Pokemon The Most Forgotten Pokémon

Re: RE: The Most Forgotten Pokémon

Dustin DeVine said:
Starboard Driger said:

Oh, I literally forgot that existed... I probably forgot because it's small, it's a bug type (ew), and I mean... who even cares about the Surskit line?


Oh my god, Surskit! Haven't seen one of those for a while. Do you reckon Game Freak knows that maybe some of their Pokémon are just going to be useless? Just like they are PokéDex fillers to get the numbers up? xD
^Like, Masquerain (and Surskit) just got printed in Megalo Cannon, it can be caught in B2W2 as a Swarm Pokémon... and it could be caught in that route just above the Resort Area in DPPt (by surfing, Surskit was pretty easy to find)... Also, the fact Surskit is the only Bug/Water poké, doesn't make it a very forgettable pokémon imo...
I keep forgetting about Gen 3's fossils. Maybe it's because their designs are so atrocious that my brain just locked them somewhere far away.

Man, Gen 3 had a lot of forgettable Pokemon now that I think about it. Lotad, Seedot, Taillow, Gulpin, Surskit, Masquerain....I just keep forgetting about them. At one point I even forgot Mudkip was a starter!
Maybe I should add that I don't forget Pokémon. I just listed the most "forgettable" ones.
I'd say the most forgotten pokemon tend to be middle-evolutions in three-part lines. Either the cute first stage or most "usable" final stage is popular, the middle relegated to a stepping-stone with relatively little fandom.

Some of the only noteworthy exceptions that come to mind are Grovyle, which everyone seems to love way more than Sceptile, and those that were around a few generations before getting a final stage, like Chansey.

Dustin DeVine said:
Oh, I literally forgot that existed... I probably forgot because it's small, it's a bug type (ew), and I mean... who even cares about the Surskit line?

What's wrong with bug types?

I am horrendously afraid of bugs.

-Dustin DeVine

My only problem with the Surskit line is that it goes from bug/water to bug/flying. Water striders can fly, but that's not what they're known for. It should've just evolved into a more elaborate water strider.
Bogleech said:
I'd say the most forgotten pokemon tend to be middle-evolutions in three-part lines. Either the cute first stage or most "usable" final stage is popular, the middle relegated to a stepping-stone with relatively little fandom.

Some of the only noteworthy exceptions that come to mind are Grovyle, which everyone seems to love way more than Sceptile, and those that were around a few generations before getting a final stage, like Chansey.

Dustin DeVine said:
Oh, I literally forgot that existed... I probably forgot because it's small, it's a bug type (ew), and I mean... who even cares about the Surskit line?

What's wrong with bug types?

My only problem with the Surskit line is that it goes from bug/water to bug/flying. Water striders can fly, but that's not what they're known for. It should've just evolved into a more elaborate water strider.

Grovyle was a main character in PMD TDS, so I don't find it forgettable and I like a lot of middle evo starters.
I always forget about Miltank, Bouffalant, and Tauros. I also forget about Mincinno's line, which sucks because I love them.
I can never forget Miltank after I first played Pokémon Gold. Never. *shudder*
TheAmazingDerpfish said:
I keep forgetting about Gen 3's fossils. Maybe it's because their designs are so atrocious that my brain just locked them somewhere far away.

Man, Gen 3 had a lot of forgettable Pokemon now that I think about it. Lotad, Seedot, Taillow, Gulpin, Surskit, Masquerain....I just keep forgetting about them. At one point I even forgot Mudkip was a starter!

I... um... like and remember all of those. Sapphire was my first game, so I remember Pokemon from there. Sudowoodo, however, is very forgettable. Nothing against the tree look-alike though.
Tsukeo said:
I can never forget Miltank after I first played Pokémon Gold. Never. *shudder*

Although I've never had the privilege of playing a gen 2 game, I'll go out on a limb and assume we're talking about Whitney's extremely annoying Miltank that JUST WON'T DIE!
Ledian. I went to a Battle Roads recently and said something about a Ledian during one of my rounds and my opponent said "what's a Ledian?"
Zangoose from Hoenn. If for some reason it is so forgettable you don't know what it is, heres a link to one.

oakbark said:
Huntail and Gorebyss.

I wouldn't say Gorebyss is forgotten, it's been a pretty good Baton Passer in the past, and it's even better now its got Shell Smash.

But 100% agreed on Huntail.
I have yet to see a post in this thread of a Pokemon I had 'forgotten', or hadn't thought about in a while. The anime does wonders in adequately exposing a lot of the ones mentioned so far. Watch the shows people you won't be forgetting about these! :p
Whuddabout Anorith? So cute.

Kricketune + it's prevo Kakarot Kricketot.

TBH Many of the Gen 5 mons I can't recall. Although I suppose that's because they haven't been around as long.
Frezgle said:
Metalizard said:
BUT, like mitja just said, I don't know if it's just because I have a very good memory but I NEVER forget any pokémon, I remember every single one when I'm trying to complete the dex in the games, I don't forget the name of any pokémon and although I don't know by memory the exact order of all National Pokédex (because I stopped caring about that after gen 3), I know more or less the general order of most of it...

I never literally forget any Pokemon, but there are some that are just... never at the forefront of my memory. Whenver I find a Finneon, it's not, "Oh, I forgot Finneon exists!" It's more, "Oh yeah, Finneon, haven't seen that in a while".

(Also, unless there's a post I missed, I'm happy to not see Dunsparce mentioned here. It used to be the most common Pokemon I'd see mentioned in this type of discussion, but because of that it's now popular in its own way lol. Leaves us more room to bring up Pokemon that are actually "forgotten".)

Yeah, same here. I know every Pokémon by heart, but some slip my mind if I haven't seen them in a while. If I haven't seen a Pokémon in a while, I'll be like, "Oh yeah! I can't believe I forgot that I can find a Zubat here!"
Like, when I said that, and since you're giving that example, I meant like, I usually know what pokémon I can find in each area, in each game by memory (or maybe it's more like where I can find a specific pokémon but wtv)... I just don't remember other details like the levels or rarity (even though I know those more or less) but I remember each pokémon species... That's because I do lists for myself with the pokémon encounters so I don't always have to check online so I end up memorizing that stuff...
Metalizard said:
Like, when I said that, and since you're giving that example, I meant like, I usually know what pokémon I can find in each area, in each game by memory (or maybe it's more like where I can find a specific pokémon but wtv)... I just don't remember other details like the levels or rarity (even though I know those more or less) but I remember each pokémon species... That's because I do lists for myself with the pokémon encounters so I don't always have to check online so I end up memorizing that stuff...

Wow! I commend you for taking the time to do that. That must have been very time-consuming.

I remember when I had just started getting into Pokémon, I would always forget about Buizel for some reason. :/