The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Rubbatic

Should I completely redo the two legendaries, Paraigon and Garakuia to look similar to the new legen

  • Yes, you should redo both.

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Just redo Paraigon.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Just redo Garakuia.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, both are fine.

    Votes: 4 80.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
RE: Ongan Region Project: Gym Leader: Retsuhakuko and Rairakku.

Guessing it to be a gym leader who specializes in flying-type Pokemon.
RE: Ongan Region Project: Gym Leader: Retsuhakuko and Rairakku.

@LillipupFTW: Thanks!

@Umbreon/EspeonL Those are two great guesses seeing as the region has a lot of Ghost and Dark types.

@Silazu: Thanks for guessing! Isn't Koga the only Poison type Gym Leader (and his daughter).

@Ice Arceus: Good guess. What made you think the shadow is flying?

Ok, today's revealed shadow is a Gym Leader. It is the "Steely Rose" Steel-type Gym Leader, Barataba!


Japanese Name:バラタバ
Type: Steel
Location: N/A
Badge: Coil Badge
Awarded TM: N/A
Title: "The Steely Rose Gym Leader"
Age: 27
Sex: Male
Height: 5'10
Weight: 168 lbs.
Gym Theme: Based on a ballroom
Gym Trainers: Four.
Gym Description: Before you fight against the gym leader, he asks you to find him four females to drink with him. These females are actually the gym trainers and most be defeated in order to battle the Gym Leader. Once a Gym Trainer is defeated, she will go stand by Barataba.
Occupation: Gym Leader/Narcist
Motto: "A steely rose for my pretty ladies!"

-Lvl. 20 Shovdirt

- Lvl. 24 Seigizard

- Lvl. 22 Dozivate

Barataba has Pokemon that focus both on speed, strength, and defense. While Dozivate is it's HP tank and will yeild the most EXP, the Seigizard is the mos powerful Pokemon in his party. It can delivery powerful physical attacks. It is suggested to use a Water or Grass type Pokemon like the Grass/Water starters or Riridama for Shovdirt and Dozivate and a Fire-type Pokemon like Ursblaze or Feliame for Seigizard.

Barataba's name comes from bara for rose and taba or a group. A bouquet of roses highlighting on his narcistic nature.

Here is tomorrow's new shadow! It is again a Gym Leader. Can you guess what type it specializes in?

RE: Ongan Region Project: Gym Leader: Retsuhakuko and Rairakku.

LostVoice said:
@Ice Arceus: Good guess. What made you think the shadow is flying?
I don't know, I just thought since he is wearing a scarf he would probably be a gym leader that specializes in flying types. Anyways he turned out great.

As for the shadow gym leader, I am guessing him to specialize in poison type Pokemon.
RE: Ongan Region Project: Gym Leader: Barataba

well since I guessed poison type for the last one and don't want to be redundant I will guess this gym leader will specialize in Normal types. Also I yeah I think Koga and his daughter are the only poison type gym leaders.
RE: Ongan Region Project: Gym Leader: Barataba

I'm curious as to why so many people think he is a Poison type. Just curious(^_^)
RE: Ongan Region Project: Gym Leader: Barataba

because of the scarft. same as koga and janine. because they were ninjas and they were the only poison type gyms. and it screams poison lol. Youre curious because theyre right???? lol
RE: Ongan Region Project: Gym Leader: Barataba

Those were all good guesses! That is interesting concerning there being a archetype for poison-type gym leaders.

However, today's revealed Gym Leader is the "Hot-Blooded Fire Master", Hiragi!


Japanese Name:ヒラギ
Type: Fire
Location: Sekisen City
Badge: Steam Badge
Awarded TM: N/A
Title: "The Hot-Blooded Fire Master"
Age: 38
Sex: Male
Height: 5'8
Weight: 189 lbs.
Gym Theme: Based in a hot spring bath house.
Gym Trainers: Five
Gym Description: The Sekisen Gym is a multi-tiered gym. In order to reach the next level, you must choose between 2 or 4 hot spring geysers which will shoot you to one of four platforms. Depending on your choice, you may be shot to the platform containing one of the five gym trainers.
Occupation: Gym Leader/Hot Spring Hotel Manager
Motto: "Show me the fiery passion of your soul!"

- lvl.23 Feliame

- lvl. Corastar

- lvl. 27 Inflynix

The strongest Pokemon offensively is Inflynix so it would be best to use a Ground type such as Starvantom or Excavhog or use the Water starter line. There are really no true strong Water type Pokemon quite yet. It's Corastar will be somewhat hard though since it is strong against Ground types and is resistant to Water types.

Hiragi's name means holly olive but also uses "Hi" in the start of his name which also means fire.

Here is the next update. I will be really busy tomorrow and will not have time to update so this will be Saturdays update.

Also, I do appreciate the feedbacks concerning the shadows but, maybe this is asking too much, but if you have any comments or feedback concerning released material, please let me know. It takes me a while to compile all the information I have into one post. So, aside with the shadow guesses, comments on released Gym Leaders and/or information would be greatly appreciated!

RE: Ongan Region Project: Gym Leader: Hiragi

Didn't expect it to be Fire at all!Very nice!:D Maybe, just maybe,but where it says "Pokemon",maybe you could put a link to the Pokemon.Is that to confusing?I'm guessing the shadow is Flying!
RE: Ongan Region Project: Gym Leader: Hiragi

Amazing job on Hiragi. As for the shadow Pokemon I am guessing that gym leader to specialize in flying-type Pokemon. The reason that I thought of a flying-type is because the gym leaders seems as he/she has wings.

Another thing that would look great on this thread (not sure if you all ready have this, though) would be like a poster-type picture that contains all the Pokemon that you have created and also gym leaders, sort of like a big Pokedex with pictures and the types the Pokemon are.
RE: Ongan Region Project: Gym Leader: Hiragi

I think this one is flying type as well. The shadow's head looks like it might be wearing a helmet/goggles or something.
RE: Ongan Region Project: Gym Leader: Hiragi

if its a pokemon, then its anotherrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr humanoid
RE: Ongan Region Project: Gym Leader: Hiragi

Good guesses everyone! I like the idea about the wings!

@ramsey1993: As HypnoticLuxray said, the Pokedex is now finished so I am focusing on Gym Leader, Trainer, Elite 4, Locations, and information.

Well, it's time for th e next update and I am happy with the amount of people who were interested in this Gym Leader. I for one was looking forward to posting it since the Gym Leader will play a important role to the storyline.

As for the guesses, the award goes to Umbreon/Espeon. Today's update is the "Flowerbud of Love" Grass Gym Leader, Kusaichi!


Japanese Name:
Location: Youen City
Badge: Sprout Badge
Awarded TM: N/A
Title: "The Flower Bud of Love Gym Leader"
Age: 23
Sex: Female
Height: 5'4
Weight: 138 lbs.
Gym Theme: Based on a English tea garden.
Gym Trainers: Six
Gym Description: The Youen Gym is modeled after a English tea garden. There are many paths that lead to the Gym Leader but some of them are blocked by large bushes. In order to clear these bushes, a gym trainer must be defeated. A beam sunlight then shines down on the bush which grows large enough for the player to pass under.
Occupation: Gym Leader/Pre-school Teacher
Motto: "Every flower is like one of my students."

- lvl.29 Festipple

- lvl. 29 Swampappa

- lvl. 30 Lovlifruit

- lvl. 32 Rengataru

Kusaichi's Pokemon are all based on Grass types. Strength wise, Rengataru has the most strength and power with very powerful Grass type attacks. Plus, it has a Water as a second type making it strong against Ground, Fire, and Rock. Defensively, Swampappa has the most HP and defensive stats and is the tank of the team. Lovlifruit provides stat enhancements to the other Pokemon on the team.

Kusaichi is the older sister of the main player and will become important in solving the mysteries of Ongan later. She has a very cheerful and responsible older sister personality.

Kusaichi means "flower market during Obon" (Obon being a huge month long holiday in Japan during the summer).

Here is tomorrow's new shadow! It is a Gym Leader again so please guess the possible type!

RE: Ongan Region Project: Gym Leader: Kusaichi

I don't know why, but I think it's Psychic. Also is it holding a syringe in its hand?
RE: Ongan Region Project: Gym Leader: Kusaichi

I agree with paddy, and it is probably because he/she is a doctor.