. which.. I wouldn't technically thinks a bad thing in like 2020 :p After all.. it's unlikely that GAMEFREAK will just toss the generation aside as the franchise continues to grow further and further.
I remember how Solrock was found in Ruby and Emerald in Gen III, but Lunatone was only in Sapphire. Braviary and Mandibuzz are just like that, but which one would be in Gray?

EDIT(In response to s2daam): Look at your sig. I see Braviary, but NO Mandibuzz. Thanks.

Arceus Of Heaven said:
I remember how Solrock was found in Ruby and Emerald in Gen III, but Lunatone was only in Sapphire. Braviary and Mandibuzz are just like that, but which one would be in Gray?


I would think both.. but if not.. probably Braviary. Based on the fact it's gotten more exposure and is more popular than Mandibuzz
i cant find it but some1 wrote that they want a dragon type eeveelution but what would it look like? vaporeon already looks kinda like a dragon. what would they name it? Dragoneon? Drageon? and wouldnt a fox with dragon wings look kinda wierd? theese r just my thoughts so dont criticize
i agree but sum people r curious
anyway i wanted to know if any one liked the names flaming/burning/burnt/hot ruby and frozen/freezing/cold sapphire. thoughts?

ps has any1 noticed the time on the website is wrong?
You adjust the time to fit your time zone on options.
And the remakes will be, whats the right word...
Oh. Well be careful not to spam(as you are doing that now) and read the rules.

the word I was looking for is "amazing"
about the r/s remakes like others said i do belive the rocket would be done. but can any one imagine brandon/may in a space suit on the moon? would deoxys be there?
Zekroman said:
about the r/s remakes like others said i do belive the rocket would be done. but can any one imagine brandon/may in a space suit on the moon? would deoxys be there?
I highly doubt that it will go onto the moon, but hey! It's fifth generation, anything can happen!
I hope following Pokemon will return. I really like the feature. I also hope the grass-style from HG/SS returns. I don't like separate patches, I like different-shaped fields of grass, if that makes any sense. And no more shaking grass. To be honest, it's cheap. My friend had a level 60 Meinshaou (sp?) from Audinos before the 7th gym leader. I've beaten the E4 and team Plasma, but I still only have level 53's and 54's.
Zekroman said:
exactly! game freak is getting more advanced. i don't doubt it could happen
Now that I think about, you're right. I never expected a lot of things in black and white, so yea. They better have secret bases in the r/s ermakes though. If they don't, I will be VERY angry.