So I went on 2 massive splurges on Guardians Rising in the past week. Along with all the new Pokemon and Alola forms for my Binderdex I pulled Alolan Ninetales GX and Sylveon GX! Also pulled FA Lunala from the Suicune 3 pack pin blister.
So far my Guardians Rising adventure has been one big disappointment. Got the following:
2 Vikavolt Blisters: no GX, 1 holo
2 Turtonator Blisters: Toxapex GX, 1 holo
1 Tsareena Blister
1 Lurantis Blister
1 Booster Box (filled with 33 error reverses)
Sharpedo Reverse
Wailord Reverse
Vanilluxe Reverse
Wishiwashi GX
Oricorio L reverse
Toxapex GX
Mimikyu holo
Machamp holo (+ reverse)
Whiscash reverse
Mudsdale reverse
Minior reverse
Honchcrow reverse
Pangoro reverse
Metagross GX
Probopass reverse
Comfey holo
Goodra holo
Drampa holo
Swellow reverse
Rayquaza (+reverse)
Talonflame reverse
Drampa GX
Brooklett Hill reverse
Choice band reverse
Energy lotto reverse
Energy recycler reverse
Max Potion reverse
Multi Switch reverse
Toxapex GX HR
Rare Candy SR
*I got choice band and Jangmo-O both as a regular and an error reverse
what makes them error?
They Don't have the symbol-print but look more like the Evolutions reverses!