Collecting The "Look What I Pulled" & Pull Rates Thread

So I went on 2 massive splurges on Guardians Rising in the past week. Along with all the new Pokemon and Alola forms for my Binderdex I pulled Alolan Ninetales GX and Sylveon GX! Also pulled FA Lunala from the Suicune 3 pack pin blister.
I bought 4 packs and pulled Tapu Koko GX. I put them on the TCGO and got Turtonator GX, then a full art Sylveon GX. I traded the Sylveon for 6 more packs and got hyper rare primarina, and a full art Tapu Koko.
I opened a Guardians Rising Booster Box a week ago and I got 9 Pokémon-GX (including 3 FA Pokémon-GX)
Tapu Koko GX, Turtonator GX, Wishiwashi GX, Lycanroc GX, A-Ninetales GX, Metagross GX, FA Tapu Lele GX, FA Lycanroc GX and FA Vikavolt GX!

I did not get a secret rare, but it was still an amazing box! Oh, I also opened an Elite Trainer Box, but I didn't get anything out of those 8 packs.
Out of those 44 packs I only got 4 holos so that's pretty weird.
So far my Guardians Rising adventure has been one big disappointment. Got the following:
2 Vikavolt Blisters: no GX, 1 holo
2 Turtonator Blisters: Toxapex GX, 1 holo
1 Tsareena Blister
1 Lurantis Blister

1 Booster Box (filled with 33 error reverses)
Sharpedo Reverse
Wailord Reverse
Vanilluxe Reverse
Wishiwashi GX
Oricorio L reverse
Toxapex GX
Mimikyu holo
Machamp holo (+ reverse)
Whiscash reverse
Mudsdale reverse
Minior reverse
Honchcrow reverse
Pangoro reverse
Metagross GX
Probopass reverse
Comfey holo
Goodra holo
Drampa holo
Swellow reverse
Rayquaza (+reverse)
Talonflame reverse
Drampa GX
Brooklett Hill reverse
Choice band reverse
Energy lotto reverse
Energy recycler reverse
Max Potion reverse
Multi Switch reverse
Toxapex GX HR
Rare Candy SR

*I got choice band and Jangmo-O both as a regular and an error reverse
Got my hands on a couple packs of Guardians Rising, out of seven packs in the last few days, my best pull was a Drampa GX. Also got a FA Alolan Ninetales GX in a trade, so that ain't too bad :)
Yesterday I bought a Tapu Koko Elite Trainer Box and the only good pull I got from it was a Sylveon-GX.

Today I bought a few Sun and Moon packs, Gaurdians Rising packs along with a Steam Siege. I pulled Decidueye-GX, Hyper Rare Decidueye-GX, Alolan Ninetales-GX, and a Full Art Pokemon Ranger.
does anyone know the approximate pull ratio of the Secret Rare Ultra Ball? I pulled one, but it was stolen...
I opened a Tapu Koko Elite Trainer Box and got a Metagross GX, Toxapex GX, a Victini, and a Golisopod.

I have had great pulls with Guardians Rising!
Today I got a secret rare DCE and a Vikavolt GX! I only got these two pulls from 6 packs but I'm really happy with them!
First time in a while I've posted but first time it's been worth it.

I got the Tape Koko figure box and pulled a Sylveon GX full art. Too bad the best thing I got out of the Tapu Bulu tin was Tapu Bulu.

The Guardians Rising ETB gave me Toxapex GX full art and Kommo-o GX.

Maybe it's not just me but pulls aren't as good as they used to be, odd since secret rares are at a higher rate than ever.
So far my Guardians Rising adventure has been one big disappointment. Got the following:
2 Vikavolt Blisters: no GX, 1 holo
2 Turtonator Blisters: Toxapex GX, 1 holo
1 Tsareena Blister
1 Lurantis Blister

1 Booster Box (filled with 33 error reverses)
Sharpedo Reverse
Wailord Reverse
Vanilluxe Reverse
Wishiwashi GX
Oricorio L reverse
Toxapex GX
Mimikyu holo
Machamp holo (+ reverse)
Whiscash reverse
Mudsdale reverse
Minior reverse
Honchcrow reverse
Pangoro reverse
Metagross GX
Probopass reverse
Comfey holo
Goodra holo
Drampa holo
Swellow reverse
Rayquaza (+reverse)
Talonflame reverse
Drampa GX
Brooklett Hill reverse
Choice band reverse
Energy lotto reverse
Energy recycler reverse
Max Potion reverse
Multi Switch reverse
Toxapex GX HR
Rare Candy SR

*I got choice band and Jangmo-O both as a regular and an error reverse

what makes them error?
I opened the new Mega Powers Collection today and I pulled:

M Rayquaza EX Fullart (Roaring Skies)
Kyurem EX Fullart (Ancient Origins)
Prof Sycamore SR (Steam Siege)

Just amazing I never had so good pulls
Guardians Rising is going well for me
I got an Elite Trainer Box and pulled a Tapu Lele GX RA and a Skittles Vikavolt GX
and then I bought 2 Koko Figure Collections
Out of the first I got Sylveon GX
Out of the second I got a full art Hau!
Hau are my pulls so good?
Just got back into the game after a seven year hiatus, first purchases were a Solgaleo Theme Deck, a Solgaleo-GX tin, 5 Evolutions booster packs (I love the old cards and their designs), and a Solgaleo Elite Trainer Box (did I mention I love Solgaleo?).

Pulled a secret rare full-art Mewtwo-EX out of the tin, and a secret rare full-art Ultra Ball from the Elite Trainer Box!!!

Yesterday I got 12 Guardians Rising packs and got a secret rare full-art Enhanced Hammer and a Tapu Koko-GX, then I redeemed the codes on PTCGO and got 2 Tapu Lele-GX's (one regular, one Hyper Rare)!

So far this game has been good to me :)
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I open a single Guardians Rising pack, the first I'd ever opened in real life, AND A FULLART LELE STARES ME RIGHT IN THE FACE! :D
Online, I open a single Fates Collide pack, and I get a Glaceon-EX and a Carbink BREAK in the same pack!!!!