The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks

Do find this game a good game to play?

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    Votes: 30 83.3%
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    Votes: 4 11.1%
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    Votes: 2 5.6%

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I thought the game was alot more easy then hourglass but I liked it I thought. I just beat the game 2 days ago and got it on christmas I stopped playing for about a week IDK why. ANyway the best way to get treasure is to play the goron game in my Opion. It is fun quick and easy.

It took a bit to get past the Locomos. Do what I did; only play when the camera is on LINK.

Yup, that's all it takes, pretty much.

My rating: 8.5/10. Everything is good, the Locomo songs are a pain, but not by much, it sorta lags, and you can't replay the Demon Train boss fight (which is my favorite). Also, the train wasn't anthropomorphic.
Bleh postcards. I've found that I've been getting more Mystic Jade, Goron Amber and Ancient Gold Pieces than Palace Dishes, which is pretty unfair considering how I really don't need any of them anymore >.>
I am debating weather to get this game or not, I am thinking about it. What do you guys think?
It's great. I've beaten Malladus and watched all 3 endings now. I like how for once in the game Link and Zelda clearly like each other, it's cute how they hold hands in the end. I mean like in Twilight Princess for example they barely know each other, and in OoT Link's got like 3 other options.
Got stuck on something really dumb, if anyone thinks they might be able to help that would be nice.
stuck on what?

Anyway I'm working on 100%ing teh game. I own the guidebook so it's not that difficult.
Kinda in the begining of the game, where you have that bridge and you need a bomb to unleash the bridge, and run across it to blow up the block. I do not get what how you do it.
If you mean the Forest Sanctuary, you just have to be really fast. Pick up a bomb, throw it at the switch, then quickly pick up another bomb, run across the bridge and bomb the bricks. As far as I know, there's no real trick to it.
Ahh, so you just need to be fast at it, gesh I went real fast and I did not get it. I did it a little different though. Now I know how to do it. Thanks. :)
I know I'm gonna upset many people, but in my (professional) opinion: THIS GAME WAS GARBAGE!!!

Being the 1337 that I am, I completed all the sidequests. I have everything in it. I hated every second of it. My biggest complaints:

1. THE TRAIN!!!: I had minor gripes about the boat in PH. It was slightly slow, but manageable. The train in ST was GARBAGE!! It was completely slow, took out all the "fun" of exploration, and just unfun to play with. I didn't even take enjoyment in shooting at things in the background. Speaking of the background, the graphics in the train section of the game were HORRIBLE! I would expect better animation out of a N64 game. I even popped in OoT and MM and road around seeing the backgrounds. Much better in the N64 games.

2. The dungeons: Up until when you get the bow-and-arrow, the dungeons were completely lame. After the first dungeon, I just turned the game off and gave up for a few weeks. I found no enjoyment what-so-ever in the first few. There were no cleaver puzzles or fun-to-fight enemies. They were all completely lame.

3. Multiplayer: No online guys? You serious? I semi-enjoyed PH's multiplayer. I thought it was a step in the write direction. ST's multiplayer was... ok. It would have been so much better if it went online.

4. THE FLUTE!!!!1111!!!eleven11!!: I like composing my own songs on the tLoZ instruments. I've made some pretty creative ones. The flute had 7 notes. No new octives to play or sharp/flat notes. Also, it was DIFFICULT to quickly change notes without ruining the song.

I have a bunch more complaints, but those are the big ones. I would not recommend this game to anyone at all. I can't believe I spent a whole $30 on the garbage. As a final note, I wanna know why Link is an engineer. Was it translation error? He should be a conductor. I never saw him fixing his train, or doing any engineer-ing work.
I'm keeping it to myself but you're about to get flamed...
He shouldn't get bashed because he has his own opinion :/. The game was ridiulously easy (and I can actually say that now, having gotten 100% without any guides) so it's not like he's pulling his complaints out of thin air.
I can't see why. Not being a Zelda veteran myself, I can't compare to previous games, but quite a few I agree with there. For most of it I was wondering how long it would take before more tactically interesting enemies came up; none. Most could be managed with a couple of slashes. The train does get more annoying/interesting later with the extra force gems and seeker trains... but stil annoying. I still can't aim properly at the cave spiders.
From all the other zelda games that i have played this is by far the easiest and like Z-man said It was really easy to do I agree with him on most of the stuff he said. It's tough to face the facts.

z-man said:
I have a bunch more complaints, but those are the big ones. I would not recommend this game to anyone at all. I can't believe I spent a whole $30 on the garbage. As a final note, I wanna know why Link is an engineer. Was it translation error? He should be a conductor. I never saw him fixing his train, or doing any engineer-ing work.

But do conductors engineer/drive trains?
But if a conductor collects tickets and such, who's driving the train, unless there's more than one? And since when have conductors driven trains?
Huh. Actually engineers (for railroad transport at least) are in charge of the driving of it. Wouldn't have known. Well., anyway, that's one thing they got right.
Pw3nd. Lol jk. I still think this game is very fun, better than Phantom Hourglass. You can make train travel enjoyable if you try. It's really not that slow. I'm closer and closer to 100% completing the game. I just got all rabbits and heart containers today. I just still need to go up 2 more ranks in Beedle's shop, check if I've opened every chest yet, and get every train car.