Collecting The "Look What I Pulled" & Pull Rates Thread

Craziness here! Totally shocked by the outcome lol

Very nice. I've bought 3 Latios tins in my life and i'm reluctant to ever buy more because i've never gotten anything better than a reverse holo rare in them. Latios just plain hates me.
Pokemon Card Pulls for Sept/Oct 2016

Pokemon Fates Collide Dollar Tree Packs X16

White Kyerum Rare Holo
Serperior Rare Non Holo
Reuniclus Rare Non Holo
Omastar Rare Non Holo
Kabutops Rare Non Holo
Rotom Rare Non Holo
Serperior Reverse Holo
Riolu Reverse Holo
Moltres Reverse Holo

Pokemon Steam Seige Dollar Tree packs x8

Yveltal BREAK Rare Holo
Avalugg Rare Non Holo
Fletchling Reverse Holo

Pokemon Steam Seige Packs x4

Weavile Rare Non Holo
Armaldo Reverse Holo
Volcanion EX Full Art Holo
Tangrowth Reverse Holo
Galvantula Rare Non Holo
Mareep Reverse Holo
Gastrodon Rare Non Holo
Primape Reverse Holo

Pokemon Fates Collide Packs X 12

Delphox Rare Holo
Cinccino Reverse Holo
Mothim Rare Non Holo
Snorlax Reverse Holo
Team Rockets Handiwork Full Art Holo
Fenniken Reverse Holo
Kabutops Rare Non Holo
Seel Reverse Holo
Mew Rare Non Holo
Deerling Reverse Holo
Reuniclus Rare Non Holo
Bent Spoon Reverse Holo
Altaria EX Rare Holo
Koffing Reverse Holo
White Kyurem Rare Holo
Rotom Reverse Holo
Snorlax Rare Non Holo
Jigglypuff Reverse Holo
Lucario Rare Holo
Cottonee Reverse Holo
Serperior Rare Non Holo
Serperior Reverse Holo
Mandibuzz Rare Non Holo
Spoink Reverse Holo

Pokemon Fates Collide Pansear Promo Blister

Barbaracle Rare Non Holo
Burmy Reverse Holo

Pokemon Fates Collide Gastly Promo Blister

Lucario Rare Holo
Snorlax Reverse Holo

Pokemon Break Through Packs x2

Gengar Rare Non Holo
Parallel City Reverse Holo
Noctowl Rare Non Holo
Judge Reverse Holo

Pokemon Pikachu EX Tin

Pokemon Steam Siege Pack X2
Galvantula Rare Non Holo
Dewott Reverse Holo
Chandelure Rare Holo
Weavile Reverse Holo

Pokemon Ancient Origins Pack
Vileplume Rare non Holo
Dangerous Energy Reverse Holo

Pokemon Primal Clash Pack
Ludicolo Rare Holo
Walrein Reverse Holo
Pokemon Zygarde EX Tin

Pokemon Fates Collide Pack X 2
Mandibuzz Rare Non Holo
Riolu Reverse Holo
Kabutops Rare Non Holo
Loudred Reverse Holo

Pokemon BREAK Through Pack
M Mewtwo EX (X) Rare Holo
Paras Reverse Holo
Pokemon Roaring Skies
Banette Rare Non Holo
Tranquill Reverse Holo

Pokemon Zygarde EX Tin

Pokemon Fates Collide Pack X 2
Rotom Rare Non Holo
Carbink BREAK Rare Holo
Mothim Rare Non Holo
Lucario Reverse Holo

Pokemon BREAK Through Pack
Smeargle Rare Non Holo
Magneton Reverse Holo

Pokemon Roaring Skies
Deoxys Rare Holo
Spearow Reverse Holo

Pokemon Yveltal EX Tin
Pokemon Fates Collide Pack X 2
Lucario Rare Non Holo
Larvitar Reverse Holo
Mothim Rare Non Holo
Bronzong BREAK

Pokemon BREAK Through Pack
Staraptor Rare Non Holo
Swablu Reverse Holo

Pokemon Roaring Skies
Articuno Rare Non Holo
Healing Scarf Reverse Holo

Pokemon Xerneas EX Tin

Pokemon Fates Collide Pack X 2
Moltres Rare Non Holo
Riolu Reverse Holo
Glaceon EX Rare Holo
Marowak Reverse Holo

Pokemon BREAK Through Pack
Dodrio Rare Non Holo
Noivern BREAK Rare Holo

Pokemon Roaring Skies
Reshiram Rare Holo
Revive Reverse Holo

Pokemon Mega Swampert Pin Blister

Pokemon BREAK Through Pack
Hawlucha Rare Non Holo
Gengar Reverse Holo

Pokemon Ancient Origins Pack
Registeel Rare Non Holo
Gloom Reverse Holo

Pokemon Primal Clash
M Gardevoir EX Rare Holo
Masquerain Reverse Holo

Pokemon Fates Collide Mega Alakazam Pin Blister

Pokemon Fates Collide Pack x 3
Grumpig Rare Non Holo
Reuniclus Reverse Holo
Barbarcle Rare Non Holo
Diglett Reverse Holo
Regirock EX Rare Holo
Bronzong Reverse Holo

Pokemon Fates Collide Mega Zygarde Pin Blister

Exploud Rare Non Holo
Spoink Reverse Holo
Lugia Rare Non Holo
Strong Energy Reverse Holo
Exploud Rare Non Holo
Koffing Reverse Holo

Pokemon Fates Collide Vivillion Promo Blister
Mothim Rare Non Holo
Devolution Spray Reverse Holo
Grumpig Rare Non Holo
Cinccino Reverse Holo
Alakazam EX Full Art Holo
Zygarde Reverse Holo

Pokemon Fates Collide Froakie Promo Blister
Rotom Rare Non Holo
Riolu Reverse Holo
Audino EX Rare Holo
Chaos Tower Reverse holo
Snorlax Rare Non Holo
Snorlax Reverse Holo

Pokemon Shiny Gyrados Box

Pokemon BREAK Through Pack
Bronzong Rare Non Holo
Chespin Reverse Holo

Pokemon BREAK Point Pack x 2
Ferrothorn Rare Non Holo
Fighting Fury Belt Reverse Holo
Lilligant Rare Non Holo
Draglage Reverse Holo

Pokemon Ancient Origins Pack
Regirock Rare Non Holo
Persian Reverse Holo

Pokemon Mega Aerodactyl-EX Premium Collection Box

Pokemon Furious Fists Pack
Pangoro Rare Non Holo
Herbal Energy Reverse Holo

Pokemon Roaring Skies Pack
Xatu Rare Non Holo
Talonflame Reverse Holo

Pokemon Ancient Origins Pack x 2
Entei Rare Non Holo
Virizion Reverse Holo
Golurk Rare Non Holo
Gloom Reverse Holo

Pokemon BREAK Through Pack x 2
Zoroark Rare Holo
Zorua Reverse Holo
Marowak Rare Non Holo
Zorua Reverse Holo

Pokemon Ash-Greninja-EX Box

Pokemon Ancient Origins Pack
Goodra Rare Holo
Registeel Reverse Holo

Pokemon BREAK Through Pack
Parasect Rare Non Holo
Vanillish Reverse Holo

Pokemon BREAK Point Pack x 2
M Gyrados EX Full Art Holo 115/122
Psychic's Third Eye Reverse Holo
Camerupt Rare Non Holo
Luxray Reverse Holo

Pokemon Mega Mawile-EX Premium Collection Box

Pokemon BREAK Through Pack x 2
Chatot Rare Non Holo
Staryu Reverse Holo
Mismagius Rare Holo
Dedenee Reverse Holo
Pokemon BREAK Point Pack x 2
Manaphy EX Rare Holo
Tympole Reverse Holo
Seismitoad Rare Non Holo
Furfou Reverse Holo
Pokemon Fates Collide Pack x 2
Lugia Rare Non Holo
Weezing Reverse Holo
Umbreon EX Rare Holo
Fairy Drop Reverse Holo

Pokemon BREAK Evolutions Box Ho-oh / Lugia

Pokemon Ancient Origins Pack
Golurk Rare Non Holo
Combee Reverse Holo

Pokemon BREAK Through Pack

Hawlucha Rare Non Holo
Giovanni's Scheme Reverse Holo

Pokemon BREAK Point Pack
Zebstrika Rare Non Holo
Shinx Reverse Holo

Pokemon Fates Collide Pack x 2
Bronzong Rare Non Holo
Loudred Reverse Holo
Exploud Rare Non Holo
Deerling reverse Holo

Pokemon Zygarde Figure Box

Pokemon BREAK Through Pack
Simisage Rare Non Holo
Wobbuffet Reverse Holo

Pokemon BREAK Point Pack
Suicune Rare Holo
Nuzleaf Reverse Holo

Pokemon Fates Collide Pack x 2
Lugia Rare Non Holo
Mega Catcher Reverse Holo
Glaceon EX Full Art Holo YAY! =D
Bronzong Reverse Holo

Pokemon Mythical Collection Darkrai
2 Packs of Pokemon Generations
Charizard EX Rare Holo
Rhyhorn Reverse Holo
Froslass Radiant Collection
Fletchling Radiant Collection
Dodrio Rare Non Holo
Double Colorless Energy Reverse Holo
Charizard Radiant Collection
Charmander Radiant Collection

Pokemon Mythical Collection Manaphy
2 Packs of Pokemon Generations
Golem EX Rare Holo
Pokemon Center Lady Reverse Holo
Wally Radiant Collection
Espurr Radiant Collection
Parascect Rare Non Holo
Geodude Reverse Holo
Sylveon EX Rare Holo Radiant Collection
Charmander Radiant Collection

Pokemon Mythical Collection Shaymin
2 Packs of Pokemon Generations
Pinsir Rare Non Holo
Gyrados Reverse Holo
Wally Radiant Collection
Gulpin Radiant Collection
Hitmonchan Rare Non Holo
Hitmonchan Reverse Holo
Jirachi Radiant Collection
Fletchling Radiant Collection

Pokemon Mythical Collection Arceus
2 Packs of Pokemon Generations
Articuno Full Art Holo
Persian Reverse Holo
Charizard Radiant Collection
Fletchling Radiant Collection
Tauros Rare Non Holo
Pokemon Center Lady Reverse Holo
Diancie Radiant Collection
Flabebe Radiant Collection

Pokemon Mythical Collection Keldeo
2 Packs of Pokemon Generations
Tauros Rare Non Holo
Cloyster Reverse Holo
Sylveon EX Rare Holo Radiant Collection
Charmeleon Radiant Collection
Golem Rare Holo
Evosoda Reverse Holo
Swirlix Radiant Collection
Chikorita Radiant Collction

Pokemon Mythical Collection Vicitini
Hitmonlee Rare non holo
Gastly Reverse Holo
Swirlix Radiant Collection
Floral Crown Radiant Collection
Snorlax Rare Non Holo
Meowth Reverse holo
Yveltal Radiant Collection
Snorunt Radiant Collection

Pokemon Red and Blue Collection Charizard EX
4 packs of Generations
Gyrados Rare Non Holo
Gastly Reverse Holo
Gardevoir Full Art Holo Radiant Collection
Shroomish Radiant Collection
Gengar Rare Non Holo
Pokemon Center Lady Reverse Holo
Swirlix Radiant Collection
Flabebe Radiant Collection
Rapidash Rare Non Holo
Maintenance Reverse Holo
Charizard Radiant Collection
Espurr Radiant Collection
Hitmonlee Rare Non Holo
Magikarp Reverse Holo
Wobeffet Radiant Collection
Shurpuff Radiant Collection

Pokemon Red and Blue Collection Blastoise EX
4 Packs of Pokemon Generations
Zapdos Full Art Holo
Metapod Reverse Holo
Gardevoir Full Art Holo Radiant Collection
Charmeleon Radiant Collection
Dugtrio Rare Non Holo
Revializer Reverse Holo
Pikachu Full Art Holo Radiant Holo
Flabebe Radiant Collection
Snorlax Rare Non Holo
Pokemon Center Lady Reverse Holo
Wobbeffet Radiant Collection
Dedenne Radiant Collection
Rabidash Rare Non Holo
Caterpie reverse Holo
Froslass Radiant Collection
Espurr Radiant Collection

Pokemon Red and Blue Collection Venusaur EX
4 Packs of Pokemon Generations
Mega Venusuar EX Rare Holo
Hitmonchan Reverse Holo
Swirlix Radiant Collection
Floral Crown Radiant Collection
Meowstic EX Rare Holo
Pikachu Reverse Holo
Slurpuff Radiant Collection
Charmeleon Radiant Collection
Articuno Full Art Holo
Dark Energy Reverse Holo
Wally Radiant Collectiom
Gulpin Radiant Collection
Charizard EX Rare Holo
Energy Switch Reverse Holo
Swirlix Radiant Collection
Espurr Radiant Collection

Pokemon Red and Blue Collection Pikachu EX
4 Packs of Generations
Gyrados Rare Non Holo
Red Card Reverse Holo
Snorunt Radiant Collection
Jirachi Radiant Collection
Gyrados Rare Non Holo
Tangela Reverse Holo
Slurpuff Radiant Collection
Gulpin Radiant Collection
Dodrio Rare Non Holo
Maintenance Reverse Holo
Wally Radiant Collection
Flabebe Radiant Collection
Snorlax Rare Non Holo
Krabby Reverse Holo
Meowstic Radiant Collection
Snorunt Radiant Collection part of 2016 pulls?sort=3&page=1

Link to photos
Managed to find a FA Flareon EX, a third (!) FA Zapdos, a second Flareon EX and a Leafeon EX out of a Pikachu EX box and a second Arceus pin collection.
Hey guys its been a while and i know everyone is looking to see more Roaring Skies, we just opened 3 booster boxes on our channel and well stick around to the end to see what was pulled...

Got some very nice pulls from my pre-release over the weekend including Solgaleo-GX, holo Krookodile, and some RH Rares (Oranguru, Cloyster, Stoutland), but the best pull by far was my Hyper Rare Lunala-GX! <3 Really made the whole pre-release worth it, and it was the only HR pulled at the pre-release (though we also saw UR Psychic Energy and Ultra Ball, a bunch of FAs, and not everyone opened their post-tournament packs at the store, either).

Does anyone know the Pull Rates for Sun & Moon yet?

Bit too soon to say still, since pre-releases only started this weekend and only a few people have been able to open booster boxes. Based on the very little bit that I've seen, it looks like GXes have about the same pull rate as EXes, and FAs seem about the same, which would make sense, but that was just me eyeballing a single pre-release. We'll have a better idea once the set has actually seen wide release.
Bit too soon to say still, since pre-releases only started this weekend and only a few people have been able to open booster boxes. Based on the very little bit that I've seen, it looks like GXes have about the same pull rate as EXes, and FAs seem about the same, which would make sense, but that was just me eyeballing a single pre-release. We'll have a better idea once the set has actually seen wide release.

I've seen very little pulls of HR and SR cards, which worries me.(I have watched some YouTube video's). I'm even considering buying another Booster Box to raise the odds of finding HR and SR cards.
I've seen very little pulls of HR and SR cards, which worries me.(I have watched some YouTube video's). I'm even considering buying another Booster Box to raise the odds of finding HR and SR cards.

There was 1 HR pull at my pre-release (mine! :D) and 2 UR pulls. At least, those are the ones I know about, and a lot of people took their post-tournament packs home. But, yeah, URs and HRs are going to be so rare that it'll be hard to even pin down a pull rate on them, probably, unless someone gets a couple cases to compare.
Hey guys I'm new here! Down below is a link to my very first YouTube video ever. As of right now I'm only doing Pokemon card openings. Now if you're still reading this then you're probably asking yourself "why do I care about this guys first video on YouTube?" Well some of you might know getting a start on YouTube nowadays is crazy with the amount of traffic. Which means little to no people have seen my videos. Which is good news for you! Why? Because what do Pokemon packs/boxes have in them? CODES for Pokemon TCGO!!! We will be giving the codes away from every pack we open. So go get the codes and subscribe so you can be the first to find out when new codes come out and who knows you might enjoy the video and come back for more than just codes in the future.
I sub'd :) great video, will you be doing a sun and moon one?

P.S nice kitty cameo!

Hi Miles! Thanks for Watching the video and for the support. Yes we will be doing sun and moon. We were actually discussing if we were going to do a booster box or 2 of the elite trainer boxes. Which would you rather see? Also our cat Missy is just trying to get her 15minutes of fame so I'm sure she will be back in future videos
Definitely a booster box! I'm getting one myself but don't do videos, be fun to compare to others grabs tho.
Definitely a booster box! I'm getting one myself but don't do videos, be fun to compare to others grabs tho.

Thanks for helping make that decision lol
It will be out shortly after the Feb 3rd release date but we will have more before then for sure. You'll have to let me know if you've opened anything I have so far and what all you've got in them compared to me in the comments on my videos.
Welp, I splurged on a ton of Sun and Moon blister packs. 3 of the 3-pack blisters (2 Litten and 1 Togedemaru) and the Pikipek and Rockruff 1 pack blisters to be exact.

I have to say, I was impressed by the amount of Gen 7 Pokemon I got to fill my binderdex. Sure I only got 2 SR's but that's fine with me!

Here's (just about) everything that I pulled:

Decidueye GX
Lunala GX

Decidueye RH
Poliwrath Holo
Vikavolt Holo
Bewear RH

Passimian RH
Alolan Raticate RH
Alolan Persian RH

Alolan Grimer
Alolan Rattata
Alolan Meowth RH
Alolan Diglett
When it comes to pulls, I have no luck whatsoever.
I suppose special promo boxes and tins always give me one good pack but the rest of the packs are always beyond crappy.
It's been like this for all tcg that I play(ed). Even full booster boxes leave me with 1-2 good packs and the rest will be utter crap.
It's come to a point that I only buy single cards. Tho since I recently restarted playing pokemon, I've bought some packs/tins/etc. However for promo boxes, only if the price is low (they normally go for 45 bucks here the ex boxes but if you wait for the next wave it sometimes gets lowered to 25 if they have some left) and for tins it's only if it already has something that I want/need.

I feel you on the having the worst luck. My girlfriend has the best luck compared to me. She opened 4 random boosters and pulled 3 ex cards including a full set lucario. I got nothing out of mine. I was heated lol
Welp, I splurged on a ton of Sun and Moon blister packs. 3 of the 3-pack blisters (2 Litten and 1 Togedemaru) and the Pikipek and Rockruff 1 pack blisters to be exact.

I have to say, I was impressed by the amount of Gen 7 Pokemon I got to fill my binderdex. Sure I only got 2 SR's but that's fine with me!

Here's (just about) everything that I pulled:

Decidueye GX
Lunala GX

Decidueye RH
Poliwrath Holo
Vikavolt Holo
Bewear RH

Passimian RH
Alolan Raticate RH
Alolan Persian RH

Alolan Grimer
Alolan Rattata
Alolan Meowth RH
Alolan Diglett

Nice!!! I can't wait to get mine. It's taking forever to get here and it shipped 2 days ago!!!
My Sun and Moon pulls have been quite nice so far, I must say. I did a pre-release, bought a second kit, and then bought an Elite Trainer Box today, as they officially went on sale.

I got a Tauros-GX from the kit that I played with (and it helped me big time, holy), as well as a reverse holo Double Colourless Energy. From the second kit I bought, I pulled an Umbreon-GX, which made me absolutely thrilled, because Umbreon is my fave.

From the Elite Trainer Box, one of the packs had a second code card, so sweet bonus there. The pack that had the double code cards also had an Espeon-GX. Wicked luck, eh? And the ETB also had a Lapras-GX. These are all regular art GXs, by the by.