The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks

Do find this game a good game to play?

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    Votes: 30 83.3%
  • No

    Votes: 4 11.1%
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    Votes: 2 5.6%

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The great snake rules forever!
This topic is on The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks. I just picked the game up today (since it just came out) and wanted to know who else bought, or likes it. If anyone has any comment on this game it should be posted here.

I am not far at all I got up to the ceramony then saved and took a break. Anyone past me that want to share there story about the game?
I plan on getting it for Christmas, it's already pre-ordered, just needs to be picked up.
Oh sweet, yeah I like it so far, and I just got to my train agian.
I'll probably either get it for Christmas or soon after (how do people buy things for themselves around the holidays? @.@), mostly because trains are cool, cannons are cool, trains with cannons are really cool, and the plot looks interesting.

Also, only person alive who likes Spirit Tracks Zelda more than Tetra.
^make that one of the two. Played PH but never WW :p
I'm going to get it for Christmas (hopefully :p).

Going by what IGN said, it's even better than the last DS Zelda, which was amazing.
Yeah, I didn't think it was possible that it'd be better. I'm hopefully getting it this week.

dmaster out.
The only thing I don't really like is how Link looks exactly how he did in Phantom Hourglass yet it's a different Link...
I have it

its fun and customizing the train is sweet it retains alot of stuff from Phantom hourglass(which was amazing) but has a ton of cool new stuff and zelda is sometimes funny
I kninda wish it was like Oracle of Season. I no they wouldn't, but I like those graphics. :)

Ethier way I am getting pretty far since I have only played it for like 30 minutes total.
I hate this game.
Dungeons and the likes are great, storyline is kinda good, music is good and catchy as always, fun overworld, relatively fun sidequests (though I wish there'd be more to collect), Zelda is my favorite sidekick as of this game (though more dialogue would be appreciated), weapons are awesome (especially the whip), bosses are fun, characters are fun (though reusing almost the entire PH cast is kinda meh), controls still as good as PH, and clicking menu actually pauses this time around, as well as it being limited to a single corner (major plusses). Double-touch to roll is way easier than drawing circles as well. Another major plus is Jolene's reincarnation's battle thingy, which is a lot of fun and actually quite a challenge (I hope they do more of these cave of ordeals-like dungeons in later games).
But I haven't beaten the game yet, so I don't know if this still applies later in the game. The reason I haven't beaten it yet is because I'm stuck, not stuck because I can't beat a dungeon, can't solve a puzzle, can't beat a boss, don't know where to go or whatever, none of those reasons (hard to be stuck that way, it's a pretty easy game, though harder than PH). No, I'm stuck because some dude with spiky red hair and wheels for legs thinks I'm improvising too much. I've literally tried to play that bloody song millions of times, in my eyes flawlessly, yet the bloke still insists that, while he thinks some improv is nice, perfection is the minimum requirement. I don't think I've ever thrown away my stylus out of frustration, yelled at a game, or even had the urge to thrown away my DSi before, so congratulations LoZ team on that one ._.
I'm honestly am out of breath, frustrated to death, and have been trying for at least 6 hours (granted, there have been a lot of pauses). This is by far the hardest thing I have even had to do in a videogame.
And no, I am not accidentally blowing in the orange pipe, failing to follow the rhythm or not blowing hard enough. From what I've read online (looking for some ultimate hint which might rid me of my suffering), others are having the same problem (though through some divine guidance they actually seem to manage to get it right after "a number of tries", it seems... well, I guess those who don't don't write faqs and guides).
Unless I somehow discover I'm doing something horribly wrong (which for some reason didn't matter for the other Lokomos), and manage to actually do it quite easily, this might actually end up being one of the few LoZ games I won't replay, despite it having been a lot of fun up until this point...
Now, I don't have the best blowing-abilities (mild form of asthma), and my rhythmic skills aren't superb, but you'd expect at least some tolerance, as long as you have the notes right, but no, "only for professional pan flute players".

I'm surprised this thread isn't a little more active, BTW.

Follow-up: My bro tries once, repeats a few notes, plays until after the screen switches back, and doesn't follow any rythm and clears it on the 1st try ._.
Someone explain this to me...
^Well this sounds like a disapointment, how far is this in the game, where you are stuck?

Also yes, I wish this thread had a little more discussion too.
I'm in the Snow area after playing for a little bit.

dmaster out.
I'm renting it for my 2 day CCs trip, its good, but I can't beat the giant bug boss at the tree tower thing.
Don't know how or too difficult?
If it's too difficult, just use the hearts in the jars (but it shouldn't be, pretty easy boss).
Don't know how:
Phase 1: Run in circles around him, wait for him to stop, blow at his, ummm, purple, smokey appendage, and give him a good beating.
Phase 2: Attack the blue worms he's throwing at you, when he's flying towards you, blow one in his face, and give him a beating again.
Both phases should take 2 to 3 takes, but shouldn't be difficult.
@ Heavenly Spoon
I'm having the same problem that you did, it clearly is a design flaw. I've had help from multiple people, it just won't work. Clearly a programming error. I might call Nintendo.

But the game up to that is pretty easy and fun('cept for the water temple boss, he was a jerk).
Water Temple boss was alright, ice temple boss is the annoying one (awesome background music, though). The water level boss is only a problem in that challenge-thing by the Jolene-reincarnation, as you're pretty much guaranteed to get damaged.

Anyhow, some hints which might help: Keep playing even untll after the screen switches back, take your time, and repeating notes does not seem to be a problem, as long as you don't blow in the orange pipe... That's how my brother did it, at least (if you have a younger brother, ask him).
But yeah, it's not like the LoZ team to leave something like that in, it's truly my only disappointment in the game so far...

On a different note, I had enough treasure to buy the golden engine, but not the dragon one ._. (which is a shame since I now have all the other parts). So I've been blowing away leafs for the past 2 hours, I'm up to 80 Stalfos Skulls (._.), and both my stars and wood hearts are in the 50ies, and yet I still have not collected 25 Demon fossils in total (including the ones I used to the Dragon Lair).
Also, don't buy the cake engine (if you're not going completist), it might sound cool, but it's not all that pretty, and the sound's pretty dumb.
Golden parts don't seem to increase my hearts for some reason, BTW, I have 3 dragon and 1 golden part, yet only have 5 hearts...

Also, what's everyone's highscores on the whip race thing? I have 1:08:54 and I wasn't even trying, it's almost impossible to go below 1:15 for me (I think I once managed to drop and still finish in time), and yet that's all you need for the piece of heart, way too simple. Fun way to get the expensive treasures, though, beating up soldiers might be cheaper, but takes way longer.

Anyhow, back to ruining my lungs by blowing away leaves, only 8 more fossils to go!

EDIT: make that 99 skulls ._.
Wood Hearts are up to 78 as well, and yet I still lack 6 fossils.
Just so everyone knows, the treasures only go up to 99.
EDIT2: Silly me, I only needed 12 fossils...
What a waste of a day :O
(Well, not really, I went from 2000 to 9000+ coins thanks to all the junk I collected, and I still have 30 stars, skulls and hearts left :D)