The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Rubbatic

Should I completely redo the two legendaries, Paraigon and Garakuia to look similar to the new legen

  • Yes, you should redo both.

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Just redo Paraigon.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Just redo Garakuia.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, both are fine.

    Votes: 4 80.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
RE: Ongan Region Project: Gym Leader: Angelica

I think I would start with eleshrub, but I also like Torchub too
RE: Ongan Region Project: Gym Leader: Angelica

Personally, I would use Minfist.

As for a team, I would use:

Hanzobayamitsu (Dark/Fighting)
Vulkanosaur (Rock/Fire)
Bosechouki (Bug/Ghost)
Haganekougoku (Dragon/Steel)
Makkuika (Water/Dark)
Jettah (Electric)

I will be adding some information tomorrow!
RE: Ongan Region Project: Gym Leader: Angelica

Geez, it's been a while since I updated this thread! I guess I can put up another quick update.

Today's new update is the Professor of the region, Dr. Cypress!


Dr. Cypress
Japanese Name: Hinoki-hakase (ヒノキ博士)
Title: Pokemon Professor
Residence: Hinoki Labaratory (By Futao City)
Age: 38
Family: One younger sibling
Pokemon: The three starters plus personal Pokemon
Personality: Cold, distance, and goal obsessed.

Dr. Cypress is the Pokemon Professor on the Ongan Region. Her research lab is located south of Futao City and north of the Southern Lighthouse. She has three other research aids, a young girl named Jay and a young boy name Jade. Her research is based on Pokemon types and how they are connected to natural occurrences such as fire or water. Her most challenging quest is trying to discover what came first: fire or fire produced by Pokemon. She continues to research how Pokemon are embedded with elemental characteristics.

She is a very strict and cold doctor who does not like failure and only looks at life through a scientific bias. Despite this, she is extremely dedicated to her students and cares for them immensely. She hides this through being cold and somewhat sympathetic towards her students. While it has yet to be revealed why she is like this, her personality could be associated with past trauma.

Dr. Cypress's name comes from hinoki or Japanese cyrpress.

I am still busy studying though I had a slight set back with a week bout with Strep Throat. The exam is next week and, honestly, I don't feel too confident. However, I have other chances to take it so if I fail this time, I'll try again. I may or may not release a new update this week.
RE: Ongan Region Project: Dr. Cypress

Your work is remarkable! How do you get the time to do all of this?
RE: Ongan Region Project: Dr. Cypress

Your work is remarkable! How do you get the time to do all of this?

Thanks! As of late, I had to stop doing artwork since I have had to focus my time and energies elsewhere. However, before that was to happen, I finished the artwork I wanted beforehand. I am just getting to updating. I first draw it through a rough sketch and then I do the line art via Illustrator. The next part is coloring, shading, highlighting, fine tuning, and then presentation/ In all, a basic fakemon will take half and hour to do completely, a more complex would be 1 -2 hours and same with a actual person. I sometimes work on it after I am out of work. However, I have a lot of free time on certain days at work so I tend to work on it there.

LillipupFTW said:
Great job! Is this the first professor?

Thank you. What do you mean by first professor?
RE: Ongan Region Project: Dr. Cypress

@LillipupFTW: Yes, she is the regions professor and gives the player his or her first Pokemon.

@silazu: Thanks!

Ok, I am pulling myself out of studying and posting this quick "update". These are two shadows. Please guess who they may belong to and I will update by Wednesday.

RE: Ongan Region Project: Dr. Cypress

Nice job on the professor. The description you provided for the professor fits the professors expression nicely.

For the shadows I am guessing they are the main male and female trainers of the region.
RE: Ongan Region Project: Dr. Cypress

Actually, these are the Male and Female Region trainers. I revealed them back in Octoberish.

RE: Ongan Region Project: Dr. Cypress

Here are the revealed shadows!


Japanese Name: Mamoru
Friend of main character
Gender: Male
Birthplace: Twinlet City
Personality: Protective, Concerned
Age: 16

Defende meets the main character when he or she comes through Twinlet City. He will introduce him or her to the Gym and help them find a suitable Pokemon. Once the player defeats Restuhakuto, Defende will come and tell the player how strong he or she is. The next time you meet him is in Water Flower Cave where he decides he wants to accompany you. It feels somewhat attached to you since the player is the same age as his younger sibling. While he will not travel the entire time with the player, he will be there for most of the big events. He will also occasionally challenge the player to a battle if he has been gone for a long time.

His battle style is oriented around a strong defense thus he favors rock and steel types.

Defende means "to defend" in French. Mamoru is "to protect" in Japanese. This deals with his protective nature towards the main character.


Japanese Name: Michibiko
Friend of player
Gender: Female
Birthplace: Takigawa Town
Personality: Somewhat bossy, knowledgeable
Age: 15

Decere meets the main character at the Minami Lighthouse where she is investigating a strange phenomenon. After solving the mystery of the lighthouse, the player encounters her when he or she enters Takigawa Town. One thing she is most interested in the situation in the Ongan Region and the reasons behind it being hidden from the rest of the world for so long. She decides to come with the player for a while to investigate it further.

She specializes in Pokemon with High Special attack. He tends to favor Water, Ghost, and Psychic types.

Decere is "to guide" in Latin while Michibiko is a play on michibiki or "to guide" and "ko" which means child; often used in female names. This ties in with Decere trying to steer the player into doing the right things.

These two are the friends/rivals of the player. While they do not travel the entire time with the player, they are present for the important parts int he players journey.
RE: Ongan Region Project: Defende and Decere

^They are rival/friends. The people who pop up again and again and again and you want to convince them to go away for good, but then you see them after another 10 minutes.

RE: Ongan Region Project: Defende and Decere

Is this going to be a video game someday? Or are you just making fakemons and other stuff for fun?
If you are making a game, how do you do that?
RE: Ongan Region Project: Defende and Decere

Yes, Shiny Shinx is right but they would have a more active roll in helping shape the main character. I was happen how Cheren and Bell were portrayed as opposed to other trainer friends (especially Cheren).

@Fener: Sadly, this is not a game. However, I tried to make this as close to game material as possible. I do not have the capacity, team, time, or knowledge to successfully put together a game. However, that is not say I am not interested in making a game and if given the chance, I would try it.

But for right now, it's a collection of pictures, ideas, concepts, and material compiled together. I hope you enjoy looking through it!

Well, my proficiency test came and went and all there is left to do is wait for the results in September. I wasn't confident in the test to begin with and I forgot/didn't know a lot of the grammar points, kanji, vocabulary, and such. I will most likely try again in December.

But now that I have some time, here is a new shadow! I will reveal it tomorrow.
