Wi-Fi Trades The MT. Equin0x Trading Climb! All rarities! Shinies, mega stones, iv'd pokemon!

If you could dupe a genesect, shiny mew, or a shiny kanto starter for me, that'd be great. CML, and I will be getting a shiny siggllo by trade soon.
I really want your shiny larvitar! is it kalos bred? is it male? is it adamant? f it is all that then I would like to trade my shiny 6 iv adamant rayquaza for it!
King Xerneas said:
Cml for shiny Arbok and Ampharos.

Can you give me info on shiny meowstic?

Reggie McGigas said:
If you could dupe a genesect, shiny mew, or a shiny kanto starter for me, that'd be great. CML, and I will be getting a shiny siggllo by trade soon.

Who said I have 2 different ds?

shadowF said:
I really want your shiny larvitar! is it kalos bred? is it male? is it adamant? f it is all that then I would like to trade my shiny 6 iv adamant rayquaza for it!

already have rayquaza sorry
Are either of your shiny Glaceon female?
MT. Equin0x said:
King Xerneas said:
Cml for shiny Arbok and Ampharos.

Can you give me info on shiny meowstic?

Reggie McGigas said:
If you could dupe a genesect, shiny mew, or a shiny kanto starter for me, that'd be great. CML, and I will be getting a shiny siggllo by trade soon.

Who said I have 2 different ds?

shadowF said:
I really want your shiny larvitar! is it kalos bred? is it male? is it adamant? f it is all that then I would like to trade my shiny 6 iv adamant rayquaza for it!

already have rayquaza sorry

Well it's male, has Infiltrator, pretty average IVs, and has lovely green eyes.
What would you be interested in for the aggronite megastone? I'll offer 2-3 5IV specially-bred Pokemon for it.
Galaxy Hunter said:
What would you be interested in for the aggronite megastone? I'll offer 2-3 5IV specially-bred Pokemon for it.
Would you do a shiny for it?

Reggie McGigas said:
Well, you could always dupe it with a friend or one of us?
I have no friends T-T

xDkoYx said:
Would you Cml for Deoxys or trade it for my Heatran?
Which deoxys is it that you want? I have shiny, non shiny, shiny comp, etc
PMJ said:
Are either of your shiny Glaceon female?
Yes the 5iv one, the 6iv one no longer exist...i need to take it off the list

King Xerneas said:
MT. Equin0x said:
Can you give me info on shiny meowstic?

Who said I have 2 different ds?

already have rayquaza sorry

Well it's male, has Infiltrator, pretty average IVs, and has lovely green eyes.

Would you do Shiny Ampharos for it?

Rayquazapokemon20 said:
I have All the start Pokemon tall me whack ones you will need i breed the ones you will need And You will git the eggs.

What do you want?

shadowF said:
4iv shiny honedge for the shiny larvitar?

I already have shiny aegislash. Do you have anything else?

King Xerneas said:
Would a shiny Thundurus interest you??

Already have one so no
I am wanting these shiny, also what gender are they?
I have these wants of yours
- A Mamoswine with ice shard
- Technician 5 IV Breloom
- 5 IV Clawitzer
CML also and let me know if we can work something out.
I'm interested in that shiny female Glaceon. I have a few assorted shinies in my trade thread, as well as an unlisted 4IV shiny Jolly Magikarp that I hatched just a few hours ago. I also have several 4-5 IV pokes.