Collecting The "Look What I Pulled" & Pull Rates Thread

Bought a couple 3 packs today, as well as 4 single packs. I didn't do the bending trick on the 3 packs, instead based my buys on the packart. I got Trevenant Ex, Primal Kyorge Ex and Wailord Ex.

Yesterday I tried the bending trick on some of those Rhyperior packs, bought like 3 of them as well as some 3 packs only got Archie's Ace in the Hole Full Art. There was actually one pack that was super stiff like it had a full art, but it only had an atc. I've come to the conclusion that the bending trick doesn't work at all. Yes a pack is stiffer if you open it and put a full art in it, but an unopened pack is impossible to tell. A pack can be super stiff or bendy and have an ex or no ex.

There's been too many cases to count where I thought a pack had an ex in it because the bendy trick and it had a non holo rare, but another pack which I thought had a non holo rare in it had an ex. I've still only opened like 4 of the Furfrou/Ditto 3 packs with no ex/holos. Overall I've probably opened 35-40 of them. I'd say 31-36 of them contained a holo or an ex or on one occasion an ex and a secret rare.

I've come to the conclusion that all the ultra rares I've pulled while doing the bending trick was just pure luck. Or unlucky since there seems to be 5 full arts from Primal Clash that I just can't pull to save my life. I want to pull Gardevoir FA but I'm thinking about just buying it online.
At our Roaring Skies Prerelease, I pulled a Togekiss AT and M-Rayquaza-EX [D] while my friend pulled a M-Gallade-EX FA and SR Energy Switch.
I bought a Primal Clash booster box and got a secret rare switch, Primal Groudon AND Primal Kyogre, and both of their non megas...
Birthday Spoils: Pokemon Edition

Groudon Elite Collection Box:
M Aggron EX
2 Holos (Azumarill and Ludicolo)

Goodra 2 Pack
Feraligator Holo

Primal Clash 3 Pack
2 Primal Groudon EXs (lolwut?)
At the Roaring Skies prerelease, got myself SR Energy Switch, FA Hydreigon EX and as well as regular Gallade EX. So at least my run of pulling an EX at a prerelease continues...
Today I opened two 1st Edition Spiral Force booster boxes.

The first box had Deoxys Full Art, Deoxys Ex and Heatran Ex and the second box had Ghetsis Full Art, Deoxys Ex and Latios Ex.

I also opened 6 Primal clash booster packs from Walgreens and an old tin. The tin had a holo Electivire.

The 6 packs had a Full Art Teammates and Full Art Sharpedo. Teammates is my 400th owned ultra rare card, 392nd pulled.
Today I opened two 1st Edition Spiral Force booster boxes.

The first box had Deoxys Full Art, Deoxys Ex and Heatran Ex and the second box had Ghetsis Full Art, Deoxys Ex and Latios Ex.

I also opened 6 Primal clash booster packs from Walgreens and an old tin. The tin had a holo Electivire.

The 6 packs had a Full Art Teammates and Full Art Sharpedo. Teammates is my 400th owned ultra rare card, 392nd pulled.

400, holy jesus christ. I'll need to count mine out.
Opened two Roaring Skies Booster Boxes this morning.

The first had 8 URs, 3 of which were FAs. The second had 4 URs, 1 of which was FA.

While it's an average of 6 URs per box, which is decent, you'd be pretty disappointed to get the second box than the first.

EDIT: Pulls were:

Box 1: Thundurus EX, Latios EX, Hydreigon EX, M Rayquaza EX (C), Shaymin EX, FA M Gallade EX, FA Hydreigon EX, FA Winona

Box 2: Gallade EX, Rayquaza EX (D), Shaymin EX, FA Rayquaza EX

3 Pack Blister: FA M Latios EX
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Went to the Roaring Skies prerelease near me and pulled a RA Latios EX in the prerelease event, which was my only EX at all out of the 6 packs we were given. I was feeling a little bummed about that (I was hoping for Gallade/M Gallade), but entered the draft event afterwards and ended up winning 3-0. Got 5 packs for winning, and in one of them was a FA Shaymin EX, which more than made up for my earlier unhappiness at the lack of EXs. :)
1st prerelease: 1 RA Rayquaza EX (Flying)
2nd prerelease: 1 FA Rayquaza EX (Flying)

Nothing much of note beyond those. Bought 2 ETB and 2 3-pack blisters.

1st Blister: FA Rayquaza EX (Flying)
2nd Blister: RA Gallade EX
1st ETB: SR Energy Switch, RA M-Gallade EX
2nd ETB: RA Gallade EX

Pretty stoked that I have 2 FA 'quaza's and a third regular art. I have 2 Booster boxes coming next wednesday and a pre-ordered 3rd ETB on Sunday, so hoping for some Dragon-type Rayquaza's and Shaymin EX's!
Today I opened some packs of Primal Clash, as well as some Roaring Skies. All the Roaring Skies contained non holo rares, not surprisingly. Though I mostly just want to get some perfect pack arts of each artwork.

But I did get another M Gardevoir FA, I think it's my 5th one. Not sure why the mega is as easy to pull as a regular holo and the regular full art is as easy to pull as a secret rare. :&
Happened to pick up a Roaring Skies Elite Trainer Box from Wal-Mart while I was out shopping, and in it was a FA Rayquaza EX and a FA Hydreigon EX, the latter of which I wanted from this set simply for the artwork, so I was very pleased.
Pangoro blister pack #1: Hydregion EX
Pangoro blister#2: dragon Rayquaza EX, dragon Rayquaza EX
AT Regirock blister pack: Deoxys holo
Meowstick blister #1: AT Dragonite holo
Meowstick blister #2: AT Togekiss reverse
Heliolisk blister: Nothing
I opened a Regirock promo 3 pack from Roaring Skies. Here's the holo I got in the pack.


I was hesitant is buy packs from this set since I'm not planning on collecting the set, there's just a few ultra rares I want from the set and I might end up buying them later on. But I wanted the promo cards so decided to buy it and luckily it was one of the ultras I wanted.
Picked up a Roaring Skies Elite Trainer Box over the weekend.

M Rayquaza EX (Dragon)
Gallade EX
FA Gallade EX
Deoxys Holo