Wi-Fi Trades The MT. Equin0x Trading Climb! All rarities! Shinies, mega stones, iv'd pokemon!

I got a shiny golurk, once I dupe it I would be interested in trading it for shiny kanto starters, shiny mew, or shiny genesect.
Reggie McGigas said:
I got a shiny golurk, once I dupe it I would be interested in trading it for shiny kanto starters, shiny mew, or shiny genesect.
Not interested in golurk, had one before, was almost impossible to get rid of.
zapper1998 said:
Hey what's the iv spread on thw shiny pinsir lmk! Thanks
Edit: nature too

IV Spread is 31/31/31/31/31/31, Jolly Nature

MrSquarepants said:
Check my thread for Seviper, and Bunnelby?

Are any of your shinies competitive?

kevmar said:
cml shiny eevee
cml for meolloeta!!

IVs and Nature of your Greninja?

Big Wants atm: - Shiny Venusaur 5/6 ivs Chlorophyll Ability, Modest Nature
- Shiny Charizard 5/6 ivs Ability doesnt matter, Modest Nature
- Shiny Mamoswine 5/6 ivs w/ icicle crash, and icicle spear, Thick Fat, Adament Nature
- Shiny Salamence 5/6 ivs Intimidate Ability, Timid or Modest Nature
- Shiny Wash Rotom 5/6 ivs Levitate, Calm Nature