The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Rubbatic

Should I completely redo the two legendaries, Paraigon and Garakuia to look similar to the new legen

  • Yes, you should redo both.

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Just redo Paraigon.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Just redo Garakuia.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, both are fine.

    Votes: 4 80.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Guramijyaku and Kanfonkiri

@paddy185: Thanks! It was a lot of fun and learned a lot from it!

@Evolution: You got it with the ice wolf!

@RayquazaMaster: Nope but good guesses!

@i_guess_i_will_try: You are correct!

Today's Pokemon is the Winter Pokemon, Shimokami and the Verdant Pokemon, Shinzenshinryu.


#138 Shimokami
Japanese Name: シモカミ
The Winter Pokemon
Type: Ice/Dark
Color: Blue
Ability: Ice Body or Intimidate
Height: 6'1
Weight: 328 lbs.
Male/Female: 50/50%
Evolves from: Wakoami at lvl 39 ----> Touurufu at level 53
Evolves into: None
Location: None
Egg Type: Ground, Water 1

Shimokami is the Winter Pokemon. It is a dual Ice/Dark type and has the Ice Body or Intimidate abilities. It evolves from Touurufu at level 53. It cannot be found in the wild and is considered a pseudo-legendary.

Shimokami are said to exist in deep winter storms high in snow clad forests. It's blood chilling howl is said to issue deep, dangerous winter storms and cause avalanches. It will stalk its preys for days or even weeks without relent. It is called the "Northern Terror" by people who live in the mountains. Its blood thirst is second to none.

Shimokami is based on a giant wolf god. Its name comes from Shimo or frost and ookami or wolf.


#141 Shizenshinryu
Japanese Name: シゼンシンリュ
The Verdant Pokémon
Type: Dragon/Grass
Color: Green
Ability: Solar Power
Height: 8'3
Weight: 648 lbs.
Male/Female: 50/50%
Evolves from: Byouryu at lvl. 43 ----> Shunryu at level 58
Location: None
Egg Type: Monster, Grass

Shizenryu is the Verdant Pokemon. It is a dual Dragon/Grass type and has the ability, Solar Power. It evolves from Shunryu at level 58. It cannot be found in the wild and is a pseudo-legendary.

Shizenshinryu is often considered the "King of all Forests". It's war is said to herald the coming of spring and from it, flowers and plants bloom. It is said if two or more of these Pokemon congregate in one area, a radius of 10 miles will instantly turn into a giant forest. Its dragon breathe is said to to cause mass vegetation growth. It can cause a entire skyscraper to wrapped in vines and bushes within seconds.

Shinzenshinryu is based on a dragon, a forest, and a god of nature. Its name comes from shizen or nature, shin or god, and ryu or dragon (nature god dragon).

From here on out is all Legendaries so I will be going back to the one a day format. This should continue until next Wednesday.

Here is tomorrow's shadow! Can you guess what it is?

RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Shimokami and Shizenshinryu

Those are very cool!:D I'm guessing the shadow is a Praying Mantis.
RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Shimokami and Shizenshinryu

Thanks for your guesses!

Today's new Legendary Pokemon is the Ice Scythe Pokemon, Mantishikuru.


#144 Mantishikuru
Japanese Name: マンチシクル
The Ice Scythe Pokemon
Type: Bug/Ice
Color: Blue
Ability: Skill Link
Height: 5'10
Weight: 147 lbs.
Male/Female: Genderless
Evolves from: None
Evolves into: None
Location: N/A
Egg Type: No Eggs

Mantishikuru is the Ice Scythe Pokemon. It is a dual Bug/Ice type Legendary Pokemon and has the Anger Point ability. It can be found after beating the Elite Four but how and where has yet to be revealed.

Mantishikuru is a legend passed down for many generations. It inhabits ice caves and frozen forests where it hunts down prey with its powerful ice scythes. It is said to be able to cut through solid steel and freeze it upon contact. The ice crystals on its back become larger the more angry it gets. They are near unbreakable. It can also encase itself in a large ice crystal and regain lost HP.

Matishikuru is based on a praying mantis as well as my idea on a extra-terrestrial bug (Lost Planet, Starship Troopers, etc). Its name comes from mantis and icicle.

Here is tomorrow's new Legendary Pokemon! Can you guess what it could be?

RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Mantishikuru

I'm guessing the shadow is a dragon-like thing.

Also, on Mantishikuru, on the 'factfile', it had the Skill Link ability, but when on its description you say it has the Anger Point ability.
RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Mantishikuru

It is really cool looking! I wish this would be a real game.
RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Mantishikuru

Mantishikuru looks cool. The next shadow is a dragon with sharp claw like things.
RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Mantishikuru

@Paddy185: Oh thanks! I must of missed that. The official ability is Skill Link.

@Umbreon/Espeon: Thanks!

@LillipupFTW: I am still debating whether to try and turn this into a fake game. I am a horrible spriter though I have been practicing. Maybe one of these days I may try it.

@silazu: Thanks a lot!

I apologize for a late update. I had to work this weekend for a international marathon festival (translation, booths, etc) and had a after-work party with the other co-workers. Needless to say, I got home at 4 a.m. I have a day off today so here is anpother update!

Today's new Legendary is the Skydive Pokemon, Kuusokugeki/Quikkycoatl.


#145 Quikkycoatl
Japanese Name: クウソクデキ (Kuusokugeki)
The Skydive Pokemon
Type: Flying/Fighting
Color: Red
Ability: Moxie
Height: 7'2
Weight: 238 lbs.
Male/Female: Genderless
Evolves from: None
Evolves into: None
Location: N/A
Egg Type: No Eggs

Quikkycoatl is the Skydive Pokemon. It is a Legendary dual Flying/Fighting type Pokemon and has the Moxie ability. It can be found after beating the Elite Four but when and where has yet to be revealed.

Quikkycotly is said to be the Executioner of the Gods. It will strike down in a fiery vengeance. It flies high in the air, surveying the land underneath it. Once it begins its sky dive, it can reach speeds up to 300 mph. It can destroy a building by diving into it. Its steel like feathers are extremely strong and can be used like swords to attack its opponents.

Quikkycoatl is based on a flying dinosaur and a dragon. Its Japanese name comes from Kuu or sky, soku or fast and geki or attack (sky quick strike). Its English names comes from quick, sky, and Quetzacoatl.

Here is tomorrow's new Legendary Pokemon! Please guess what it could be!

RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Quikkycoatl/Kuusokugeki

I just want to say, your designs are way cooler than most real pokemon.
Your art is wonderous( is that a word?) and you are one of the 9 people who make me want to draw.
RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Quikkycoatl/Kuusokugeki

I have to say that the artworks so far have been great and really enjoy viewing this thread to see the different types of designs for the fakemons.

As for the shadow Pokemon I am guessing it to be some sort of a humanoid (as RayquazaMaster mentioned). Considering the feet, it seems as if it is a plant-type Pokemon.
RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Quikkycoatl/Kuusokugeki

Looks like a robotic feminine plant to me. My guesses are so strange....

'grats for finishing the Pokedex.
RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Quikkycoatl/Kuusokugeki

the shadow looks somewhat like a plant type bipedal monster. It also kind of looks like it's wearing a mask.
RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Quikkycoatl/Kuusokugeki

@RayquazaMaster: Possibly :)

@BrOkenICE: Wow, thank you! I would say my art lacks the general feel that Sugimori has but I really appreciate your compliments! It makes me want to strive to become better :)

@Ice Arceus: Thanks, IA. I am glad you have enjoyed this fakedex. That is a very good guess, especially with the feet!

@HypnoticLuxray: Thank you! That is a interesting guess but it's not a robot.

@silazu: Hmmm...a mask. Possibly.

First, these were all great guesses. I was very excited to release these last three Legendaries. They are part of a trio actually.

Secondly, I apologize again for a late update. I have been having to stay later on my work and then I have meetings so I didn't get home until 7 pm last night and then I had usual daily stuff to take care of. I may update tonight or might wait until tomorrow night.

Today's new Legendary is the Grass Titan Pokemon, Gaitiatan.


#146 Gaitiatan
Japanese Name: ガイアチイタン
The Grass Titan Pokemon
Type: Grass
Color: Green
Ability: Gaia's Wrath
Height: 38'5
Weight: 3'549 lbs.
Male/Female: Genderless
Evolves from: None
Evolves into: None
Location: N/A
Egg Type: No Eggs

Gaitiatan is the Grass Titan Pokemon. It is a Grass type Legendary and has the unique ability, Gaia's Wrath. It has yet to be revealed what it does in and out of battle. It can be found only after beating the Elite 4 and is considered part of a trio. Where or how it is located has yet to be revealed.

Legends say that Gaiatiatan was born from the bones of the Earth. With it's low, great legs,, it would stride around the world with a graceful yet forceful ease. It could ford a river within two strides. However, as the world turned to more mechanization and industry, its power greatly weakened. It is said to be close to 100 feet but now, its only 38 feet due to this. It then went to sleep in a deep forest grove for centuries until awakened by the recent events to walk the worlds sphere again.

Gaitiatan is based off a large tree and a giant. Its name comes from Gaia and titan.

Here is tomorrow's Pokemon! Please guess what it is.

RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Gaitiatan

Yeeeeeeah. My internet and Photobucket was being weird and not allowing me to upload the pictures. I mean, it would let me upload but it wouldn't show the picture in any of my pages. I'll try to fix it sometime today.

EDIT: I got Gaitiatan`s picture to work but not the shadow. I will fix it when I get home tonight.

EDIT 2: Everything is fixed now. Sorry for the confusion.
RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Gaitiatan

I think the shadow is the fire counterpart of Gaitiatan
RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Gaitiatan

The Shadow Pokemon looks very interesting and can't wait to see what is turns out to be. I am guessing it to be a fire-type with a similar body-structure as Gaitiatan (since flames seem to be coming out from the head, arms, and ankles).