The Mega Man Franchise

I agree, the BN series was AMAZING. I loved 3 the most, the first one I played. Then, I never knew at time, a kid in neighborhood sotle it. Leaving me with blue moon (Ew). Then, I traded my old pokemon diamond I never played for the white. And the nostalgia filled me up.

In Blue moon: I am getting 50 points for the tourney, on super hard mode.
When i played Megaman 1 to 6 on the Nintendo, i used to take turns with my dad, god imiss those days, my favorite megaman or robot, will be Needle Man.
Well, since this thread got a bit of life brought back into it, I thought I'd mention that Capcom might be toying with the concept of a new Mega Man game. It's not MML3 or anything, but it's something.

Starforce had the potential to be good.....but the characters were somewhat weak and the plot was meh sometimes. Character design was pretty good. Idk....sometimes it seems hopeless that they will revive (and reinvigorate) the series. I know I'd put my money down for it though. A new series.
I never liked Battle Network. I'm not one of those people who hates on a game because of a change in genre but I don't think Strategy was where Megaman belonged. I just didn't find it any fun or enjoyable and when I made progress I didn't really feel I was doing anything. Whereas the others felt like you were accomplishing something, you were blowing up robots with awesome weapons and traversing different terrain and it was fun learning about the different environments and mechanics.
Maybe I was doing something wrong but the entire BN series was a complete miss for me.

Never bothered with Starforce. Too busy playing ZX and ZX Advent.
Starforce really dumbed down the strategy and fun that was the Battle Network chip system, but it was still a great game, and I really liked the story.

And they need to make ZX3 already, or something new for the X timeline. Sheesh.

Goddammit Capcom.
Capcom and Armature had planned Maverick Hunter as a trilogy of games that would culminate in the third and final game, with the player taking control of Zero. His job would be to destroy a Mega Man who had grown powerful and intelligent over the course of the previous two games.

I feel like if this went through it would be how DmC Devil May Cry is received: better if it was its own game. Also with that voice acting? No sale.
Delta said:
I feel like if this went through it would be how DmC Devil May Cry is received: better if it was its own game.

My name's X the Maverick Hunter, has a nice ring to it don't you think?
Jokes aside, I still would have loved to see more of this game. I'm not a huge fan of gritty reboots, but whoever was able to imagine the X series like this deserves some credit. Sure, the enemies looks bland and the level design questionable, but this only had 6 months of minor development thrown at it. And let's not forget, it was being developed by the same people who made Metroid Prime. I think the true reason this was cancelled was exactly as Delta said: it's too similar to DMC. Taking a complete 360 degree turn with the franchise after cancelling long-awaited games like Legends 3 and Rockman Online just wouldn't have been smart, and the game probably would have sold even less than DMC did (which didn't sell well all). I also think these games would have had a real problem re-introducing well-known characters like Zero (I dare them to keep the hair), Vile, Sigma, Alia, and so on, not to mention the difficulty of coming up with a plot that do the originals justice while also bringing something new to the table. After everything's said and done, this just becomes another case of "what could have been". All I know is that if Capcom keeps cancelling games left and right, then this franchise will die faster than you can shoot a mega buster.
*Revives cause the Blue Bomber deserves to live*

I personally wouldn't mind a reboot series. But it has to be very good and I mean really good. Imagine playing it on the 3DS I bet it would like insane and there are plenty of ways to spice up battles using the 3DS gyro sensor and such. But most important is story of more of cookie cutter characters like in Starforce. Any ideas on what you'd want for a storyline? An original story though. Although it can tie (in some way) to previous games.
Bumping for a weird reason that will probably have everyone after my head again.
So I am considering picking up MegaMan Starforce 3 again, because I saw one guy playing it at my cardshop and just enjoying it and kicking back, because, with all things considered, that game is fun - and really good as well. It also has one of the best multiplayer functions I've seen in any game, ever.

I got Red Joker on the day it came out but 100% the game about two weeks later (to 100% SF2, it took me about twice that time), and thus I no longer have it. (Exceptions being the Omega bosses, since their locations are not fixed, but I did beat some of the Sigma bosses - yes, Sirius Sigma was 1 of them.) I'd like to get it again, but unless I can find enough people to BrotherBand with, I don't think it'll be worth it. (Granted, I could just Rogue Noise all the things, but that's what I did last time I had this game.)
So I guess I'd like to see a few people raise their hands as to who has it, or would be willing to pick it up if I do.
I've played the game before, and it was fun, but I don't own it. I've actually been meaning to get my hands on the entire SF series, I only have the first one.
SF1 = bad to okay
SF2 = good to above-average
SF3 = spectacular
SF1 is pretty annoying. I remember, the one I got from a kid on my street (Who provided me with BN 3 + 4 [both of 4, white version of 3] )

The game was eh. In the beginning, I got up to the part where you meet omega and it would keep freezing, so I had to listen to Luna's speech over and over again! Finally gave up at the bulls stage.
The X series (at least X-X3, those originally for SNES) are some of my favorite games of all time. X was my second game I ever owned, so it's not a stretch to say I grew up on these games. I was so lucky to find an X3 cart with manual about 10 years ago for about $30...super cheap compared to what it goes for today.

I can beat X and X2 blindfolded...but I still have trouble with X3. Go figure.