Wi-Fi Trades The Master GTS (A Co-op Trade Thread) Opened! Owners: Pokemon99 & ElectricPokemonMaster

Um,I was requesting.._.
But I deleted it because I think you still dont wanna trade.
I actually was offering a Cryogonal for...Well,I didnt check,but still.
Um well,I cant really find anything.You only have Patras and Lillipups...And obviously Shinys or Events are not fair... ._.
I'm currently getting Victini, but my goal is to try and get every pokemon in the Unova region. Which ones are you looking for in particular?
I can get you Elgyem, Pawniard, and Tynamo, as I am playing White currently. I'll post here when I find them.
Um,if I had more than one Gamestop Celebi,I would trade it to you for a TRU Arceus or a TRU Shaymin... D:

Also,what do you mean by Chargesto?
"The BlackList:
Torterror: never did second trade and ripped me off - EPM
ChillyChina: Rude person, created multiple accounts to give self positive reps. Mean person to deal with - Pokemon99
Kamil98: Started to trade, then cancelled half way through. Also told me that events were UT when they weren't. Misleading person - Pokemon99"
Why are you trading on my thread when I'm on black list here huh were your explanation there huh huh!!!!!! that kind of stuff annoys me!!!