Pokemon the new legendaries...

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...well, I think it's safe to assume that those two beefy looking pokemon on the front of the magazine (on PB's main page) are the new legendaries... but do you guys think they're any good? I think they suck! >.<
They look cool and I hope they are legendary and I wonder what attcks they will have.:)
I don't know. They look strong, I'll give them that. Of course, a good Tyranitar could keep them at bay;)
Yeah they do look strong and I hope they have good HP too.:)
will they be as powerful as groudon or kyogre though... if they are, then thats an extra two on the totally broken list huh?
Hurricane would be great, it'd probably increase the power of flying type moves or something ^-^;
The new region looks kinda snowy... maybe hail as well?
well they can already do sunny day, rain dance, earthquake, surf, waterfall, and some other stuff me can't think of.

But Back on Topic:
they loook cool, but you can't see 'em too well. but they look like htey have great HP.

Arcanine out.
They dont look like pokemon though... in fact, they look completely evil. But yeah, the one on the right has "tank" written all over it.
yeah, look REAL close and...

Wonder how many legendaries there are gonna be in this generation?

1st gen) 5
2nd gen) 6
3rd gen) errr... 10?
RE:  the new legendaries...

bacon-boy said:
They dont look like pokemon though... in fact, they look completely evil. But yeah, the one on the right has "tank" written all over it.
Yeah, just look at it's hide. The circles around it's arms look like the ones from Registeel.
ladys and gentlemen behold! Lugia V2...

Dunno about the other one though, I guess it has opposite stats... so it will be great at attacking, but not such a great defence.

Oh looky here a thread about the new legendaries:

I have tons of good info about them(as you've seen in the News Capsule)


Both are Cyborg pokemon created by the laeders of the 2 Villanous teams in Diamond & Pearl.

They Represent a Diamond & Pearl. Blue=Diamond, Pink=Pearl.

Names: Blue= Tiagaga, Pink= Ruhakia

Both are found in the opposite game(like the latis)

Tiagaga=Pearl, Ruakia=Diamond

They are "polar" opposites like Groudon & Kyogre.

They are both coveted by the opposite team leader.

their types are steel/??? something

they pink one can fly & the blue one swims(speculation based on info)

that's all i have so far after surfinging from 1 japanese site to another...(had to get a decoder program in order to read)
I wonder how the third one looks like?
You know in every genereation they got a third game.like in the first they had r and b then a yeloow and the 2nd they got a g/s then later a crytsal and the third was emereald.
So they probably got a topaz,opal,jade or anything like that.
And it must be created by a good team.
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