The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Rubbatic

Should I completely redo the two legendaries, Paraigon and Garakuia to look similar to the new legen

  • Yes, you should redo both.

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Just redo Paraigon.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Just redo Garakuia.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, both are fine.

    Votes: 4 80.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Gaitiatan

silazu said:
I think the shadow is the fire counterpart of Gaitiatan

First, these were all great guesses. I was very excited to release these last three Legendaries. They are part of a trio actually.

I know the shadow is the fire counterpart of Gaitiatan. (unless it's a water one. NOOOOO)

Let's see. As Gaitiatan is a giant, this fire(or other-typed) one is also likely a giant. Reminds of a Lion-Like figure, so let's go with that.
RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Gaitiatan

@silazu: Possibly :rolleyes:

@Ice Arceus: I am glad it looks interesting :)

@HypnoticLuxray: That's retty confident of you!

Only two Pokemon left! Judging from the replies, I guess the shadows are easy to guess. After tomorrow's update, I will be taking a short break to begin working on more art for the Ongan region. I hope to start working on gym leaders, trainers, items, and seen scenes of the regions!

Annnnd....all of you guys are right! Today's Legendary Pokemon is the Flame Titan, Hephastian.


#147 Hephastian
Japanese Name: ヘファスタン
The Flame Titan Pokemon
Type: Fire
Color: Red
Ability: Vulcan's Wrath
Height: 34'2
Weight: 2'837 lbs.
Male/Female: Genderless
Evolves from: None
Evolves into: None
Location: N/A
Egg Type: No Eggs

Hephastian is the Flame Titan Pokemon. It is a Legendary Fire-type and has the unique ability Vulcan's Wrath though it has yet to bre revealed how it performs in or out of battle. It can be only found after beating the Elite Four but where and when has yet to be revealed.

Legends say that Hephastian was born in the deep magma flows in the Earth's core. It erupted from the volcanoes of the world and took form of a gigantic walking beast. It was said to cause massive lava flows when it opened its mouth. Anywhere it walked would cause instant fires. However, as the Earth became more polluted, it diminished in power and size. It is still a force to be reckoned with.

Hephastian is based off a titan and a figure of lava. Its name comes from Haphaestus, the Greek god of metallurgy and volcanoes and titan.

Here is the lasts shadow for the Ongan region! This will be the last Pokemon for the fakedex. Can you guess what it could be?

RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Hephastian

Very nice!The shadow is a....WAFFLE!Water type!
RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Hephastian

Great job on Hephastian, it looks awesome. As for the shadow Pokemon, I am guessing it is the last of the trio, but a water type. It kind of looks as if it female because of how the legs are positioned. Another thing is that near the waist it seems like that Pokemon is wearing some type of water dress.

Can't wait to see what it turns out to be.
RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Hephastian

@Umbreon/Espeon: Waffle? I am confused lol.

@Rayquaza Master: Good Guess!

@LillipupFTW: We shall see! You might of picked up the pattern :)

@Ice Arceus: Thanks! Very good observations, IA!

Today's last Pokemon for the Ongan Fakedex is the Water Titan, Poseiditan.


#148 Poseiditan
Japanese Name: ポセイデイタン
The Water Titan Pokemon
Type: Water
Color: Blue
Ability: Poseidon's Wrath
Height: 36'3
Weight: 2'224 lbs.
Male/Female: Genderless
Evolves from: None
Evolves into: None
Location: N/A
Egg Type: No Eggs

Poseiditan is the Water Titan Pokemon. It is a Legendary Water-type Pokemon and has the unique ability, Poseidon's Wrath. How it is used in and out of battle has yet to be revealed. It can be found after beating the Elite Four but where and how has also yet to be revealed.

Legends say that Poseiditan arose from the deep oceans in a massive water spout. All the worlds oceans and rivers followed wherever this Pokemon went. Its entire body is comprised of water. However, it began losing its power when humans began polluting its oceans and rivers. It has now awaken; making great strides in the oceans.

Poseiditan is based on a titan made out of water. Its name comes from Poseidon and titan.

The Titan/Walker Trio is based on one of the Greek Gods or Goddesses that represents its element. I also gave each one a certain way of walking. I envisioned these Pokemon to be constantly on the move; walking around the world. Gaitiatan is based on a deliberate, march type walk. Hephastian is based on a slow, lumbering walk. Poseiditan is based on a gracefully, flitting dance-type walk.

Here you have it! The Ongan fakedex is completely and utterly done....or is it? I will not add any more Pokemon but I will be updating it and adding more information as time passes. I will also be adding my thoughts when I designed each Pokemon on their update post.

From here on out though, expect artwork of Gym Leaders, trainers, Elite 4, and locations! This thread is far from dead!
RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Poseiditan/End of the Fakedex

AWESOME JOB ON COMPLETING THE FAKEDEX!!:D Can't wait to see more of the game!I love Poseiditan's design.Very nice!:)
RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Poseiditan/End of the Fakedex

Great job completing the fakedex LV. It is nice to see all the designs. I had a great time guessing the shadow Pokemon and checking out this thread. The gym leaders/elite 4/trainers will be interesting to see. Can't wait.
RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Poseiditan/End of the Fakedex

@LillipupFTW: Thanks! There is more to come!

@Umbreon/Espeon: Thank you! Yes, hopefully I can start adding more information pretty soon! I am glad you like Poseiditan!

@Ice Arceus: Actually, this post will be to announce a new Gym Leader!

Here are some new English names for the Ongan Pokemon!

Ooenekou - Inflynyx (inflame and lynx)
Mitoudeki - Fluoresitate (fluorescent and levitate)
Shaberikaki - Shovdirt (shovel and dirt)
Sasunobi - Sasunobi
Routashibana - Lillylim (Lilly and lilim)
Daifukan - Vulkanosaur (Volcano and saur)
Tsumedoki - Terraptor Terror and raptor)
Hitohide - Corastar (coral and star)
Inamappa - Swampappa (Swamp and kappa)
Mamakou - Mamako
Dokurouku - Poisirock (poison and rock)
Kameame - Sprinkurtle (sprinkle and turtle)
Tsuchishoku - Soilijaw (Soil and jaw)
Gakigugu - Starvantom (starving and phantom)
Denrikuzuumu - Zoomiker (zoom and biker)
Kitsukiba - Narwhapoon (narwhal and harpoon)
Kabochikashi - Jako'stalk (Jack o' and stalk)
Garudagoeru - Guardgoyle
Fakutoroido - Factoroid
Mahoman - Mahoman
Anemonchaku - Anemoutiful (anemone and beautiful)
Pieronomi - Clownqua (clown and aqua)
Tarentokin - Amatalent (amateur and talent)
Saibanara - Diffunaria (Diffuse and planaria)
Wakaomi - Snopup (snow and pup)

Secondly, here is a shadow! Can you guess what this belong shadow belongs to?

RE: Ongan Region Project: New English Names and a New Shadow

I am guessing it to be a gym leader.
RE: Ongan Region Project: New English Names and a New Shadow

@LillipupFTW: Good guess but, sorry, it's not a Elite 4 member.

@Umbreon/Espeon: Good eye!

@Shinx107: You are correct!

@Ice Arceus: I would have to say that is a good guess!

Today's update the the first gym in the Ongan Region! It is the "World's Top Sumo" Fighting Gym leader, Retsuhakuko!


Japanese Name: 烈白虎
Type: Fighting
Location: Futao City
Badge: Fist Badge
Awarded TM: N/A
Title: World's Top Sumo
Age: 32
Sex: Male
Height: 6'3
Weight: 436 lbs.
Gym Theme: Based off a sumo ring.
Gym Trainers: Two.
Gym Description: You fight Restuhakuko through three rounds of sumo. If you lose the first round, you fight one gym trainer. If you lose a second time, you go against the second gym trainer. If you lose a third time, you have to re-fight him through sumo until you win in which he will reward you a fight with him.
Occupation: Gym Leader/Sumo Wrestler
Motto: "These palms will force you off the stage!"

- lvl. 11 Rokfist

-Karate Chop (FIGHT)
-Bulk Up (NORM)
-Piston Punch (FIGHT)
-Seismic Toss (FIGHT)

- lvl. 13 Ninin

-Double Chop (FIGHT)
-Piston Punch (FIGHT)
-Pursuit (DARK)
-Taunt (DARK)

The Ninin is the cornerstone of his team dealing both dark and fighting type attacks. However, capturing and training Helmrook is highly suggested for this battle since it will be fairly hard without one.

He hands out a unnumbered TM called Piston Punch. It is a powerful punch that takes one turn to charge. However, it has a 50/50% of recoil. If this happens, the users next attack will has the attack power increase by five points.

Retsuhakuko's name means "Fierce white tiger", a common system of naming sumo wrestlers.

In addition, I will be updating the Electric Gym Leaders information.


Japanese Name: ライラック
Type: Electric
Location: Ryuukyou City
Badge: Static Badge
Awarded TM: N/A
Title: The Women on a Mission
Age: 26
Sex: Female
Height: 5'7
Weight: 133 lbs.
Gym Theme: Based off a army training camp.
Gym Trainers: Two.
Gym Description: The gym is inside a massive training facility. You are given a electric ray gun. You must shoot blinking targets to open the gates. If you shoot the wrong target, a gym trainer will challenge you.
Occupation: Gym Leader/PokeSquad Leader
Motto: "Lighting and Thunder is my Justice!"

- lvl. 17 Bulbitate

-Shock Wave (ELEC)
-Flash (NORMAL)
-Ball Lightning (ELEC)
-Charge (ELEC)

- lvl. 21 Flourescitate

-Ball Lightning (ELEC)
-Flash (NORMAL)
-Spark (ELEC)
-Signal Beam (BUG)

Rairakku's team is pretty solid with damaging electric moves without any weaknesses. This is due to all her team possessing Pokemon that has the Levitate ability thus nullifying Ground based attacks. This is one of the hardest Gym Trainers in the game and frustrating since most of the Ground type Pokemon can be found early in the game.

She hands out the unnumbered TM "Lightning Ball". It increases the users Speed stat greatly when it makes contact with the opponent.

Rairakku's name is based off from Lilac. This is because rai also means thunder in Japanese.

Here is tomorrow's update! It is a Gym leader so please what type it could specialize in!

RE: Ongan Region Project: Gym Leader: Retsuhakuko and Rairakku.

Nice ones! I think it will be a water gym leader.
RE: Ongan Region Project: Gym Leader: Retsuhakuko and Rairakku.

Those are cool!I'm guessing the shadow is a Ghost or Dark gym leader.
RE: Ongan Region Project: Gym Leader: Retsuhakuko and Rairakku.

I think it's a gym leader that specializes in poison types