RE: .:The Guild: A Roleplayer's Paradise:.Memebers! Make your vote!
Oh yeah..forgot violence was a factor. well, considering I beat the heck out of people in the early TOT and no one cared I doubt it would be too major of an issue.
It'll be half rpg in that there will be Damage and puzzles..
example of a puzzle:
Survivors are trying to get to the other side of the city for possible rescue but they can't because of a huge wall that was built to try and contain the infection. They explore the city, and come across a lift (like people use in construction) and can use that to get on top of the building to help them go forward, however the lift is broken and won't work. In a nearby building there's a crank/something that can be used as a crank to make the lift go up manually, and they have X # of posts to explore that room/building, and if they don't a horde of zombies will stream in, which they'll have to deal with, and reset X count to 0. They then have same # of posts to find it and if they don't more zombies. This is of course besides normal zombies that are all over the Area/city etc.
Also half story based. (They may end up in a CDC facillity and find out more about the infection, how it started etc, and they'll always be on the move trying to find a new "home" safe from zombies with the chance for them to start a new life. I'll probably cap players at 6-8 so the group doesn't get too big. Also players will have the chance to employ some character skillsets (like if John was in the Army he obviously can hit zombies like 100% of the time, where as ex-secretary Jan might miss a few times unless she Trains with ex-military guy during down time). Also a doctor can patch up wounds easier than someone who would just have a Y first aid 101 lesson lol.
Also weapon wise it will probably be more like Dead Rising, some guns sure but realistically they're isn't a gun store for more ammo every 2 blocks. They could use bats/batons/etc and there will be a limit on different kinds of weapons each person can have, without them having a bag/satchel (which would slow them down in combat/running from zombies)
I'm battling with the idea of player infection..Possibly, I'll probably hold a vote on that, and if they decide infection is ok I'll make it so rarely/if ever someone gets infected, unless it's SUPER AWESOME CRITICAL TO THE STORY lol. Like probably infection ONLY through biting, so if someone gets scratched up alot they're fine.