The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Rubbatic

Should I completely redo the two legendaries, Paraigon and Garakuia to look similar to the new legen

  • Yes, you should redo both.

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Just redo Paraigon.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Just redo Garakuia.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, both are fine.

    Votes: 4 80.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
RE: Ongan Region Project: Elite 4 Pango

I am sorry for being so late with my update. I was a bit busy so I couldn't update this thread.

Those are all good guesses! I really enjoyed reading them! Today's revealed shadow is Menerangi/Terashi.


Japanese Name: テラシ (Terashi)
Type: Varies
Age: 15
Location: Professor Cypress's Lab
Sex: Male
Height: 5'5
Weight: 135 lbs.
Family: Processor Cypress (Older sister)

Menerangi is the main rival of the Ongan Region. He is the younger brother of Processor Cypress. The reason why Professor Cypress is so hard and strict on her students is because she wants to see them exceed; something she felt she failed at in bringing up Menerangi. Both of their parents died earlier thus leading Dr. Cypress to raise her younger brother.

However, Menerangi discovered he could interject his consciousness into Pokemon thus controlling them regardless of Pokemon levels or even ownership. Dr. Cypress sought to use this amazing ability to further Pokemon research and pave new research into inter-Human/Pokemon relationships. However, Menerangi began to grow disillusioned and felt Pokemon were weak and he was superior.

Thus, he felt by controlling them forcibly, he could make Pokemon stronger. His talents attracted a evil crime organization called Team Epoch. Team Epoch sought to distort time and alter it so they are the supreme beings and ruled the world. In order to do this, they needed to travel back in time as well as steal advanced technology from the future. They need both Pairaigon and Galakuia to distort time.

Menerangi partially agrees with the goal of Team Epoch but sees it as a way to alter the past in order to remove his special ability. Despite his belief he is a supreme building; he feels his ability his a curse and makes him abnormal compared to the rest of the world. He forms a rivalry with the main character since they are the new students of Dr. Cypress and he his jealous of their seemingly normal ability to strengthen his/her Pokemon without a special ability.

Menerangi's English name comes from "to illuminate" in Malay. His Japanese name comes from Terashi which also means "to illuminate".

Here is tomorrow's shadow (and I will reveal it tomorrow! Please guess who it could belong to!

RE: Ongan Region Project: Rival Menerangi

The rival looks cool and I like the back story to him. I think the shadow is the main evil villain or a grunt.
RE: Ongan Region Project: Rival Menerangi

@silazu: Thanks! I wanted to create a anti-hero type rival like N in BW. I like how he turned out but I may tweak him a bit.

Nice guesses with being Team Epoch's leader!

However, said to say you are wrong! Today's revealed shadow is Mujigae, the Champion of the Elite 4!


Japanese Name: ラン (Ran)
Type: Varies
Location: Elite 4 Palace
Title: "Young Master"
Age: 19
Sex: Male
Height: 5'8
Weight: 154 lbs.
Occupation: Elite 4/Writer/Adventurer/Gambler
Motto: "Never write the end until the end actually comes."


- lvl. 67 Haganekougoku Dragon/Steel
- lvl. 67 Jettah - Electric
- lvl. 67 Sunsame - Ground
- lvl. 70 Nuclizard - Dark/Poison
- lvl. 70 Shinzenshinryu - Dragon/Grass
- lvl. 73 Shimokami - Ice/Dark

Mujigae is the youngest Champion in history. However, he is considered much smarter then many veteran trainers. He is able to look at a battle and deduce the outcome in mere seconds based solely on the experience of the trainers. He enjoys traveling and writing about what he sees and experiences. However, he is somewhat unreliable and times due to his neglectful nature. He often loses his way and ends up having to work to pay off his gambling problems. Despite this, he is one of the strongest trainers in Ongan and respects those who view Pokemon battles as a way to mature.

Mujigae's English name is Korean for "rainbow". His Japanese name means Orchid.

I currently don't have any more artwork done for the Ongan Region however here is some information. Please let me know what you think about it!

New Trainers

Delivery Boy
Found at:
Type: Normal or Flying

Found at:
Type: Water/ or Fire

Fashion Deigner
Found at:
Type: Any

Found at:
Type: Electric

Found at:
Type: Electric

Found at:
Type: Any

Elementary School Student
Found at:
Type: Any

Junior High School Student
Found at:
Type: Any

High School Student
Found at:
Type: Any

University Student
Found at:
Type: Any

Found at:
Type: Any

Found at:
Type: Any

Found at: Most surf routes
Type: Dark, Water, or Fighting

Found at:
Type: Psychic or Grass

Found at:
Type: Any

Found at: Most Air Routes
Type: Flying

Factory Worker
Found at:
Type: Steel or Poison

Found at:
Type: Rock or Fighting

Found at:
Type: Grass

Arcade Ace
Found at:
Type: Electric

Jungle Guy/Girl
Found at:
Type: Grass, Poison, Ground, Bug, or Rock

Found at:
Type: Any (Cute Pokémon)

Found at:
Type: Ghost

Found at: Water Flower Mine
Type: Ground, Rock, or Steel

Pokesquad Infantry
Found at:
Type: Fighting or Electric

Pokesquad Vanguard
Found at:
Type: Fighting or Electric

Pokesquad Chaser
Found at:
Type: Flying or Electric

Pokesquad Punisher
Found at:
Type: Psychic or Electric

Epoch Grunt
Found at:
Type: Dark, Rock, or Poison

Epoch Warlord
Found at:
Type: Dark, Fighting, Ground, or Poison

Epoch Slayer
Found at:
Type: Fire, Dark, or Fighting

Epoch Mindflayer
Found at:
Type: Dark, Psychic, Ghost, or Fighting

Epoch Brute
Found at:
Type: Fighting, Steel, Ground, or Rock

List of Cities

1. Hakusa Town
2. Yuudansha City
3. Takofutou Town
4. Kyuukyou City
5. Takigawa Town
6. Namiyoke City
7. Sanka Town
8. Komotsuki City
9. Senkisen City
10. Teikei City
11. Gakuento City
12. Waraku City
13. Kamikawa Town
14. Kaitomoshi City
15. Beach Resort
16. Bonshou Town
17. Mitsurinji Temple
18. Sekisuiji Shrine


1. Seiki Forest
2. Dr. Hinoki’s Lab
3. Minami Lighthouse (Southern Lighthouse)
4. Minami Cave (Southern Cave)
5. Cleardrop Bridge
6. Mizuhana Kougan (Water Flower Mine)
7. Ryuukyou Bridge (Dragon Bridge)
8. Ferry Landing
9. Large Tree
10. Mountain Cave (1st floor)
11. Mountain Cave (2nd Floor)
12. Raitouwa no Heiya (Lightning Pinnacle Plains)
13. Planetarium Isle
14. Bubbling Rapids
15. Skylift
16. Southern Great Forest
17. Treasure Lakes
18. South Island Department Store
19. Bluestone Bridge
20. Mushroom Rock Desert
21. Northern Great Forest
22. Forgotten Ruins
23. Mosrok Temple
24. Lost Delta
25. North Reach Forest
26. Safari Park
27. Waterfall Cavern
28. Sky Bike Path
29. Mirror Forest
30. Mirror Lake
31. Board Walk
32. Factory
33. Black Forest
34. Rock Island
35. Beach Shrine
36. Victory Road
37. Great Pyramid
38. Deep Mountain Cave
39. Black Hole

Weather Affects

Type: Electric
Area: Lightning Rock Plains
Outside of Battle: Lightning can strike the player which knocks off 10 HP off all Pokemon.
Inside of Battle: Deals Electric damage after each turn. Powers up Electric type attacks.

Acid Rain
Type: Poison
Area: Factory
Outside of Battle: Takes off 2 HP as long as you stay in the rain.
Inside of Battle: Automatically poisons any Pokemon that is in the playing field. Powers up Poison type attacks.

Type: Flying
Area: Boardwalk, Coastal
Outside of Battle: Pushes player against the wind.
Inside of Battle: Increases Flying type feed and attack while lowering non-Flying types evasion.

Type: Rock
Area: Mushroom Rock Desert
Outside of Battle: Can push the player but does not hurt Pokemon.
Inside of Battle: Damage every Pokemon at every turn and powers up Rock type attacks.

Pitch Dark
Type: Dark
Area: Happens at night; anywhere.
Outside of Battle: Limits the field of vision.
Inside of Battle: Lowers non-type Dark accuracy sharply and raises Dark-type accuracy while powering up Dark-type moves.

List of new HM’s

HM05 Freeze
Type: Ice
Out of Battle: Can freeze lakes, waterfalls, and make bridges to span across gorges.
Inside of Battle: Causes instant freeze status.
Attack type: Status Ailment
Received from:
Badge Needed:

HM07 Torch
Type: Fire
Out of Battle: Creates a light (much a like to flash)
Inside of Battle: Causes instant burn status.
Attack Type: Status Ailment
Received from:
Badge Needed:
RE: Ongan Region Project: Champion Mujigae + new information

No replies?

Well, I have a little treat for everyone. I was planning on holding it back but I felt like sharing it. I am really excited to present this to everyone!


What are these shadows? What could they possibly mean? Are they new Pokemon for the Ongan Region or are they evolutions of pre-existing Pokemon? Please take a stab at guessing what these shadows are, what they mean exactly, and what is to come? What does the future hold for the Ongan Region?
RE: Ongan Region Project: What does these new Shadows mean?!?!/First Post Construction

I want to know what that big shadow is. I think they might be new fakemon and not pre-exsisting evolutions of ones you already made. Did you already reveal the main legendary for the game?
RE: Ongan Region Project: What does these new Shadows mean?!?!/First Post Construction

silazu, do you mean the legendary for the Ongan Region?

By the way I will be revealing these crazy new shadows by Tuesday.
RE: Ongan Region Project: What does these new Shadows mean?!?!/First Post Construction

I mean the legendary that feeds on malice and anger but was sealed.
RE: Ongan Region Project: What does these new Shadows mean?!?!/First Post Construction

Yes I did. It is Moonshyam. He is not the main legendary though. He is the Mewtwo/Deoxys of the region but not the main.
RE: Ongan Region Project: What does these new Shadows mean?!?!/First Post Construction

Hey, LV, what is the event legendaries?
RE: Ongan Region Project: What does these new Shadows mean?!?!/First Post Construction

That is something I actually haven't thought of.

Sanamk, Eradagon, Warares, Athenawa, and Matishukuru most likely would be the events.
RE: Ongan Region Project: What does these new Shadows mean?!?!/First Post Construction

I have been reading this thread for a while now and finally joined pokebeach.
I would like to say that this is way better than the games I designed.
Well Done.
RE: Ongan Region Project: What does these new Shadows mean?!?!/First Post Construction

Thanks Reshiwott! I appreciate your interest in these project. Good lukc on your fakegame as well!

I am copying this into a new post so I can get rid of it to make space on the front page.

Ongan Region​
The Ongan Region


The Ongan Region is a entirely new region yet connected to the four early regions: Johto, Kanto, Hoenn, and Shinnoh. It contains two large mountain peaks, lakes, vast rivers, and many unique cities. More importantly however is the abundance of new pokemon. While there is no exact data set on the number, there may be as many as 140 unique pokemon within the Ongan Region.

The Ongan Region is divided by a inland sea with two islands to the south and to the north. On both island, there are two large mountain peaks. The two landforms differ from each other in terms of geological features and even culturally but share the same common ancestry. There are many cities, towns, villages, forests, caves, lakes, and rivers to be found in Ongan.

1. Hakusa Town
Gym: None
Inhabitants: 10
Name Meaning: White Sand Town
Hakusa Town is the first own in the Ongan Region. It is the town where the main Trainer begins his or her adventure. The own is described as being pleasant and inspirational. It is settled on a peninsula on the west side of the southern island. The town itself has four houses, several trees, and a beautiful beach. To the east of the town is the town gate and the entrance to Route 60.

2. Route 60
Trainers: None
Inhabitants: 1
Wild Pokemon: Kabutori, Kusshisu, Dainapiido, Kenzumi
Route 60 is east of Hakusa Town and west of Seiki Forest. Its entrance begins at Hakusa Town and ends at Seiki Forest. It has two parts to it. The first part has a tall grass patches and a small pond. Stairs then descend into a white beach. There is a new foliage there: sand dunes. Bug, ground, and grass types are popular here. At the end is a small shack with a Beach Hermit living there. He helps take new trainers to Dr. Hinoki's Lab which is outside Seiki Forest.

3. Seiki Forest
Trainers: 4
Wild Pokemon: Kabutori, Kusshisu, Dainapiido, Kokoparu, Bobbu
Name Meaning:
Seiki Forest is a large forest with blue-green leaves. It has two large areas in it/ The first area is a tree filled maze with tall grass and two trainers. The second area has a large pond located int he middle with an island. The outsides of the pond has tall grass and two more trainers. The exit is in the north side of the pond.

4. Futao City
Gym: Fighting
Inhabitants: 18
Name Meaning: Twin Bulls City
A bustling city with several dojos. It also has a sumo ring in the middle which doubles for the gym. This sumo ring/gym is located int he center of the town on a hill. It has 8 buildings within the city. Two of which are rival dojos. One dojo uses Nintaro and the other uses Ishikenkei. The city has stone streets and mostly concrete buildings. The outer area of the city has a area where festivals are held.

5. Route 59
Trainers: 5
Wild Pokemon: Kabutori, Dainapiido, Kusshisu, Kokoparu, Riridama, Kappada
Route 59 starts int he southern exit of Futao City and ends at Dr. Hinoki's Lab. It is surrounded by trees and tall grass. There is a large pond in front of Dr. Hinoki's Lab which has Riridama and Kappada in it.

6. Dr. Hinoki's Lab
Inhabitants: 6
Wild Pokemon: Kusamuzou, Okomo, Mijyube
Dr. Hinoki is Ongan's regional Pokemon professor. She studies Pokemon history. She is a pool of historical/legendary information regarding all Pokemon. Her lab has two stories with assistants researching ancient tablets and pokemon. The main hall connects to Route 59 and the other end connects to Route 58.

7. Route 58
Trainers: 3
Wild Pokemon: Kabutori, Bobbu, Pupakisu, Genmashi
Route 58 is a large route that starts at the exit of Dr. Hinoki's Lab. It goes up several flights of stairs until a large peninsula. The path branches off into two paths. One to the left which descends a flight of stairs down to a beach and a cave. The other path has tall grass, ledges, and three trainers. At the end of the path lies the Minami Toudai and Minami Grave. The Minami Grave can be accessed by bypassing the Lighthouse entrance. There are several graves here and flowers appear on various days. At night when the moon waxes, Genmashi can be found here.

8. Minami Toudai
Trainers: 6
Name Meaning: Southern Lighthouse
Wild Pokemon: Kabutori, Genmashi, Raikukun, Raitama, Nintaro
Minami Toudai is a tall lighthouse with a wide circular staircase that goes up for 6 floors. There are various trainers on each floor. At times, the floor caves in and the unlucky trespasser will find themselves a floor or more below. The top of the lighthouse has a crystal lightmirror which is said to re-direct against dark and ghost-type attacks to the opponent.

9. Minami Cave
Trainers: None
Name Meaning: Southern Cave
Wild Pokemon: Kusshisu, Raikukun, Raitama, Nintaro, Kenzumi
A small cave located underneath the Lighthouse. There is said to e a crystal clear lake where water infused light falls from the ceiling into the spring.

10. Route 61
Trainers: 4
Wild Pokemon: Kabutori, Kusshisu, Bobbu, Pupakisu
Route 61 is a short route between Futao City and Takofutou Town. It has tall grass and four trainers hiding in the tall grass. It also has a stand alone tree that is said to be a 1000 years old.

11. Takofutou Town
Gym: None
Inhabitants: 12
Name Meaning: Takou (happiness) + Futou (wharf)

Takafutaou Town is located on the coast. The south end connects to Route 61 and the north end connects to Cleardrop Bridge. It is mostly comprised of fishing families whose livelihood depends on the sea. There are 6 buildings here made of wood. There are also piers located on the shore with boats going in and out of the harbor. This is also a fish market where you can buy items for Water-type Pokemon.

12. Cleardrop Bridge
Trainers: 2
Wild Pokemon: None

Cleardrop Bridge connects Takafutao Town and Mizuhana no Kougan together. It is a long, blue bridge with dark blue lines forming bizarre patterns on the surface. There are two trainers on the bridge.

13. Mizuhana no Kougan
Trainers: 9
Wild Pokemon: Kusshisu, Akuakun, Shaberikaki, Ishikenkei, Kenzumi, Takauja
Name Meaning: Mizu (water) + hana (flower) + kougan (mine)

Mizuhana no Kougan is a complex mine where a special substance called Mizuhana (Water Flowers) were mined. However, part of the mine was submerged and no longer provides access to the miners. There are various abandoned buildings dotted in the higher levels. There are bridge that span over underground rivers and lakes. Mizuhana grow under clear, clean shallow flowing water. However, a surge of water has caused the precious flowers to vanish. There are 6 floors with the entrance on the 1st floor and exit being on the 3rd floor. There are various trainers such as Miners in the mine.

14. Ryuukyou Bridge
Trainers: 0
A bridge that spans between Mizuhana no Kougan and Ryuukyou City. It is a red, wooden bridge that looks much like a snake or floating dragon. The bridge goes up and down with steps leading up and down.

15. Ryuukyou City
Gym: Electric Gym Leader: Hoshiko
Inhabitants: 28
Name Meaning: Dragon Bridge City
A small city located on a small island off the northern land-form. It has a Electric Gym as well as several warehouses. The main part of the island is the Headquarters of the PokeSquad, a paramilitary group dedicated to fighting evil organizations and protecting Pokemon rights. However, their actions are often labeled as extremist. There is also barracks for team members, training facilities, a airstrip and a control tower. There is also a restaurant and a souvenir shop. The south gate leads to Ryuukyou Bridge and the north exit leads to Route 98. A chainlink fence surrounds the entire island.

Sanka Town
Location: East side of the south mountain
Significance: Entrance to Mountain Cave, Ceramics Studio, and famous red clay dust.
Gym: None
Name Meaning: San (mountain) + ka (house)

Sanka Town is located on the side of a mountain. There are two levels that are accessed via stairs. There are many rock, ground, and dark-type pokemon. The citizens of Sanka Town are adept at hiking in the mountains.

Sekisen City (previously known as Iwaburu City)
Location: North of the south Mountain, west of the river.
Significance: 17 individual hot springs, Hotel,
Gym: Yes. Fire
Name Meaning: Seki (stone) + Sen (spring)

Sekisen is known for their 17 individual hot springs. Each hot spring is for one of the 17 different types. Pokemon can enter their main type and receive a powerup of one of their like-type attacks (i.e. a Charmander entering the Ember Spring to power-up Ember or Firespin.

Sekisen has a Fire-type Gym and the Gym Leader is a older red-haired male.

Waraku City
Location: Center of the north island.
Significance: Peace Sanctuary, Church, Friend Park
Gym: Yes. Psychic.
Name Meaning: Wa (peace) + raku (comfort)

Waraku is located near the bicycle byway. It is centered around peace and love. The citizens are known to be healthy and happy. They believe Pokemon and Humans can co-exist together through love.

Waraku's gym leader is a young, hooded pink haired female who uses Psychich types.

Dotennin Gemu Department
Location: small south island
Significance: A giant department store + battle area
Name Meaning: Nintendo backwards

This store sells many items such as potions, pokeballs, accessories, TMs, and other items of interest. You can also battle opponents in the arcade area.
Ongan Region Wikia Page

Gym Leaders, Elite Four, and new Trainers​
Gym Leaders
#1. Retsuhakuko - Fighting - Futao City
#2. Rairakku - Electric - Ryuukyou City
#3. Barataba - Steel - Gutaigan City
#4. Hiragi - Fire - Iwaseki City
#5. Kusaichi - Grass - Youen City
#6. Dr. Fushinshi - Poison - Gakuento City.
#7. Kikyou - Pyschic - Waraku City
#8. Angelica - Dark - Makurachuuatou City

Elite Four
#1. Blau

The Plot

Long time ago, the regions containing Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Shinnoh were all one. The area between Hoenn and Johto was called: Ongan. However, a unknown phenomenon occurred within Ongan and separated itself from the rest of the world. That was a 1,000 years before the present. Many people know of the Ongan of legends but only as a legend. During the past 1,000 years, Ongan appears as a deep mist hovering above the ocean; devoid of the land. However, 10 years before the present, a bright light enveloped all the regions and the Ongan of Legends suddenly materialized.

The inhabitants, unaware of what was going on, was surprised to see their lands connected with other lands. The governments within each region began discussions with each other and resolved to discover the mystery behind why Ongan vanished 1,000 years ago. To their astonishment, they discovered two ancient pokemon caused Ongan to be separated from the rest of the world.

Meanwhile, the inhabitants, while different from the other inhabitants of Johto and Hoenn begin dispersing out into the world. Likewise, immigrants begin to come into Ongan; mostly adventurers, professionals, and pokemon trainers due to the discover of never before seen pokemon unique to the Ongan region. Experts in Pokemon evolution explain that due to Ongan's long period of isolationism, the Pokemon in Ongan (though sharing similar genetic traits as that of Johto, Kanto, Hoenn, and Shinnoh), evolved much differently then the rest. In addition, there have been efforts to limit the interaction between Ongan Pokemon and outside Pokemon.

It is here, in Ongan, that a young trainer is beginning the first steps of becoming a pokemon master. It is in the quiet and lazy sea-side town of Hakusa where this young trainer will make important decisions that will affect both the trainers life, the pokemon, friends and family, and ultimately Ongan.

LV Note: Time will play an important factor in Ongan. Time is utilized in areas such as abilities that speed/slow down time, time events, time event-only pokemon, time sensitive deadlines (mailing letters by a certain time or meeting important people, and to even pokemon being available at certain times of the day (for example, Burakkusuta is only available from 9 pm to 4 am while Faisuta is only available from 6 am to 11 am.

In the deepest caverns there lies an ancient book that tells of a terrifying monster that was able to eat the souls it sees. It was born from malice itself and fed upon anger and madness. One of the most evil organizations found a way to control this evil monster and unleashed it on the world.

A courageous team of Pokemon masters went up against this organization and this evil monster. The leader, a man named Coal, was able to bring down the organization and seal the evil monster inside a magical binding clothe. They then imprisoned him inside a purple diamond and sealed it deep within inside a deep cavern. Centuries upon centuries have gone by and the monster slept deep within the roots of the Ongan mountains due to the freezing of time by the two legendary Pokemon, Pairaigon and Garakuia.

Now, time has begun again with the two Legendaries losing their power. Thus, this monsters power has slowly returned yet it cannot break its bonds. If a pokemon master seeks this monster and attempts to free it, the world will be plunged into a second darkness.

Ongan Region Starters​

#001/#560 Eleshrub
Japanese Name: クサムゾー (Kusamuzou)
The Baby Elephant Pokemon
Type: Grass
Ability: Overgrow
Color: Green
Height: 2’0
Weight: 30 lbs.
Male/Female: 45/55%
Evolves into: Morikikiba at lvl. 16 ----> Ganeshiyashi at lvl. 36
Location: Professor Hinoki's Lab
Egg Type: Plant

Kusamuzou has several unique attacks such as Life Tree. It is likened to Mega Drain but is a turn type attack. It also has another attack called Camouflage and it is listed as improving Kusamuzou's speed and lowering the opponents accuracy.

It lives in quiet, healthy forests where it collects natural energy by using its trunk. It has a very shy and bashful personality but can get angered when it feels its forest is threatened. It will collect leaves inside its trunk and shoot them out into the air.

Kusamuzou is based on a elephant calf. Its name comes from "kusa" (grass) and "zou" (elephant).

Kusamuzou Fakdex Entry


#004/#563 Torcub
Japanese Name: オーコモ (Okomo)
The Cub Pokémon
Type: Fire
Ability: Blaze
Color: Brown
Height: 1’7
Weight: 20 lbs.
Male/Female: 55/45%
Evolves into: Kaguma at lvl. 16 ----> Uruzuhatsu at lvl 36
Location: Professor Hinoki's Lab
Egg Type: Monster/Human-shape

Okomo has several unique attacks such as Scorch Claw which induces both burn and lowers defenses. There is another attack new to Pokemon called Intense Heat which raises the attack stat of Okomo and other Fire Pokemon in a doubles/triples battle.

Okomo can be found in wooded hillsides where there are cliffs and overhangs to seek shelter in. They are playful, curious, and competitive in nature. They enjoy causing mischief and can be a handful for an novice trainer. Despite that, they are loyal to their trainer and will protect him/her even at inury to itself.

Okomo is based on a Grizzly Bear cub. Its name comes "Oo" (great), "kuma" (bear), "and "ko" or child.

Okomo Fakdex Entry


#007/#566 Minfist
Japanese Name: ミジュベ (Mijyube)
The Small Fish Pokémon
Type: Water
Color: Blue
Ability: Torrent
Height: 1’2
Weight: 10 lbs.
Male/Female: 50/50%
Evolves into: Betarabushi at lvl. 16 -----> Reikokobushgi at lvl. 36
Location: Dr. Hinoki'a Lab
Egg Type: Water 1/Fairy

Mijyube also has several new attacks in its move list. It has a new fighting-type attack called Territory. Territory deals more damage to pokemon of the same type as the user. It also has a new water-type attack called Water Needles which will attack the opponent for 1-5 turns.

Mijyube usually live alone in ponds, lakes, and rivers. They set invisible boundaries that other Mijyube do not cross unless to provoke a fight. Mijyube, while prideful, will often run from a stronger opponent. However, it learns from this encounter and forms combative strategies for future battles. For this reason, Mijyube is often seen as being fairly smart.

Mijyube is based on a beta fish. Its name comes from "Mijyu" or "green hand" and the be~ from beta.

Mijyube Fakdex Entry

Mods, I will be making another post right after this one but please do not merge it since both posts will be about two entirely different topics.
RE: Ongan Region Project: What does these new Shadows mean?!?!/First Post Construction

Ok, as promise I am revealing the released shadows from earlier this weekend! By Wednesday, I will be adding more information to these revealed Pokemon as well.

Without further adieu, here they are!!


The Hedgehog Pokemon
Type: Normal
Color: Brown
Ability: Spike Guard
Height: 1'8
Weight: 20 lbs.
Evolves into: Quilldent at level 18.

Pricklipine is the Hedgehog Pokemon. It is confirmed to be a Normal type Pokemon.Its ability is Spike Guard. Spike Guard damages the opponent upon contact. The heavier the opponent, more damage occurs. It is unknown what Pokemon it evolves from or into.

Pricklipine can be found in dense forests. It curls in a ball and can travel for long distances in this fashion. When threatened, it will curl into a ball and dig itself into the ground. It spines are strong enough to cut into steel or rock. It will sometimes launch itself into a opponent like a spinning ball of needles.

Pricklipine is based on a hedgehog.


The Electric Current Pokemon
Type: Electric/Light
Color: Yellow
Ability: Anticipation/Regenerator
Height: 2'8
Weight: 3 lbs.
Evolves from: ?
Evolves into: ?

Thundamental is the Electric Current Pokemon. It is a Electric and the new type, Light. It has the Anticipation and Regenerator ability. It is unknown what Pokemon it evolves from or into.

Thandamental comes into being when lightning becomes semi-sentient. It stores within its body explosive electrical power. Once this power is released, it explodes with devastating affect. It is said to be the basis of the electrical and light elements found in nature. This Pokemon is easily found during lightning storms. It glides around gathering eletrical energy.

Thundamental is based on ball lightning.


The Deafening Pokemon
Type: Normal/Sound
Color: Brown
Ability: Soundproof
Height: 6'2
Weight: 490 lbs.
Evolves from: Trumonet at level 38.

Bandoaboom is the Deafening Pokemon. It is a Normal and the new Sound type. Its ability is Soundproof. It evolves from Trumonet at level 38.

Bandaboom congregates in groups of ten or more where they blast upon on the instruments on their bodies. It has a wide range of songs they play on these instruments. There are in fact so many it is hard to categorize them all. They communicate their moods, feelings, and thoughts via these sounds. They pull air into their bodies and then expel it thus creating the noise.

Bandaboom is based on a howler monkey and a gorilla.


The Chick Pokemon
Type: Flying/Water
Color: Pink
Ability: Tangled Feet/Water Veil
Height: 2'2
Weight: 11 lbs.
Evolves into: Flamango at level 12, Rosamingo at level 28

Chickaddle is the Chick Pokemon. It is a Flying and Water type.. Its abilities is Tangled Feet and Water Veil. It evolves into Flamango at level 12 and Rosamingo at level 28.

Chickaddle lives in salt-water marshes where they feed on small fish and shrimp. They can't fully fly yet and they are fairly clumsy on land. They have a long neck into order to reach the water while standing. It can flap its wings to create small waves and knock up water into the air.

Chickaddle is based on a flamingo chick.


The Mosquito Pokemon
Type: Bug/Poison
Color: Green
Ability: Poison Point/Speed Boost
Height: 1'2
Weight: 2 lbs.
Evolves into: Agrequito at level 18

Mosquirritate is the Mosquito Pokemon. It is a Bug and Poison type. Its abilities is Poison Point and Speed Boost. It evolves into Agrequito at level 18.

Mosquiiritate is known to buzz around people very annoyingly. It enjoys injecting its irritating poison into other people or Pokemon. It then feeds on life force which nourishes its body. It has a very daring and erratic fly pattern and will often perform suicide dives in order to feed.

Mosquiirated is based on a mosquito.


The Apple Pokemon
Type: Grass
Color: Red
Ability: Leaf Guard/Justified
Height: 1'8
Weight: 6 lbs.
Evolves into: Orchipple at level 30.

Cheeripple is the Apple Pokemon. It is a Grass type Pokemon. Its abilities are Leaf Guard and Justified. It evolves into Orchipple at level 30.

Cheeripple can be found in groups in fruit tree groves. It feels at home either in a tree or on the ground. They can be found hopping and singing to themselves. They are a very peaceful Pokemon who likes to play and make others happy. Because of this, it does not tolerate mean Pokemon. It can throw other apples into opponents.

Cheeripple is based on a apple.

What do you think of these new released Pokemon? Please post your thoughts on what they could be such as descriptions or types! Also, what are all those shadows around the Pokeball???
RE: The New LV Fakemon Project Thread: From Light and Shade comes a New Beginning!

AWESOME!! Best ones yet! I love Bandoboom! Also, the one on the ball looks like a Pikachu with a ballon!
RE: The New LV Fakemon Project Thread: From Light and Shade comes a New Beginning!

These are brilliant LV, you should be very proud with yourself! :)