The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Rubbatic

Should I completely redo the two legendaries, Paraigon and Garakuia to look similar to the new legen

  • Yes, you should redo both.

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Just redo Paraigon.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Just redo Garakuia.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, both are fine.

    Votes: 4 80.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon:Yogotoroido

Sorry for double posting!

I will jump straight into today's releases. There will be two of them now since I am doing twice a day.

Today's Pokemon is the Giant Furnace Pokemon, Nessunasu and the Gas Pokemon, Dokeryuu.


#051 Dokeryuu
Japanese Name: ドケリュウ
The Gas Pokemon
Type: Rock/Poison
Color: Grey
Ability: Stench/Poison Heal
Height: 3'7
Weight: 460 lbs
Male/Female: 85/15%
Evolves from: Dokuroku at level 28
Evolves into: Daiiouseki at level 39
Location: N/A
Egg Type: Mineral

Dokeryuu is the Gas Pokemon. It is a dual Rock/Poison Type and has the abilities Stench/Poison Heal. It evolves from Dokuroku at level 28 and evolves into Daiiouseki at level 39. It can be found in the wild but has yet to be revealed where.

Dokeryuu can found among mountains sides that are known to be geologically active. In inhales sulfur fumes and ingests them. It then expels unused gas back into the air through its vents. They can be found congregating. At this time, the sulfur levels are so high it can be deadly.

Dokeryuu is based off sulfur and sulfur vents. Its name comes from doku or poison and ryuu or the base word for sulfur.


#115 Nessunasu
Japanese Name: ネッスナス
The Big Furnace Pokemon
Type: Steel/Fire
Color: Grey
Ability: Heatproof
Height: 5'0
Weight: 401 lbs.
Male/Female: 50%/50%
Evolves from: Kouronasu at level 40
Location: N/A
Egg Type: Monster, Mineral

Nessenasu is the Big Furnace Pokemon. It is a dual Steel/Fire Pokemon and has the Heatproof ability. It evolves from Korounasu at level 40 and can be found in the wild but it has yet to be revealed.

Nessunasu's steel body is strong enough to store the intense heat the lives inside Nessenasu's body. The heat can melt strong steel and even rocks. When it opens its mouth, a intense heat escapes out and withers everything close by.

Nessunasu is based off a furnace. Its name comes from Nessuru or to heat up and fanasu or furnace.

Here is the Pokemon for tomorrow! Can you guess what they are?

RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon:Dokeryuu and Nessunasu

I like them! Good job!:D The first shadow looks like The Loch Ness Monster on a plane.:p The second shadow is obviously a train.
RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon:Dokeryuu and Nessunasu

The second one looks like a train like Umbreon/Espeon said, and the first one looks kind of like a satellite
RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon:Dokeryuu and Nessunasu

I think the first one will be an evolution to Wakarinaria. And the second one is definitely a train.
RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon:Dokeryuu and Nessunasu

@Umbreon/Espeon: A Loch Ness monster with jet boosters! EPIC!

@silazu: I actually had planned for a satellite dish/satellite evolution family but I may push them aside for a future region.

@shinx107: The Wakanaria family is completed. If you check the first post, I have divided each evolutionary family with a enter space as to avoid confusion.

Ok! Another day, another Pokemon! As a reminder, tomorrow will be the last update until next Sunday since I will be in Korea.

Today's two new Pokemon is the Air Carrier Pokemon, Hakobitsu and the Runaway Train Pokemon, Doomtrain/Duomutoren.


#053 Hakobitsu
Japanese Name: ハコビツ
The Air Carrier Pokemon
Type: Flying/Dragon
Color: Blue
Ability: Cloud Nine
Height: 10'1
Weight: 503 lbs.
Male/Female: 50%/50%%
Evolves from: None
Evolves into: None
Location: N/A
Egg Type: Flying/Dragon

Hakobitsu is the the Air Carrier Pokemon. It is a dual Flying/Dragon type and has the Cloud Nine ability. It does not evolve into any other Pokemon and cannot be found in the wild initially but is given as a reward.

Hakobitsu can be found soaring over the clouds. Flocks of 5 or more can be seen at times from a airplanes window. However, there are domesticated Hakobitsu that can carry 1 -2 passengers in a sling around its body. It has very strong wings that allows it to propel its heavy body up in the air.

Hakobitsu is the Lapras of this region. However, unlike Lapras, it is fairly unique and opens up a entirely different world within Ongan. Hakobitsu can be obtained at the second to last city. It already knows Fly and, unlike the other Pokemon that can learn Fly, it allows the player to traverse up in the sky. This is called Flight Mode. It acts much like how Surf is however, when you run into a patch of clouds, you may run into wild Flying-type Pokemon from Ongan and other generations. They are at very high level. Much like Surf Routes, there are Air Routes which follow the routes far below it.

Hakobitsu is based off a air carrier. Its name comes Hakobu or to transport.


#070 Doomtrain
Japanese Name: ドゥームトレーン (Duomutoren)
The Runaway Train Pokemon
Type: Steel/Ghost
Color: Grey
Ability: Battle Armor
Height: 8'3
Weight: 852 lbs.
Male/Female: 50%/50%%
Evolves from: None
Evolves into: None
Location: N/A
Egg Type: Ground

Doomtrain is the Runaway Train Pokemon. It is a dual Steel/Ghost Pokemon and has the Battle Armor ability. It has no evolutions and can only be found through a side-quest. It has the ability to raise its Speed and Attack stats through the side-quest. The side-quest can be done pre-Elite Four.

Doomtrain haunt abandoned railways. At midnight, they appear and chug along the tracks without any frame of mind or goal. Many people claim to see their bright eyes shining in the distance only to vanish. Those who hear its eerie whistle are haunted by nightmares for weeks.

Doomtrain is based on a coal powered train. Its name comes from doom and train.

Here is tomorrow's Pokemon! Please try to guess what they are!

RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon:Hikobitsu and Doomtrain

Thomas the Train,but only evil.:p lol They're good,I like them!The first shadow is obviously a poodle,but I'm not sure what the second shadow is.
RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon:Hikobitsu and Doomtrain

first one look like a poodle, the second one looks like a lion tamer or something with a whip.
RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon:Hikobitsu and Doomtrain

@Umbreon/Espeon: Haha I like that description.

@HypnoticLuxray: A belly-dance with blades for arms.....o_0

@A lion tamer Pokemon! If that ever appears in a Pokemon game, I will be convinced that GameFreak has officially ran out of ideas lol.

Today's new Pokemon is the Large Poodle Pokemon, Podorabu and the Ninja Assassin Pokemon, Hanzobayamitsu.

Again, this will be the last update for a week due me traveling but there will be two new shadows to be revealed for when I return.


#039 Podorabu
Japanese Name: ポドラブ
The Poodle Pokemon
Type: Normal
Color: White
Ability: Cute Charm
Height: 3'10
Weight: 43 lbs
Male/Female: 50%/50%%
Evolves from: Puppakisu at lvl 16, Fukkapupu at lvel 25
Evolves into: None
Location: N/A
Egg Type: Ground

Podorabu is the Poodle Pokemon. It is a Normal type and has the Cute Charm ability. It is the final evolution for Puppakisu and Fukkapupu. It can be found in the wild where there is shaking grass but the exact location has yet to be revealed.

Podorabu are loyal Pokemon that are fearless in battle. They will attack and defend their trainer regardless of the risks. For this reason, is considered one of the most loyal Pokemon in the Pokemon world. It can swim very well due to its fluffy fur and is often used to rescue shipwreck victims.

Podorabu is based on a standard poodle. Its name comes from poodle and love.


#029 Hanzobayamitsu
Japanese Name: ハンゾバヤミツ
The Ninja Assassin Pokemon
Type: Fighting/Dark
Ability: Shadow Veil
Color: Black
Height: 5'7
Weight: 93 lbs.
Male/Female: 50%/50%
Evolves from: Nintaro at level 15, Sasuobi at level 23
Evolves into: None
Location: N/A
Egg Type: Humanshape

Hanzobayamitsu is the Ninja Assassin Pokemon. It is a dual Fighting/Dark type Pokemon and has the Shadow Veil ability which raises its evasion during night. It evolves from Nintaro at level 15 and Sasunobi at level 23.

Hanzobayamisti has attained the highest possible rank of ninja. It is at the pinnacle of strength, speed, and mind. Despite being a Dark type, it goes by a strict moral code. It does not recognize strength inside someone until it faces it one on one in a fair fight.

Hanzobayamitsu is based off a ninja. Its name comes Hanzo Hattori, a famous ninja, and yami or darkness.

Here is are the shadows that be revealed next Saturday. Please guess what they are ion the mean time! Hint: They are both Legendary.

RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon:pudorabu and Hanzobayamitsu

For the shadows, I'm guessing a centaur-like creature, and a small human-like thing riding a unicorn.

I like Pudorabu and Hanzobayamitsu, and when I first read the names I thought Pudorabu came from poodle and adore.
RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon:pudorabu and Hanzobayamitsu

Centaur and I don't know the other one...
RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon:pudorabu and Hanzobayamitsu

A headless horseman and a girl riding a unicorn. Seems reasonable to me, but I have a feeling a human wouldn't be on there....
RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon:pudorabu and Hanzobayamitsu

Well, I am newly back from my whirlwind trip in South Korea and ready for a new update!

@paddy185: Thanks! I do Japanese names first obviously. So love in Japanese is usually 愛 (ai) but there are a lot of English loan words that finds itself in the language. Therefore, when you romanize (translate into roman alphabets) love in Japanese pronunciation, you get "rabu" (the la and vu sound is VERY hard for Japanese to get right).

@Gr8Ampharos: I was hoping the second shadow may stump people.

@HypnoticLuxray: Possible. We shall see :)

@RayQuazaMaster: I chuckled at magical unicorn princess.

Ok, after a week long absence, here is today's new Pokemon! Again, they are both legendary and often come into conflict with each other! Today's new Pokemon is the War Pokemon, Warares/Warrarsu and the Peace Pokemon, Athenawa/Atenawa.


#142 Warares
Japanese Name: ワッラレス (Warraresu)
The War Pokemon
Type: Fighting
Color: Red
Ability: Berserker
Height: 6'3
Weight: 320 lbs.
Male/Female: 100%/0%
Evolves from: None
Evolves into: None
Location: N/A
Egg Type: No Egg

Warares is the War Pokemon. It is a pure Fighting type and has the unique ability, Berserker. Berserker times Warares' by two after every attack. However, when hit by a attack it is weak against (flying, psychic, etc), it will times it by 4. It has a unique attack called Self-Infliction where it will attack itself, much like confusion, with a either Flying or Psychic-type regular weak attack to increase its strength. It does slightly more damage then confusion.

Warares lives deep in the earth only to come out in times of conflict and war. It feeds upon the anger inside humans hearts and stirs them to violence. Despite this, it is not inherently evil. It has lived its entire life fighting and knows no other way. It is bound by a strict moral code and only seeks challenging enemies.

Warares is based off a gladiator and a centaur. Its name comes from Ares, the Greek God of War and War.


#143 Athenawa
Japanese Name: アテナワ (Atenawa)
The Peace Pokemon
Type: Flying
Color: White
Ability: Healing Grace
Height: 6'0
Weight: 290 lbs.
Male/Female: 0%/100%
Evolves from: None
Evolves into: None
Location: N/A
Egg Type: No Egg

Athenawa is the Peace Pokemon. It is a pure Flying type Pokemon and has the unique ability, Healing Grace. Healing Grace will completely heal and remove any status changes when you switch out a Pokemon in exchange for Athenawa. She also has a unique attack called Angel Feathers which rains feathers on the Pokemon for 2 - 4 turns.

Athenawa can be found in the skies casting out sunshine and warm weather to cold, desolate areas and pleasant showers to barren areas. Wen Athenawa passes over, everyone below becomes extremely happy. She feeds off happy feelings and grows stronger. She is constant pursuit of Warares and wishes to ha;t his destructive plans.

Athenawa is based on a unicorn, angel, and a princess. Her name comes from Athena, the Greek Goddess of Wisdom and "wa" or harmony.

Here is tomorrow's new Pokemon. Please guess what they are!

RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Warares and Athenawa

I like them,but they seem too human like.Otherwise they're AWESOME!
RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Warares and Athenawa

I'm not even sure what to guess with the shadows... hmmm. The first two are birds, and the second two a flaming bunny.
RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Warares and Athenawa

@Gr8Ampharos: Thanks :)

@Umbreon/Espeon: I see. Any suggestions? I may redesign the figure part of Athenawa.

@silazu: Flaming bunny haha. I pictured a bunny on fire while running around.

I decided to get this out early since I'll be a bit busy tonight.

Today's new fakemon are pairs but with different forms. The new pokemon is the Lovebird Pokemon, Rabutori and the Elemental Pokemon, Ranranhyou.

As well, I changed the numbering of some Pokemon. The Legendaries Pairaigon, Garakuia, and Eradagon will move down one number. Therefore, they will be #149, #150, and #151. In addition, #104 Mamakou will move from #104 to #049 with Ranhyou taking it #104.


#048 Rabutori
Japanese Name: ラブトリ
The Lovebird Pokemon
Type: Normal/Flying
Color: Blue/Pink
Ability: Cherished Memory
Height: 1'8
Weight: 15 lbs.
Male/Female: 50%/50%
Evolves from: None
Evolves into: None
Location: N/A
Egg Type: Flying

Rabutori is the Lovebird Pokemon. It is a dual Normal/Flying type and has the ability Cherished Memory. It boosts its attack sharply if it is sent out after a previous Pokemon faints. However, in order for this to occur, the fainted Pokemon must be of the opposite gender of the Rabutori. It can be found in the wild. It has a different from depending on the which gender it is.

Rabutori are always found next to each other. They become attached to other Pokemon through love. They whistle love songs out in the air. It is said if a love bird mate dies, it will shortly die too due to heart brokenness. They are often collected by bird specialists. In some parts of the region, they are given as engagement presents for couples.

Rabutori is based on a love bird. Its name comes from love and tori or bird.


#104 Ranranhyou
Japanese Name: ランランヒョー
The Elemental Pokemon
Type: Fire/Ice (South Island), Ice/Fire (North Island)
Color: Red/White
Ability: Adaptability
Height: 3'1
Weight: 39 lbs.
Male/Female: 50%/50%
Evolves from: None
Evolves into: None
Location: None
Egg Type: Fairy

Ranranhyou is the Elemental Pokemon. Its a dual Fire/Ice or Ice/Fire type depending on which island you find it on, north or south. Its ability is Adaptability. It cannot be found in the wild however, it can be encountered on either island depending on how the trainer chooses his or her actions.

Ranranhyou is a mysterious and rare Pokemon that is said to only occur when fire and ice is magically combined. It is said that research had unveiled that combining a Fire Stone and Ice Stone with another unknown element will cause it to appear. It can use both Fire-type moves and Ice-type moves extensively; able to learn every move within that type by either leveling up or through TM.

Ranranhyou is based on a mixture of fire and ice elements. Its based on a mouse deer. Its name comes from ranran or flaming and hyou or ice.

Here is tomorrow's new Pokemon! Please guess what they could be!

RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Rabutori and Ranranhyou

Awesome work! I am no artist, but these are really good! Continue working well!
RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Rabutori and Ranranhyou

The second shadow looks like a little devil struggling to pull a little book. :p