Collecting The "Look What I Pulled" & Pull Rates Thread

Been a little, but I got a couple of new things in as of recent. First off got a Guardians Rising blister on a whim (mainly for the Luranits promo) and pulled a Vikavolt-GX Full Art. Did a couple of trades (Got a Team Skull Grunt FA for Groudon EX FA/Primal Groudon EX FA and a Espeon-GX FA for a Dragonite EX FA). Brought a Burning Shadows ETB from GAME, last one they had - the last few ETBs I've had have kinda been duds, I open the first pack and get a Noivern-GX Full Art XD Also got a Porygon-Z holo and Dusknoir holo, so I had some decent pulls (Also a RH Bodybuilding Dumbells too). Of course I'm gonna be gunning for Golisopod-GX and Guzma among a few so I can make a decent disruption/beatdown deck with that and Lycanroc-GX (Getting more Dumbells would be good for that build, too)
Bought a box of Burning Shadows Today.

Gardevoir GX 159/147
Tapu Fini GX 133/147
Tapu Fini GX 39/147
Noivern GX 99/147
Rescue Stretcher 165/147
Marshadow GX 80/147
Alolan Muk GX 84/147
My first Burning Shadows pack was a missprint and had 7 foils in it. Not that I mind, I like collecting a set of reverse holos.
First BUS booster box:

Marshadow GX x 2
Darkrai GX
Salazzle GX
FA Alolan Muk GX
Golisopod GX

Not really good pulls for me, no secret rares, no FA trainers, and two copies of Marshadow seems kinda unnecessary. But I did get all the holo rares I wanted, so that's a little bonus.
In a BUS Blister I pulled nothing except Gyarados Holo, but in my Prerelease Packs I got Holo Zygarde, FA Darkrai GX and RR Golisopod GX. That was cool, but the guy next to me pulled RR Gardevoir and SR Choice Band...
In a BUS Blister I pulled nothing except Gyarados Holo, but in my Prerelease Packs I got Holo Zygarde, FA Darkrai GX and RR Golisopod GX. That was cool, but the guy next to me pulled RR Gardevoir and SR Choice Band...

Dude my prelease pack gave me jack, I'd take your pulls any day.
I definitely have better luck with booster boxes or elite trainer boxes. I pulled a secret rare Alolan Muk GX from my BUS box and a FA Plumeria from my trainer box. The only good card(s) I've ever gotten from a tin were the cards that were featured on it (ex: Tapu Bulu GX)
Bought my daughter two booster packs prior to her league day last Sunday. 1st pack she opened: Full Art Guzma. 2nd pack: FA Marshadow.

She couldn't be brought down that day.
Brought a Tsareena-GX box from my local Waterstones earlier (Getting one just in case I want to take the Decidueye deck a different route depending if I can't salvage the original speed setup as Forest is on the chopping block), didn't do too bad. Espeon-GX from the Sun and Moon booster, and Ho-Oh-GX from one of the Burning Shadows packs. Can't say I've pulled multiple EX/GX cards from one of the boxes before (Not counting Generations as you're pretty much guaranteed an EX or three from those ones)
Funny story, I went to local Game store get my code for Salazzle in Pokemon Sun. I decide to by one booster from Burning Shadows.
To my surprise I pulled Salazzle GX :D
So at the same time I got Salazzle for game and Salazzle GX card
Can't say I've pulled multiple EX/GX cards from one of the boxes before (Not counting Generations as you're pretty much guaranteed an EX or three from those ones)[/QUOTE]

Yeah, when I got my Generations box I pulled 3 FA Sylveon EX, a Gardevoir EX and M Gardevoir EX!
Trying to complete the Radiant collection

I pulled a Holo Hydreigon from a Phantom forces pack about a year ago,
and it seems to be a defect card. It has the silhouette of Diancie, if I hold
it in the light. Here's a picture of it. Do you guys think it's worth anything?




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when i opened a mega blastoise pin blister i got a blastoise EX, full art mewtwo EX, and a holo hawlucha. which i thought was pretty sweet
Bought the Tsareena GX box. My last pack was a regular rare Gardevoir GX. Better than my usual box pulls honestly, it almost would have paid for itself if I were going to sell the card. Though not sure what I'll do with it lol.
Pictures won't work, so here was one of my best results ever:

20 Guardians Rising packs:

1 holo alolan golem
2 mimikyu
1 rayquaza
1 Lyranroc GX
1 Metagross GX
1 Wishiwashi GX
1 Tapu Koko GX
1 Kommo-o GX
2 Tapu Lele GX's

11/20 pull rate
7 GX's out of twenty packs

Tapu lele has helped me a lot with tournaments.