The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Rubbatic

Should I completely redo the two legendaries, Paraigon and Garakuia to look similar to the new legen

  • Yes, you should redo both.

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Just redo Paraigon.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Just redo Garakuia.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, both are fine.

    Votes: 4 80.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
RE: The New LV Fakemon Project Thread: From Light and Shade comes a New Beginning!

Again, Exeptionally brilliant, and thanks.
Love pricklipine!!!!
RE: The New LV Fakemon Project Thread: From Light and Shade comes a New Beginning!

Honestly, i don't like Pairaigon's new look, he looks like a baby child dragon or something like that in a tantrum. Otherwise the other legendary is way cool.
RE: The New LV Fakemon Project Thread: From Light and Shade comes a New Beginning!

LillipupFTW said:
AWESOME!! Best ones yet! I love Bandoboom! Also, the one on the ball looks like a Pikachu with a ballon!

Thanks and good observation? We will see what Pokemon that shadow belongs to in the future!

aschefield101 said:
These are brilliant LV, you should be very proud with yourself! :)

Thanks you! While I think my art can be drastically improved, I am pretty happy with it.

Reshiwott said:
Again, Exeptionally brilliant, and thanks.
Love pricklipine!!!!


superstarxalien169 said:
Honestly, i don't like Pairaigon's new look, he looks like a baby child dragon or something like that in a tantrum. Otherwise the other legendary is way cool.

Hm...a cry baby dragon. I wanted to give it a fiercer, more fluid look then the previous design.
RE: The New LV Fakemon Project Thread: From Light and Shade comes a New Beginning!

I love Pricklipine it looks so cute. The others are awesome too, good job can't wait to see more.
RE: The New LV Fakemon Project Thread: From Light and Shade comes a New Beginning!

@Silazu: Thanks!

While I don't have any new information, I do have three shadows that will be revealed this Friday along with some very important information!!

Can you guess what these shadows are? What does these new five fakemon and these new shadows mean? More importantly, what does "From Light and Shade comes a New Beginning?

RE: The New LV Fakemon Project Thread: From Light and Shade comes a New Beginning!

I don't know, but they look really cool!
RE: The New LV Fakemon Project Thread: From Light and Shade comes a New Beginning!

LillipupFTW said:
I don't know, but they look really cool!

Thanks! I will release a lot of new information regarding these new Fakemon on Friday.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: From Light and Shade comes a New Beginning!: 3 New Shadows!!

Okay. I really like your work!
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: From Light and Shade comes a New Beginning!: 3 New Shadows!!

One of the shadows looks like a bat the other looks like an alligator, I'm not sure what the shadow in the middle is though.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: From Light and Shade comes a New Beginning!: 3 New Shadows!!

It's time for a new update and...well.... I have been looking forward to this update for quite some time. First though, thank you for those who have continued to post on this thread! You are what keeps this thread alive and gives me the drive to push forth. Secondly, those were good guesses, Silazu!

Before I release the three shadows, I have some important information to give out:

Starting today, the Ongan Region Project will be pushed aside (but not forgotten) for something entirely new! Yes, it is

Pokemon Shine and Shade: The Yuutou Region Project!

Pokemon Shine and Shade is the official name for this project though the Yuutou Region Project is another name for it. Pokemon Shine and Shade takes place in an entirely new region found in the Pokemon world. It has roughly around 135 new Pokemon never seen before. Yuutou means "friendship capital" in Japanese. Much alike the Ongan Region, I will be releasing information regarding the Pokemon, trainers, and the entire region itself. It is nothing like the Fakemon community has ever seen before, nay, the entire Pokemon universe has seen before.

I am still fleshing out the details but this is where the new region will differ from previous regions:

- Three new types (Light, Sound, and ? )
- No routes
- An entirely different themed region!
- Hover bikes!

So far, these previous Pokemon released earlier this week are apart of this region. I have updated their information as well as types and abilities.​


[b#010 ]Pricklipine[/b]
The Hedgehog Pokemon
Type: Normal
Color: Brown
Ability: Spike Guard
Height: 1'8
Weight: 20 lbs.
Evolves from: ?
Evolves into: ?

Pricklipine is the Hedgehog Pokemon. It is confirmed to be a Normal type Pokemon.Its ability is Spike Guard. Spike Guard damages the opponent upon contact. The heavier the opponent, more damage occurs. It is unknown what Pokemon it evolves from or into.

Pricklipine can be found in dense forests. It curls in a ball and can travel for long distances in this fashion. When threatened, it will curl into a ball and dig itself into the ground. It spines are strong enough to cut into steel or rock. It will sometimes launch itself into a opponent like a spinning ball of needles.

Pricklipine is based on a hedgehog.


#032 Thundamental
The Electric Current Pokemon
Type: Electric/Light
Color: Yellow
Ability: Anticipation/Regenerator
Height: 2'8
Weight: 3 lbs.
Evolves into: Shockamental at level 22

Thundamental is the Electric Current Pokemon. It is a Electric and the new type, Light. It has the Anticipation and Regenerator ability. It is unknown what Pokemon it evolves from or into.

Thandamental comes into being when lightning becomes semi-sentient. It stores within its body explosive electrical power. Once this power is released, it explodes with devastating affect. It is said to be the basis of the electrical and light elements found in nature. This Pokemon is easily found during lightning storms. It glides around gathering eletrical energy.

Thundamental is based on ball lightning.


#026 Bandoaboom
The Deafening Pokemon
Type: Normal/Sound
Color: Brown
Ability: Soundproof
Height: 6'2
Weight: 490 lbs.
Evolves from: ?
Evolves into: ?

Bandoaboom is the Deafening Pokemon. It is a Normal and the new Sound type. Its ability is Soundproof. It is unknown yet what Pokemon it evolves from or into.

Bandaboom congregates in groups of ten or more where they blast upon on the instruments on their bodies. It has a wide range of songs they play on these instruments. There are in fact so many it is hard to categorize them all. They communicate their moods, feelings, and thoughts via these sounds. They pull air into their bodies and then expel it thus creating the noise.

Bandaboom is based on a howler monkey and a gorilla.


#012 Chickaddle
The Chick Pokemon
Type: Flying/Water
Color: Pink
Ability: Tangled Feet/Water Veil
Height: 2'2
Weight: 11 lbs.
Evolves from: ?
Evolves into: ?

Chickaddle is the Chick Pokemon. It is a Flying and Water type.. Its abilities is Tangled Feet and Water Veil. It is unknown what Pokemon is evolves from or into.

Chickaddle lives in salt-water marshes where they feed on small fish and shrimp. They can't fully fly yet and they are fairly clumsy on land. They have a long neck into order to reach the water while standing. It can flap its wings to create small waves and knock up water into the air.

Chickaddle is based on a flamingo chick.


#017 Mosqrritate
The Mosquito Pokemon
Type: Bug/Poison
Color: Green
Ability: Poison Point/Speed Boost
Height: 1'2
Weight: 2 lbs.
Evolves from: ?
Evolves into: ?

Mosquirritate is the Mosquito Pokemon. It is a Bug and Poison type. Its abilities is Poison Point and Speed Boost. It is unknown what Pokemon it evolves from or into.

Mosquiiritate is known to buzz around people very annoyingly. It enjoys injecting its irritating poison into other people or Pokemon. It then feeds on life force which nourishes its body. It has a very daring and erratic fly pattern and will often perform suicide dives in order to feed.

Mosquiirated is based on a mosquito.


#036 Cheeripple
The Apple Pokemon
Type: Grass
Color: Red
Ability: Leaf Guard/Justified
Height: 1'8
Weight: 6 lbs.
Evolves from: ?
Evolves into: ?

Cheeripple is the Apple Pokemon. It is a Grass type Pokemon. Its abilities are Leaf Guard and Justified. It is unknown what Pokemon is evolves from or into.

Cheeripple can be found in groups in fruit tree groves. It feels at home either in a tree or on the ground. They can be found hopping and singing to themselves. They are a very peaceful Pokemon who likes to play and make others happy. Because of this, it does not tolerate mean Pokemon. It can throw other apples into opponents.

Cheeripple is based on a apple.

So, the Yuutou Region has new Pokemon but what about the starters? For those who posted, the last three shadows are this region starters! These are my favorites out of the ones I created so I hope you like them too!​

Pokemon Shine and Shade Starters


#001 Nectatat
The Baby Bat Pokemon
Type: Grass/Flying
Color: Green
Ability: Overgrow
Height: 1'2
Weight: 6 lbs.
Evolves into: ?

Nectatat is the Baby Bat Pokemon. It is a dual Grass/Flying type Pokemon. Its ability is Overgrow. It is unknown what its later evolutions are. It is given by this regions professor.

Nectatat lives under large trees and bridges. They feed mostly on seeds and nectar as opposed to small insects. They fly around during the day and sleep at night as opposed to other bats. It can be very affectionate and will sling to its owners on the owners head or clothes,

Nectatat is based off a fruit bat.


#003 Salafell
The Heat Pokemon
Type: Fire
Color: Red
Ability: Blaze
Height: 2'2
Weight: 28 lbs.
Evolves into:

Salafell is the Heat Pokemon. It is a Fire type Pokemon. Its ability is Blaze. It is unknown what Pokemon it evolves into.

Salafell's body exudes heat. The dark gray patches on its body are super-heated and burn those around it. It is perfectly comfortable in extremely hot flames. It has a small reputation of being mischievous and rowdy compared to other Pokemon. When it opens its mouth, heat pours out withering anything close by.

Salafell is based on a demon and a fictional salamander.


#005 Iguiquarius
The Lizard Pokemon
Type: Water
Color: Green
Ability: Torrent
Height: 1'6
Weight: 15 lbs.
Evolves into: ?

Iguiquarius is the Lizard Pokemon. It is a Water type Pokemon and has the Torrent ability. It is unknown what Pokemon it evolves into.

Iguiquarius live on the shore or on river beds on top of rocks. They tend to lay there and only go into the water to feed or cool themselves off. For this reason, they are seen as being somewhat sluggish and apathetic. They are excellent swimmers though and can stay underwater for 45 minutes at a time.

Iguiquarius is based on a marine iguana.

Here is a new shadow! Please guess what type it is and what it could be! Also, please comment on the revealed Pokemon and tell me what you think of them!

RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: The Starters!

I would start with Iguiquarius, but I also really like the other two starters; I can't wait to see what they evolves into. The shadow looks like a tree frog. I think it would be either water,grass, or ground type.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: The Starters!

my game is also using new types..... such as light, and sound.... xD
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: The Starters!

silazu said:
I would start with Iguiquarius, but I also really like the other two starters; I can't wait to see what they evolves into. The shadow looks like a tree frog. I think it would be either water,grass, or ground type.

Really? I hope you will like the new evolutions. I will release them at a later time.

Oka said:
my game is also using new types.... such as light, and sound.... xD

Yeah, they are popular fake types. I decided to go with them since they fitted into the theme of my region and the Pokemon that represents them.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: The Starters!

Ok, time to reveal the shadow!

Today's shadow is the Magma Pokemon, Lavwart!


#065 Lavwart
The Magma Pokemon
Type: Ground/Fire
Color: Brown
Ability: Magma Armor/Sticky Hold
Height: 1'9
Weight: 8 lbs.
Evolves into: Amphicano through the Fire Stone

Lavwart is the Magma Pokemon. It is a dual Ground/Fire type and has the abilities Magma Armor and Sticky Hold. It evolves into Amphicano through the Fire Stone.

Lavwart lives in deep volcanic crevices far under the earth. Every year, they migrate to near the center of the earth and coat themselves in magma thus giving them a new coat of magma. They occasionally travel to the surface where they feed on heat and mud. Touching one will scald your hand so be careful.

Lavwart is based on magma and a toad.

Here is tomorrow's new Fakemon! Please guess what type it is and what form that shadow belongs to! Also, please comment on Lavwart and the other fakemon!


Here is the Fakedex for the Yuutou Region! Please check it out!

#001 Nectatat - Grass/Flying
#004 Salafell - Fire
#007 Iguiquarius - Water
#010 Pricklipine - Normal
#012 Chickaddle - Flying/Water
#017 Mosqrritate - Bug/Poison
#026 Bandaboom - Normal/Sound
#032 Thundamental - Electric/Light
#035 Cheeripple - Grass
#061 Lavwart - Ground/Fire
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Lavwart and Fakedex!

Wow, looking good!
Two regions.... I think I would run out of ideas before then, props to you! :p
As for the shadow, I'm guessing a dinosaur (forgot its name) or a shark/alligator/crocodile mix. I'm guessing its a water type as well. I can't wait to see it!

EDIT: Also, just curious, how would light and sound types match-up against other types advantage-wise?
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Lavwart and Fakedex!

BlueEmboar said:
Wow, looking good!
Two regions.... I think I would run out of ideas before then, props to you! :p
As for the shadow, I'm guessing a dinosaur (forgot its name) or a shark/alligator/crocodile mix. I'm guessing its a water type as well. I can't wait to see it!

EDIT: Also, just curious, how would light and sound types match-up against other types advantage-wise?

I am going to wait till when I get more info out or when I release the third new type. I am still amassing information and such for this region. As well, previous Pokemon will change to these types (not officially of course). Examples being the Whismur line changing to Normal/Sound and the Chinchou line being Water/Light types. Much alike how Magnemite changed to Electric/Steel.

Expect a fully workable region picture (much alike to Ongan) by the end of August. It's pretty big, detailed, and I am having a horrible time deciding on a final version of it ><
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Lavwart and Fakedex!

For me, the shadow looks like a mix of a shark, a mosasaur, and an alligator.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Lavwart and Fakedex!

Awesome! Nice work! Already working ahead!
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Lavwart and Fakedex!

I think it will be a wobbegong shark.Here are my Ideas of what types it could be:


I like the Idea of new types. I might use 1 or 2 of them in my upcomming region(s). But Moiote will not include any of them.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Lavwart and Fakedex!

The shadow kind of looks like a paddle nose fish, or that marine dinosaur( I forget it's name though). Anyway I think it will be a water type. Also Lavwart looks nice I was not expecting it to be part fire type at all.