The future of Jumpluff

ERL is the sole reason why I'm debating Manectric for the help of Jumpluff.

Also might help preventing Garchomp from sniping your setup and Sunfloras...
Which is why it is dead. No draw, no engine, no game. Anything that relied THAT heavily on Claydol is most definitely gone. That's like saying I'm going to try playing Darkrai with only the MD one after rotation.
Did you even read the scond line of my post? JUMPLUFF STILL HAS AN ENGINE. Sunflora is good.
@Lou: I was actually thinking that, but it has potential to ruin your consistency.
6-Dimension said:
@Lou: I was actually thinking that, but it has potential to ruin your consistency.

meh. a 1-1 line can't possibly ruin your consistency. Especially since it has a free retreat on both stages.
6-Dimension said:
Did you even read the scond line of my post? JUMPLUFF STILL HAS AN ENGINE. Sunflora is good.
@Lou: I was actually thinking that, but it has potential to ruin your consistency.

Sunflora can't make Jumpluff run as well as Claydol did. You can search only for {G} Pokemon. Your opponent will be more likely to Power Spray, because then they know you need something specific. "Hmm... He has a Skiploom benched... Oh! He needs Jumpluff! *Power Spray*"
with a straight 3-3 replacement on claydol yea sure power spray sunflora, sunflora 2 will pick up the slack, the only way spray will work is for a whole line and hoping candy isn't in sight
Rikko145 said:
Sunflora can't make Jumpluff run as well as Claydol did. You can search only for {G} Pokemon. Your opponent will be more likely to Power Spray, because then they know you need something specific. "Hmm... He has a Skiploom benched... Oh! He needs Jumpluff! *Power Spray*"

In a lot of ways I think Sunflora is better. Think about it. The only thing you need is jumpluff line and one piddly energy. Sunflora gets everything you need except the energy, which you can use supporters to get.
amisheskimoninja said:
In a lot of ways I think Sunflora is better. Think about it. The only thing you need is jumpluff line and one piddly energy. Sunflora gets everything you need except the energy, which you can use supporters to get.

So you're going to spend two or more search cards getting the Sunflora's just so you can search in a more limited range? That sounds sooo intelligent.

The Pain said:
with a straight 3-3 replacement on claydol yea sure power spray sunflora, sunflora 2 will pick up the slack, the only way spray will work is for a whole line and hoping candy isn't in sight

And how do you intend on getting Sunflora 2 out if I Spray Sunflora 1?
Rikko145 said:
So you're going to spend two or more search cards getting the Sunflora's just so you can search in a more limited range? That sounds sooo intelligent.

Sarcasm aside, you can use it EVERY turn. Speedrill worked pretty darn well with two flutter wings, and in this case you can have 3 or more sunfloras on your bench.

Secondly Sunflora isn't your only drawpower. No deck can use the Cynthia's Feelings engine better than jumpluff.
Rikko145 said:
So you're going to spend two or more search cards getting the Sunflora's just so you can search in a more limited range? That sounds sooo intelligent.

The Pain said:
with a straight 3-3 replacement on claydol yea sure power spray sunflora, sunflora 2 will pick up the slack, the only way spray will work is for a whole line and hoping candy isn't in sight

And how do you intend on getting Sunflora 2 out if I Spray Sunflora 1?

It would already be out by the time a have to recover a fallen jumpluff also Limited search??? claydol offered no search just draw even with 3 out you might not draw what you need

also in addition how you gonna get a second claydol out if they spray the first???
Speedrill only worked well with Flutter Wings because you could use Claydol to cycle through the deck more and use less Search with the Grass Pokemon you needed. If Jumpluff was going to use the engine as well as Speedrill, it already would have done it.

dmaster out.
dmaster said:
Speedrill only worked well with Flutter Wings because you could use Claydol to cycle through the deck more and use less Search with the Grass Pokemon you needed. If Jumpluff was going to use the engine as well as Speedrill, it already would have done it.

dmaster out.
I like how Sunflora all of a sudden becomes a draw engine?

Sure you can search for your Jumpluff line, then check out this scenario. Your last Jumpluff is knocked out and you don't have a recovery in your hand, then what?
With Claydol you would have cosmiced into a night maintenance by that time. If I were the SP player I would let you Sunflora all you want, but that "Set-Up" ain't happening.

my two cents.
YourP1MP said:
I like how Sunflora all of a sudden becomes a draw engine?

Sure you can search for your Jumpluff line, then check out this scenario. Your last Jumpluff is knocked out and you don't have a recovery in your hand, then what?
With Claydol you would have cosmiced into a night maintenance by that time. If I were the SP player I would let you Sunflora all you want, but that "Set-Up" ain't happening.

my two cents.

I'd like to see somebody try and run Jumpluff using MD-on. (I'd say I'd play ya' on redshark, but my computer won't run it.
If people actually continue to play this deck at actual tournaments (which I don't doubt people will try), I can't wait to have an easy win because of how much fail Jumpluff will have MD-On.

dmaster out.
Maybe if you teched Jumpluff in with SF Vespiquen and the UD Combee, it could be useful. Otherwise, I see very little coming from Jumpluff. And I like Jumpluff a lot.
YourP1MP said:
I like how Sunflora all of a sudden becomes a draw engine?

Sure you can search for your Jumpluff line, then check out this scenario. Your last Jumpluff is knocked out and you don't have a recovery in your hand, then what?
With Claydol you would have cosmiced into a night maintenance by that time. If I were the SP player I would let you Sunflora all you want, but that "Set-Up" ain't happening.

my two cents.

Its not. Like I said, Feelings is your draw engine. Sunflora is for getting out pluffs.

dmaster said:
If Jumpluff was going to use the engine as well as Speedrill, it already would have done it.

Some of us HAVE been using that engine. Effectively I might add. It just didn't catch on because all you metagamers think you NEEDED claydol.
Tell me how good that engine worked out for you at high events such as Nationals and Regionals please.

dmaster out.